documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Method Return Values

create (function(YNode, YNode):number)in INodeDistanceProviderCreates an implementation of the interface INodeDistanceProvider by using the given function as implementation for its getDistance method.

Method Parameters

hierarchicalClustering (Graph, INodeDistanceProvider, Linkage)in GroupAlgorithmPartitions the graph into clusters based on hierarchical clustering.
hierarchicalClustering (Graph, INodeMap, INodeDistanceProvider, Linkage, number)in GroupAlgorithmPartitions the graph into clusters based on hierarchical clustering, while the dendrogram is cut based on a given cut-off value.
hierarchicalClustering (Graph, number, INodeMap, INodeDistanceProvider, Linkage)in GroupAlgorithmPartitions the graph into clusters based on hierarchical clustering, while the dendrogram is cut based on a given maximum number of clusters.