documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IMap


edgeIdsin GraphElementIdAcceptorGets a mapping between all GraphML ids for <edge> elements and the corresponding IEdge instances
graphIdsin GraphElementIdAcceptorGets a mapping between all GraphML ids for <graph> elements and the corresponding IGraph instances
nodeIdsin GraphElementIdAcceptorGets a mapping between all GraphML ids for <node> elements and the corresponding INode instances
portIdsin GraphElementIdAcceptorGets a mapping between all GraphML ids for <port> elements and the corresponding IPort instances
deserializationPropertyOverridesin GraphMLIOHandlerGets the mapper for the overrides of the deserialization properties.
serializationPropertyOverridesin GraphMLIOHandlerGets the mapper for the overrides of the serialization properties.
globalNamespacesin IXmlNamespaceManagerGets a list of all namespace declarations that should be declared at the document's root element.
resourcesin CanvasComponentGets the resources for this instance.


boxesToNodesin MISLabelingBaseThe mapping from the LabelCandidates to the corresponding nodes in the conflictGraph.
edgeLabelFeatureMapin DefaultLayoutGraphA IMap<T1,T2> associating the owner of an edge label with the edge label itself.
nodeLabelFeatureMapin DefaultLayoutGraphA IMap<T1,T2> associating the owner of a node label with the node label itself.

Method Return Values

createHashMap (ICollection<MapEntry<K,V>>?)in MapsFactory method that creates a IMap<TKey,TValue> that is a special hash map implementation mainly used by the layout algorithms.

Method Parameters

createDataMap (IMap<Object,Object>)in MapsCreate a IDataMap view of the given map.
createEdgeMap (IMap<Object,Object>)in MapsCreate an IEdgeMap view of the given map.
createNodeMap (IMap<Object,Object>)in MapsCreate a INodeMap view of the given map.
copyTo (IMap<TKey,TValue>)in ResultItemMappingCopies the entries of this mapping into the given dictionary.
Mapper (IMap<K,V>, )in MapperCreates an instance using the provided HashMap<K,V> as the backing store.

Implementing Types

HashMapThe default implementation for IMap<TKey,TValue>.