documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of INodeStyle


folderNodeStylein DefaultFolderNodeConverterGets or sets the INodeStyle to use for the collapsed group nodes.
stylein FolderNodeStateGets or sets the style of this node.
stylein INodeGets the style that is responsible for the visual representation of this node in a CanvasComponent.
stylein INodeDefaultsGets or sets the style to use for nodes.
stylein NodeDefaults
stylein SimpleNodeGets or sets the style that is responsible for the visual representation of this node in a CanvasComponent.
wrappedin CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorGets or sets the wrapped node style that will be used to perform the actual rendering of the node.
groupNodeStylein GraphOverviewSvgVisualCreatorGets or sets the overview group node style.
nodeStylein GraphOverviewSvgVisualCreatorGets or sets the overview node style.
wrappedin IndicatorNodeStyleDecoratorGets the wrapped node style.
nodeStylein NodeStyleLabelStyleAdapterGets the INodeStyle that is used for rendering the background of the label.
nodeStylein NodeStylePortStyleAdapterGets the INodeStyle that is used for rendering the port.
nodeStylein NodeStyleStripeStyleAdapterGets the INodeStyle that is used for rendering the stripe.
wrappedin ShadowNodeStyleDecoratorGets or sets the wrapped node style instance by reference.
backgroundStylein TableNodeStyleGets or sets the style that is used to draw the background of the table.
nodeStylein GraphFocusIndicatorManagerGets or sets the style to use for the node focus rendering.
nodeStylein GraphHighlightIndicatorManagerGets or sets the style to use for the node highlight rendering.
nodeStylein GraphSelectionIndicatorManagerGets or sets the style to use for the node selection rendering.
nodeStylein NodeStyleDecorationInstallerGets or sets the style to use for the rendering.

Method Return Values

getStyle (TDataItem)in NodeCreatorObtains an INodeStyle instance or null by resolving the styleProvider.
getUpdatedStyle (IGraph, INode, TDataItem)in NodeCreatorResolves the styleProvider and then applies the style bindings.
createNodeStyle (IFoldingView, INode, INode)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterCreates the INodeStyle for use in initializeFolderNodeStyle.
copyNodeStyle (IGraph, INode)in GraphCopierCopies an INodeStyle instance.
getStyleInstance ()in INodeDefaultsFactory method that returns a style instance for use with newly created nodes.
getStyleInstance ()in NodeDefaults
getWrappedStyle ()in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererYields the wrapped property for the current style
getGroupNodeStyle (INode)in GraphOverviewSvgVisualCreatorReturns and/or configures a group node style for the given node to render.
getNodeStyle (INode)in GraphOverviewSvgVisualCreatorReturns and/or configures a node style for the given node to render.
copyBackgroundStyle (INodeStyle)in TableNodeStyleCreate a copy of the background style when this style instance is cloned
getBackgroundStyle ()in TableNodeStyleRendererGet the background style that is currently used by this renderer.

Method Parameters

createNodeCore (IGraph, boolean, INode, Rect, INodeStyle, Object)in NodeCreatorCalled from createNode and performs the actual node creation in the graph.
DefaultFolderNodeConverter ()in DefaultFolderNodeConverterInitializes a new instance of this class with default values.
createGroupNode (INode?, Rect?, INodeStyle?, Object?)in DefaultGraph
createNode (Rect, INodeStyle?, Object?)in DefaultGraph
createNode (INode?, Rect?, INodeStyle?, Object?)in DefaultGraph
createUndoUnitForNodeStyleChange (INode, INodeStyle)in DefaultGraphCreates the undo unit for changing the style of the given node.
onChangingNodeStyle (INode, INodeStyle)in DefaultGraphCalled before a node style is being changed.
onNodeStyleChanged (INode, INodeStyle)in DefaultGraphCalled after a node style has changed.
setStyle (INode, INodeStyle)in DefaultGraphAssigns the given style instance by reference to the node.
createGroupNode (INode?, Rect?, INodeStyle?, Object?)in FilteredGraphWrapper
createNode (INode?, Rect?, INodeStyle?, Object?)in FilteredGraphWrapper
createGroupNode (INode?, Rect?, INodeStyle?, Object?)in GraphWrapperBase
createNode (Rect, INodeStyle?, Object?)in GraphWrapperBase
createNode (INode?, Rect?, INodeStyle?, Object?)in GraphWrapperBase
onNodeStyleChanged (ItemChangedEventArgs<INode,INodeStyle>)in GraphWrapperBaseRaises the NodeStyleChanged event
setStyle (INode, INodeStyle)in GraphWrapperBase
createFolderNode (INode?, Rect?, INodeStyle?, Object?)in IFoldingViewDirectly creates a collapsed node on this instance with the given parameters.
createGroupNode (INode?, Rect?, INodeStyle?, Object?, )in IGraphCreates a new group node using the provided style and layout as a child of parent.
createNode (Rect, INodeStyle?, Object?, )in IGraphCreates and returns a node using the specified values for the initial geometry, style, and tag.
createNode (INode?, Rect?, INodeStyle?, Object?, )in IGraphCreates a new ordinary node as a direct descendant of parent using the given layout and style.
createNodeAt (Point, INodeStyle?, Object?, )in IGraphCreates and returns a node using the specified initial center location and style, as well as the tag.
setStyle (INode, INodeStyle)in IGraphAssigns the given style instance by reference to the node.
NodeDefaults ()in NodeDefaultsInitializes a new instance of the NodeDefaults class using default properties.
SimpleNode ()in SimpleNodeCreates a default node with default lookup, an instance of VoidNodeStyle, empty layout and no labels or ports.
getBoundsProvider (INode, INodeStyle)in ArrowNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in ArrowNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getHitTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in ArrowNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getMarqueeTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in ArrowNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in ArrowNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node properties, calls configure and returns this.
getVisibilityTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in ArrowNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getVisualCreator (INode, INodeStyle)in ArrowNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getBoundsProvider (INode, INodeStyle)in BevelNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in BevelNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getHitTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in BevelNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getMarqueeTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in BevelNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in BevelNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node properties, calls configure and returns this.
getVisibilityTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in BevelNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getVisualCreator (INode, INodeStyle)in BevelNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
CollapsibleNodeStyleDecorator (INodeStyle?, CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRenderer?, )in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorInitializes a new instance of the CollapsibleNodeStyleDecorator class using the provided style for the wrapped property and the provided CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRenderer as renderer.
getBoundsProvider (INode, INodeStyle)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getHitTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getMarqueeTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererConfigures the style and node properties, calls configure and returns this.
getVisibilityTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getVisualCreator (INode, INodeStyle)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getBoundsProvider (INode, INodeStyle)in GeneralPathNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in GeneralPathNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getHitTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in GeneralPathNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getMarqueeTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in GeneralPathNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in GeneralPathNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node properties, calls configure and returns this.
getVisibilityTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in GeneralPathNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getVisualCreator (INode, INodeStyle)in GeneralPathNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getBoundsProvider (INode, INodeStyle)in GroupNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in GroupNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getHitTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in GroupNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getMarqueeTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in GroupNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in GroupNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node properties, calls configure and returns this.
getVisibilityTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in GroupNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getVisualCreator (INode, INodeStyle)in GroupNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getBoundsProvider (INode, INodeStyle)in INodeStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IBoundsProvider interface that can handle the provided node and its associated style.
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in INodeStyleRendererGets a temporary context instance that can be used to query additional information for the node's style.
getHitTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in INodeStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IHitTestable interface that can handle the provided node and its associated style.
getMarqueeTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in INodeStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IMarqueeTestable interface that can handle the provided node and its associated style.
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in INodeStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IShapeGeometry interface that can handle the provided node and its associated style.
getVisibilityTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in INodeStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IVisibilityTestable interface that can handle the provided node and its associated style.
getVisualCreator (INode, INodeStyle)in INodeStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IVisualCreator interface that can handle the provided node and its associated style.
getBoundsProvider (INode, INodeStyle)in ImageNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in ImageNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getHitTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in ImageNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getMarqueeTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in ImageNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in ImageNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node properties, calls configure and returns this.
getVisibilityTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in ImageNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getVisualCreator (INode, INodeStyle)in ImageNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
IndicatorNodeStyleDecorator (INodeStyle?, )in IndicatorNodeStyleDecoratorCreates a new instance wrapping the provided style.
NodeStyleLabelStyleAdapter (INodeStyle?, ILabelStyle?, )in NodeStyleLabelStyleAdapterCreates a label style that uses the provided node style to render the background and the label style to render the foreground of this style.
NodeStylePortStyleAdapter (INodeStyle?, )in NodeStylePortStyleAdapterCreates a port style that uses the provided node style to render the port.
NodeStyleStripeStyleAdapter (INodeStyle?)in NodeStyleStripeStyleAdapterCreates a stripe style that uses the provided node style to render the stripe.
getBoundsProvider (INode, INodeStyle)in PanelNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in PanelNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getHitTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in PanelNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getMarqueeTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in PanelNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in PanelNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node properties, calls configure and returns this.
getVisibilityTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in PanelNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getVisualCreator (INode, INodeStyle)in PanelNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getBoundsProvider (INode, INodeStyle)in RectangleNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in RectangleNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getHitTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in RectangleNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getMarqueeTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in RectangleNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in RectangleNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node properties, calls configure and returns this.
getVisibilityTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in RectangleNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getVisualCreator (INode, INodeStyle)in RectangleNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
ShadowNodeStyleDecorator (INodeStyle?)in ShadowNodeStyleDecoratorCreates a new instance wrapping the provided style.
getBoundsProvider (INode, INodeStyle)in ShapeNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in ShapeNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getHitTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in ShapeNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getMarqueeTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in ShapeNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in ShapeNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node properties, calls configure and returns this.
getVisibilityTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in ShapeNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getVisualCreator (INode, INodeStyle)in ShapeNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getBoundsProvider (INode, INodeStyle)in ShinyPlateNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in ShinyPlateNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getHitTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in ShinyPlateNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getMarqueeTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in ShinyPlateNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in ShinyPlateNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node properties, calls configure and returns this.
getVisibilityTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in ShinyPlateNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getVisualCreator (INode, INodeStyle)in ShinyPlateNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
TableNodeStyle (ITable?, TableNodeStyleRenderer?, )in TableNodeStyleConstructor with a custom renderer implementation that uses table as backing table model.
copyBackgroundStyle (INodeStyle)in TableNodeStyleCreate a copy of the background style when this style instance is cloned
getBoundsProvider (INode, INodeStyle)in TableNodeStyleRenderer
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in TableNodeStyleRenderer
getHitTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in TableNodeStyleRenderer
getMarqueeTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in TableNodeStyleRenderer
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in TableNodeStyleRenderer
getVisibilityTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in TableNodeStyleRenderer
getVisualCreator (INode, INodeStyle)in TableNodeStyleRenderer
getBoundsProvider (INode, INodeStyle)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererProvides a bounds calculation implementation for the given style and node.
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getHitTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererProvides a hit testing implementation for the given style and node.
getMarqueeTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererProvides a marquee testing implementation for the given style and node.
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererProvides the geometry for the visual representation.
getVisibilityTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getVisualCreator (INode, INodeStyle)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getBoundsProvider (INode, INodeStyle)in VoidNodeStyleRendererYields the EMPTY that will return empty bounds.
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in VoidNodeStyleRendererYields a lookup that will only return NEVER if an ILassoTestable is queried.
getHitTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in VoidNodeStyleRendererYields the NEVER that will always report misses.
getMarqueeTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in VoidNodeStyleRendererYields the NEVER that will always report misses.
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in VoidNodeStyleRendererThis implementation always returns the VoidShapeGeometry instance.
getVisibilityTestable (INode, INodeStyle)in VoidNodeStyleRendererYields the NEVER that will always claim invisibility.
getVisualCreator (INode, INodeStyle)in VoidNodeStyleRendererYields the INSTANCE that will do nothing.
GraphFocusIndicatorManager ()in GraphFocusIndicatorManagerCreates a new instance.
GraphHighlightIndicatorManager ()in GraphHighlightIndicatorManagerCreates a new instance.
GraphSelectionIndicatorManager ()in GraphSelectionIndicatorManagerCreates a new instance that for all selected items in the model dynamically installs a selection indicator visualization.
NodeStyleDecorationInstaller ()in NodeStyleDecorationInstallerCreate a new instance of this class.

Implementing Types

ArrowNodeStyleNode style that supports different kinds of arrow shapes with configurable arrow tip angle and arrow shaft thickness.
BevelNodeStyleAn implementation of the INodeStyle that can be used to create rectangular nodes with rounded corners, a bevel border, and a shining background.
CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorDecorates an arbitrary node styles with an additional collapse/expand handle.
GeneralPathNodeStyleA node style that can display node shapes with a boundary that is defined by a GeneralPath instance.
GroupNodeStyleA node style that draws a (rounded) rectangle with an optional ribbon or tab.
ImageNodeStyleA node style that can use an image for the visual representation of a node.
IndicatorNodeStyleDecoratorAllows to scale the visualization of an INodeStyle depending on the zoom level.
NodeStyleBaseAn abstract base class that makes it possible to easily implement a custom INodeStyle.
PanelNodeStyleAn implementation of INodeStyle that draws a floating panel with a slight gradient, a thin border and optionally a drop shadow.
RectangleNodeStyleNode style that uses a rectangular shape as basis and supports configurable round or diagonal corners.
ShadowNodeStyleDecoratorDecorates other node styles with a smooth drop shadow.
ShapeNodeStyleNode style implementation that can show predefined shapes of type ShapeNodeShape.
ShinyPlateNodeStyleImplementation of the INodeStyle which creates rectangular nodes with rounded corners and a highlighted ('shiny plate') interior.
TableNodeStyleAn INodeStyle for tables.
TemplateNodeStyleBaseBase class for node styles that use a SVG snippet as template for the visualization of INodes.
VoidNodeStyleA void implementation of a node style that does nothing and behaves like an invisible style.
WebGLImageNodeStyleA node style that uses WebGL rendering and displays an image for the visual representation of a node.
WebGLShapeNodeStyleA node style that uses WebGL rendering and displays nodes as geometric shapes.