documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IMutablePoint

Method Return Values

transform (IMutablePoint)in MatrixTransforms the given point in place.

Method Parameters

transform (IMutablePoint)in MatrixTransforms the given point in place.
MutableRectangle (IMutablePoint, IMutableSize)in MutableRectangleCreates a new instance using the provided implementation for the storage of the position and size of the rectangle.
OrientedRectangle (IMutablePoint, IMutableSize)in OrientedRectangleCreates a new instance using the provided values to initialize the anchor and size.
snapToGrid (IInputModeContext, T, IMutablePoint, SnapPolicy, SnapPolicy)in GridConstraintProvider
addHandle (IMutablePoint, Cursor?, HandleTypes?)in HandleInputModeFactory method that creates and adds a handle to this mode by wrapping a given IMutablePoint instance.
create ()in IBendGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IBendGridConstraintProvider from the given definition.
create ()in IGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IGridConstraintProvider<T> from the given definition.
snapToGrid (IInputModeContext, T, IMutablePoint, SnapPolicy, SnapPolicy)in IGridConstraintProviderPerforms the actual snapping to grid coordinates.
create ()in ILabelGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface ILabelGridConstraintProvider from the given definition.
create ()in ILabelOwnerGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface ILabelOwnerGridConstraintProvider from the given definition.
create ()in INodeGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface INodeGridConstraintProvider from the given definition.
create ()in IPortGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IPortGridConstraintProvider from the given definition.
createPathAnimation (GeneralPath, IMutablePoint, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a new instance of an IAnimation that animates the given IMutablePoint along a path.

Implementing Types

IMutableRectangleInterface for mutable rectangles aligned to the axes in 2D coordinate space with double precision coordinates.
MutablePointA mutable point in 2D coordinate space with double precision coordinates.
OrientedRectangleA mutable oriented rectangle in 2D coordinate space with double precision values stored in an instance of IMutablePoint and IMutableSize as well as two doubles for the up vector components.
RectangleHandleA more sophisticated IHandle implementation that modifies a rectangle.