documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IParseContext


parentContextin ChildParseContextGets the parent context.
contextin HandleDeserializationEventArgsGets the context in which the xmlNode shall be deserialized.
contextin ParseEventArgsGets the context that is being used for parsing.
contextin QueryInputHandlersEventArgsGets the IParseContext instance that can queried for further information.
contextin QueryTypeEventArgsGets the context in which the Class shall mapped.
contextin ResolveReferenceEventArgsGets the current parse context that can be used by the event handler for additional information.

Method Return Values

createParseContext (IGraph)in GraphMLParserCreate the initial IParseContext instance.

Method Parameters

ChildParseContext (IParseContext, Object)in ChildParseContextInitializes a new instance of the ChildParseContext class that delegates to the provided context and adds the currentObject to the objectStack.
ChildParseContext (IParseContext)in ChildParseContextInitializes a new instance of the ChildParseContext class that delegates to the provided context.
deserializeCore (Class, IParseContext, Node)in ChildParseContext
resolveEdge (IParseContext, string)in GraphElementIdAcceptor
resolveGraph (IParseContext, string)in GraphElementIdAcceptor
resolveNode (IParseContext, string)in GraphElementIdAcceptor
resolvePort (IParseContext, string, string)in GraphElementIdAcceptor
storeEdgeId (IParseContext, IEdge, string)in GraphElementIdAcceptor
storeGraphId (IParseContext, IGraph, string)in GraphElementIdAcceptor
storeNodeId (IParseContext, INode, string)in GraphElementIdAcceptor
storePortId (IParseContext, IPort, string)in GraphElementIdAcceptor
createMapper (Class, Class, IParseContext, Object)in GraphMLIOHandlerCalled by addRegistryInputMapper and its overloads to creates the mapper instance.
GraphMLParseValueSerializerContext (IParseContext)in GraphMLParseValueSerializerContextCreates a new instance that wraps context
deserialize (Class, IParseContext, Node)in GraphMLParserDeserialize the content of element.
getInputHandlers (IParseContext, Element)in GraphMLParserDynamically retrieve all IInputHandler instances that process a GraphML attribute with key definition keyDefinition.
HandleDeserializationEventArgs (IParseContext, Node, Class)in HandleDeserializationEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the HandleDeserializationEventArgs class.
addPort (IParseContext, IPortOwner)in IGraphElementFactoryAdds a new port to the given IPortOwner.
create ()in IGraphElementFactoryCreates an implementation of the interface IGraphElementFactory from the given definition.
createEdge (IParseContext, INode, IPort, INode, IPort)in IGraphElementFactoryCreates an edge for the given context and the provided source and target nodes or ports.
createNode (IParseContext)in IGraphElementFactoryCreates a node for the given context.
create ()in IGraphElementIdAcceptorCreates an implementation of the interface IGraphElementIdAcceptor from the given definition.
storeEdgeId (IParseContext, IEdge, string)in IGraphElementIdAcceptorStore the value of the id attribute for the given edge.
storeGraphId (IParseContext, IGraph, string)in IGraphElementIdAcceptorStore the value of the id attribute for the given graph.
storeNodeId (IParseContext, INode, string)in IGraphElementIdAcceptorStore the value of the id attribute for the given node.
storePortId (IParseContext, IPort, string)in IGraphElementIdAcceptorStore the value of the id attribute for the given port.
create ()in IGraphElementResolverCreates an implementation of the interface IGraphElementResolver from the given definition.
resolveEdge (IParseContext, string)in IGraphElementResolverResolve the GraphML id to an IEdge instance.
resolveGraph (IParseContext, string)in IGraphElementResolverResolve the GraphML id to an IGraph instance.
resolveNode (IParseContext, string)in IGraphElementResolverResolve the GraphML id to an INode instance.
resolvePort (IParseContext, string, string)in IGraphElementResolverResolve the GraphML id to an IPort instance.
applyDefault (IParseContext)in IInputHandlerThis method is invoked when no data tag is defined, and the default value should be applied.
create ()in IInputHandlerCreates an implementation of the interface IInputHandler from the given definition.
parseData (IParseContext, Node)in IInputHandlerThis method is invoked each time a data element with matching key is processed.
deserializeCore (Class, IParseContext, Node)in IParseContextDeserialize the object representation in targetNode
getClassForName (IParseContext, XmlName)in IXamlNameMapperReturns a Class that matches the given fqTagName of an XML element.
applyDefault (IParseContext)in InputHandlerBaseThis method is invoked when no data tag is defined, and the default value should be applied.
initializeFromKeyDefinition (IParseContext, Element)in InputHandlerBaseInitializes this instance from the GraphML key definition.
parseData (IParseContext, Node)in InputHandlerBaseThis method is invoked each time a data element with matching key is processed.
parseDataCore (IParseContext, Node)in InputHandlerBaseAbstract method callback that actually parses the data.
setValue (IParseContext, TKey, TData)in InputHandlerBaseAbstract method callback that actually stores the value with the keys.
applyDefault (IParseContext)in MapperInputHandlerOverridden to take the overrideDefaultValue property into account.
getDeserializationXmlNode (IParseContext, Node)in MapperInputHandlerGets the node to pass to deserializer or IParseContext.Deserialize respectively, given the 'data' or 'default' element from the GraphML.
parseDataCore (IParseContext, Node)in MapperInputHandlerParses the data using either the deserializer or the deserializeCore call.
setValue (IParseContext, TKey, TData)in MapperInputHandlerThis method uses the mapper to associate the data with the key.
ParseEventArgs (IParseContext, Element)in ParseEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the ParseEventArgs class.
QueryInputHandlersEventArgs (IParseContext, Element, IList<IInputHandler>)in QueryInputHandlersEventArgsCreate a new instance.
QueryTypeEventArgs (IParseContext, XmlName)in QueryTypeEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the QueryTypeEventArgs class.
ResolveReferenceEventArgs (IParseContext, string)in ResolveReferenceEventArgsCreates a new instance of ResolveReferenceEventArgs.
deserialize (IParseContext, Element)in XamlReaderDeserializes the specified element node in the context to an instance.

Implementing Types

ChildParseContextAn implementation of IParseContext that delegates most calls to a parentContext, but adds the capability to locally add lookup results and deserialization properties