documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of INodeCursor

Method Return Values

createNodeCursor (ICollection<T>)in CursorsCreates a cursor view of the given collection.
getNodeCursor ()in GraphProvides access to the nodes of the graph.
nodes (Graph)in INodeSequencerReturns a cursor that grants access to all nodes of the given graph in some order.
getHiddenNodeCursor ()in LayoutGraphHiderThe nodes that are currently hidden
getNeighborCursor ()in YNodeReturns a node cursor for all neighbor nodes of this node.
getPredecessorCursor ()in YNodeReturns a node cursor for all predecessor nodes of this node.
getSuccessorCursor ()in YNodeReturns a node cursor for all successor nodes of this node.
nodes ()in YNodeListReturns a node cursor for this node list.
nodes (Graph)in NodeTypeAwareSequencer
getSuccessors (YNode)in AspectRatioTreeLayoutRetrieves all children of the given local root.

Method Parameters

hideNodeCursor (INodeCursor)in GraphPartitionManagerHides the given nodes from the graph.
hideNodeCursor (INodeCursor)in LayoutGraphHiderHides the given nodes from the graph.
NodeList (INodeCursor)in YNodeListCreates a list that is initialized with the nodes provided by the given NodeCursor object.
NodeList (INodeCursor, IDataProvider)in YNodeListCreates a list that is initialized with those nodes from the given NodeCursor object for which the given data provider returns true upon calling its getBool method.
getBoundingBox (LayoutGraph, INodeCursor, IEdgeCursor)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesReturns the bounding box of the nodes and edges accessible through the given cursors.
getBoundingBox (LayoutGraph, INodeCursor, IEdgeCursor, boolean)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesReturns the bounding box of the nodes and edges accessible through the given cursors, optionally including node labels and edge labels.
getBoundingBox (LayoutGraph, INodeCursor, IEdgeCursor, boolean, boolean, boolean?)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesReturns the bounding box of the nodes and edges accessible through the given cursors, optionally including node labels, edge labels or NodeHalos.
getBoundingBoxOfNodes (LayoutGraph, INodeCursor)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesReturns the bounding box of the nodes accessible through the given cursor.
moveNodes (LayoutGraph, INodeCursor, number, number)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesMoves all nodes accessible through the given INodeCursor by the vector (dx,dy).
moveSubgraph (LayoutGraph, INodeCursor, number, number)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesMoves the subgraph induced by the nodes accessible through the given INodeCursor by the vector (dx,dy).