documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IPartition


partitionin PartitionCellGets the partition to which this PartitionCell belongs.

Method Parameters

PartitionCell (YRectangle, IPartition)in PartitionCellCreates a new PartitionCell of the given IPartition with the location and the size of the given rectangle.
PartitionCell (number, number, number, number, IPartition)in PartitionCellCreates a new PartitionCell instance of the given IPartition with the given bounds.

Implementing Types

GraphPartitionA GraphPartition partitions the bounding box of a graph into rectangles using the graph elements as Obstacles.
IObstaclePartitionThis class implements a IPartition that takes a list of Obstacles as input to subdivide an area into PartitionCells.