documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IPathGeometry

Method Return Values

getPathGeometry (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in IEdgeStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IPathGeometry interface that can handle the provided edge and its associated style.
create ()in IPathGeometryCreates an implementation of the interface IPathGeometry from the given definition.
getPathGeometry (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IPathGeometry interface that can handle the provided edge and its associated style.
getPathGeometry (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in VoidEdgeStyleRendererThis method always returns the VoidPathGeometry instance.

Implementing Types

PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererAn abstract base class for IEdgeStyleRenderer implementations that are based on the calculation of a GeneralPath.
VoidPathGeometryA void implementation of the IPathGeometry interface that does nothing and behaves like an empty path.