documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IPoint


locationin MutableRectangleGets the position of this rectangle.
anchorin OrientedRectangleGets or sets the anchor of this oriented rectangle.
locationin IBendGets the location of the bend in the world coordinate system.
dynamicLocationin IPortGets a live view of the location of the port in world coordinates.
locationin SimpleBendGets or sets the location of this bend.
locationin ConstrainedDragHandlerGets the wrappedHandler's location property.
dragPointin CreateEdgeInputModeGets the dynamically updated dragging point for the edge creation.
mousePositionin DropInputModeGets the current mouse position during drag operations.
locationin GroupingNodePositionHandlerGets a view of the location of the item.
locationin IDragHandlerGets a view of the location of the item.
locationin LabelPositionHandler
currentLocationin MovementInfoGets the current location as a live point.
pointin PointBasedSnapLineGets the point that is associated with this snap line.
locationin PortLocationModelParameterHandle
locationin PortRelocationHandleGets a view of the location of the item.
locationin RectangleHandleGets a view of the center of the handle.
locationin ReparentStripePositionHandler
locationin ReshapeHandlerHandleGets a view of the center of the handle.
anchorin TextEditorInputModeGets or sets the anchor of the text box.
locationin TextEditorInputModeGets or sets the location of the text box in world coordinates.
upVectorin TextEditorInputModeGets or sets the point that describes the "up"-vector that will be used to determine the orientation of the text box in the world coordinate system.
snapOffsetsin AlignmentStageDataGets or sets the mapping from nodes to the points relative to the center that are aligned.
nodeLocationsin GivenCoordinatesStageDataGets or sets the mapping from nodes to their initial location.

Method Return Values

getPathPoints (IEdge)in IEdgeGets a snapshot of the points describing the path of an edge.
getCenterPoint (Object)in PointSelectionIndicatorInstallerFactory method that retrieves the center for a given user object.

Method Parameters

areaContains (IPoint, number?)in GeneralPathChecks whether the point lies inside the area that is described by this path instance.
cubicTo (IPoint, IPoint, IPoint)in GeneralPathAppends a cubic Bézier curve to the path elements.
lineTo (IPoint)in GeneralPathAppends a LINE_TO operation to the path elements.
moveTo (IPoint)in GeneralPathAppends a MOVE_TO operation to the path elements.
pathContains (IPoint, number?)in GeneralPathTests whether the line of the path is hit at the given point using an epsilon for fuzzy hit testing.
quadTo (IPoint, IPoint)in GeneralPathAppends a quadratic Bézier curve to the path elements.
relocate (IPoint)in IMutablePointSets the coordinates of the point to the given values.
add (IPoint)in IMutableRectangleAdds a point to a rectangle, possibly enlarging the rectangle.
reshape (IPoint, ISize)in IMutableRectangleApplies a new position and size to a given mutable rectangle.
distanceTo (IPoint)in IPointCalculates the Euclidean distance between two points.
contains (IPoint)in IRectangleDetermines whether the given rectangle contains the provided point.
MutablePoint (IPoint)in MutablePointCreates an instance using the given coordinate pair.
hitsPolyline (IEnumerable<IPoint>, number)in PointDetermines whether a polygonal line is hit by this point given an epsilon.
fromCenter (IPoint, ISize)in RectCreates a new instance given the center of the rectangle and its size.
intersectsPolyline (IEnumerable<IPoint>)in RectDetermines whether a rectangle intersects a polygonal line.
createAnchored (IPoint, number?)in FreeLabelModelCreates a new label at the given dynamic location using the provided angle.
SimpleBend (IEdge?, IPoint?, )in SimpleBendInitializes a new instance of the SimpleBend class using the given owner and location.
doStartEdgeCreation (IPortCandidate, IPoint?)in CreateEdgeInputModeSynthetically starts the interactive edge creation process using the provided IPortCandidate as the source port.
create ()in IDragHandlerCreates an implementation of the interface IDragHandler from the given definition.
create ()in IHandleCreates an implementation of the interface IHandle from the given definition.
create ()in IPositionHandlerCreates an implementation of the interface IPositionHandler from the given definition.
fromPoint (IPoint)in LassoTestablesCreates an implementation of the ILassoTestable interface that tests if the point is contained in the lasso path.
addGridLineSnapResult (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, INode, SnapLineSnapTypes, IPoint, Point, Point, number, number, Point, SnapTypes)in NodeReshapeSnapResultProviderAdds a snap result for a location that snaps to a grid line.
PointBasedSnapLine (IPoint, SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, SnapLineVisualizationType, Point, Object, number)in PointBasedSnapLineInitializes a new instance of the PointBasedSnapLine class.
PointBasedSnapLine (IPoint, SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, SnapLineVisualizationType, Point, number, number, Object, number)in PointBasedSnapLineInitializes a new instance of the PointBasedSnapLine class.
determineGesture (IInputModeContext, IPoint, IStripe, StripeSubregion, Rect)in ReparentStripePositionHandlerDetermine the reparent gesture that would result from the given parameters.
TextEditorInputMode (HTMLDivElement?, )in TextEditorInputModeCreates a new instance using a default text box or the provided editor.
AlignmentStageData ()in AlignmentStageDataCreates a new instance of AlignmentStageData which helps configuring AlignmentStage.
GivenCoordinatesStageData ()in GivenCoordinatesStageDataCreates a new instance of GivenCoordinatesStageData which helps configuring GivenCoordinatesStage.
moveAreaOutline (IPoint)in ClearAreaLayoutMoves the areaOutline by the given delta.
createEdgeSegmentAnimation (IGraph, IEdge, IPoint, Point, Point, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation that animates the given edge's bends from its current shape linearly to the shape given by the endBends and final port locations.
PointSelectionIndicatorInstaller (IPoint)in PointSelectionIndicatorInstallerCreates a selection indicator that indicates a point.

Implementing Types

IMutablePointInterface for a mutable point in 2D coordinate space with double precision coordinates.
IRectangleInterface for rectangles aligned to the axes in 2D coordinate space with double precision coordinates.
PointRepresents an immutable point in two-dimensional Cartesian coordinates with double precision.