documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of INodeDefaults


defaultsin NodeCreatorGets or sets a set of INodeDefaults that will be used for the nodes and node labels.
groupNodeDefaultsin DefaultGraph
nodeDefaultsin DefaultGraph
groupNodeDefaultsin GraphWrapperBase
nodeDefaultsin GraphWrapperBase
groupNodeDefaultsin IGraphGets or sets the defaults for group nodes.
nodeDefaultsin IGraphGets or sets the defaults for normal nodes.

Method Parameters

createGroupNodesSource (TDataItem[] | Iterable<TDataItem> | Map<any,TDataItem> | { [id: string]: TDataItem; } | (() => GeneratorLike<TDataItem>, function(TDataItem, Object):Object, )in GraphBuilderCreates a new NodesSource<TDataItem> and binds a collection of group node data items to it.
createNodesSource (TDataItem[] | Iterable<TDataItem> | Map<any,TDataItem> | { [id: string]: TDataItem; } | (() => GeneratorLike<TDataItem>, function(TDataItem, Object):Object, )in GraphBuilderCreates a new NodesSource<TDataItem> and binds a collection of node data items to it.
NodeCreator ()in NodeCreatorCreates a new creator for nodes or group nodes.
DefaultFolderNodeConverter (INodeDefaults)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterInitializes a new instance of this class using the values provided by the folderNodeDefaults parameter.
DefaultGraph ()in DefaultGraphCreates a new instance of a graph that provides an ILookupDecorator for all of its entities.

Implementing Types

NodeDefaultsA canonical implementation of the INodeDefaults interface.