documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


layoutin ILabelGets a snapshot of the current layout of the label.
labelEndBoundsin LayoutExecutorAsyncGets a mapping from labels in the graph to their new layout, after the results are in.
layoutin DefaultLabelStyleRendererGets or sets the current layout.
layoutin TemplateLabelStyleRendererGets the layout of the current label.


EMPTYin IOrientedRectangleAn immutable empty IOrientedRectangle with width and height of -1.

Method Return Values

toImmutableOrientedRectangle ()in YOrientedRectangleCreates an immutable IOrientedRectangle from a given YOrientedRectangle.
createImmutable (number, number, number, number, number, number)in OrientedRectangleCreates an immutable IOrientedRectangle with the given values.
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in BezierEdgePathLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in BezierEdgeSegmentLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in CompositeLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in DescriptorWrapperLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in EdgePathLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in EdgeSegmentLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in ExteriorLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in FreeEdgeLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in FreeLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in FreeNodeLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in FreePortLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in GenericLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in GroupNodeLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in ILabelModelCalculates the geometry of the given label using the given model parameter.
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in InsideOutsidePortLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in InteriorLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in InteriorStretchLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in NinePositionsEdgeLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in NodeLabelModelStripeLabelModelAdapter
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in SandwichLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in SmartEdgeLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in StretchStripeLabelModelCalculates the geometry in form of an IOrientedRectangle for a given label using the given model parameter.
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in StripeLabelModelCalculates the geometry in form of an IOrientedRectangle for a given label using the given model parameter.
getLabelLayout (Point, ILabel)in LabelDropInputModeGet the layout the dragged label currently has.
getRectangle (Object)in OrientedRectangleIndicatorInstallerFactory method that returns an IOrientedRectangle for a given user object.

Method Parameters

appendOrientedRectangle (IOrientedRectangle, boolean)in GeneralPathAppends an IOrientedRectangle to this path instance.
OrientedRectangle (IOrientedRectangle)in OrientedRectangleCreates a new instance using the provided values to initialize.
reshape (IOrientedRectangle)in OrientedRectangleApplies the values provided by the given instance to the values of this instance.
intersects (IOrientedRectangle, number?)in RectDetermines whether this rectangle intersects an IOrientedRectangle, given an epsilon.
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in BezierEdgePathLabelModel
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in BezierEdgeSegmentLabelModel
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in CompositeLabelModelTries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance.
calculateMetric (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter, IOrientedRectangle)in DefaultLabelModelParameterFinderCalculates a metric for the given label/parameter pair and the target label layout.
distance (IOrientedRectangle, IOrientedRectangle)in DefaultLabelModelParameterFinderReturns the distance between two IOrientedRectangle instances.
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in DefaultLabelModelParameterFinderTries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance.
selectBestParameter (ILabel, IOrientedRectangle, IEnumerable<ILabelModelParameter>)in DefaultLabelModelParameterFinderTries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance among the set of given parameters.
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in EdgePathLabelModel
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in EdgeSegmentLabelModel
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in FreeEdgeLabelModelTries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance.
createDynamic (IOrientedRectangle)in FreeLabelModelCreates a new label model parameter that dynamically reads the label layout from the provided instance.
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in FreeLabelModel
createCanonicalParameter (Rect, IOrientedRectangle, Point?)in FreeNodeLabelModelCreates a parameter instance that anchors the labelLayout relative to the nodeLayout.
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in FreeNodeLabelModelTries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance.
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in FreePortLabelModelTries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance.
create (function(ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle):ILabelModelParameter)in ILabelModelParameterFinderCreates an implementation of the interface ILabelModelParameterFinder by using the given function as implementation for its findBestParameter method.
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in ILabelModelParameterFinderTries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance.
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in SmartEdgeLabelModel
collectSnapResults (LabelSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, IOrientedRectangle, ILabel)in ILabelSnapContextHelperCalled while the given label is dragged to add snap results for the snap lines provided by the context.
create ()in ILabelSnapContextHelperCreates an implementation of the interface ILabelSnapContextHelper from the given definition.
getDistance (IOrientedRectangle, Point)in LabelPositionHandlerCalculates a distance value between a candidate rectangle and the mouse location.
collectSnapResults (LabelSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, IOrientedRectangle, ILabel)in LabelSnapContextHelper
fromOrientedRectangle (IOrientedRectangle)in LassoTestablesCreates an implementation of the ILassoTestable interface that tests if the orientedRectangle intersects the area of the lasso path.
createLayoutTransform (IRenderContext, IOrientedRectangle, boolean)in LabelStyleBaseCreates a transform matrix that can be applied to a Visual to arrange it according to the given layout and autoFlip rule.
createLayoutTransform (IOrientedRectangle, boolean)in LabelStyleBaseCreates a transform matrix that can be applied to a Visual to arrange it according to the given layout and autoFlip rule.
OrientedRectangleIndicatorInstaller (IOrientedRectangle, string?)in OrientedRectangleIndicatorInstallerInitializes a new instance of the OrientedRectangleIndicatorInstaller class with fixed bounds and a string.

Implementing Types

IMutableOrientedRectangleInterface for mutable oriented rectangles in 2D coordinate space with double precision coordinates.
MutableRectangleA mutable rectangle in 2D coordinate space with double precision values stored in an instance of IMutablePoint and IMutableSize.