documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


sizeConstraintProviderDecoratorin NodeDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the INodeSizeConstraintProvider type for the INodes this instance has been created for.
sizeConstraintProviderin NodeReshapeHandleProviderGets or sets an INodeSizeConstraintProvider that is passed to the queried handles.
sizeConstraintProviderin NodeReshapeHandlerHandleGets or sets an INodeSizeConstraintProvider that is queried in minimumSize, maximumSize and minimumEnclosedArea if no explicit value was set.

Method Return Values

create ()in INodeSizeConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface INodeSizeConstraintProvider from the given definition.

Implementing Types

NodeSizeConstraintProviderAn implementation of INodeSizeConstraintProvider which provides constant sizes.