documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of ILookup


lookupImplementationin SimpleBendGets or sets the ILookup implementation used for calls to lookup on this instance.
lookupImplementationin SimpleEdgeGets or sets the ILookup implementation used for calls to lookup on this instance.
lookupImplementationin SimpleLabelGets or sets the ILookup implementation used for calls to lookup on this instance.
lookupImplementationin SimpleNodeGets or sets the ILookup implementation used for calls to lookup on this instance.
lookupImplementationin SimplePortGets or sets the ILookup implementation used for calls to lookup on this instance.


EMPTYin ILookupAn ILookup instance that always returns null.

Method Return Values

getContext (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in BendAnchoredPortLocationModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in BezierEdgePathLabelModelReturns an empty context.
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in BezierEdgeSegmentLabelModelReturns an empty context.
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in CompositeLabelModel
getLookup ()in DefaultGraphReturns the lookup implementation that is used for lookup calls.
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in DescriptorWrapperLabelModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in EdgePathLabelModelReturns an empty context.
getContext (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in EdgePathPortLocationModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in EdgeSegmentLabelModelReturns an empty context.
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in ExteriorLabelModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in FreeEdgeLabelModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in FreeLabelModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in FreeNodeLabelModelReturns an empty context.
getContext (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in FreeNodePortLocationModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in FreePortLabelModelReturns an empty context.
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in GenericLabelModel
getContext (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in GenericPortLocationModel
getLookup ()in GraphWrapperBaseGets the lookup instance to use in lookup
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in GroupNodeLabelModelReturns an empty context.
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in ILabelModelProvides a lookup context for the given combination of label and parameter.
create (function(Class):any)in ILookupCreates an implementation of the interface ILookup by using the given function as implementation for its lookup method.
createCascadingLookup (ILookup, ILookup)in ILookupCreates an ILookup implementation that wraps an existing ILookup instance using an additional lookup implementations.
createDynamicLookup (Object)in ILookupCreates a dynamic ILookup implementation that for each type that the given subject can be assigned to yields that subject.
createMapLookup (HashMap<Class,Object>)in ILookupCreates a mutable ILookup implementation that is backed by an IMap<TKey,TValue>.
createSingleLookup (Object, Class)in ILookupCreates a ILookup implementation that yields subject if type is queried.
getContext (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in IPortLocationModelProvides a lookup context for the given combination of port and parameter.
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in InsideOutsidePortLabelModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in InteriorLabelModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in InteriorStretchLabelModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in NinePositionsEdgeLabelModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in NodeLabelModelStripeLabelModelAdapter
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in SandwichLabelModel
getContext (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in SegmentRatioPortLocationModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in SmartEdgeLabelModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in StretchStripeLabelModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in StripeLabelModel
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in ArrowNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in BevelNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getContext (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in DefaultLabelStyleRendererConfigures the style and label parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in GeneralPathNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in GroupNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getContext (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in IEdgeStyleRendererGets a temporary context instance that can be used to query additional information for the edge's style.
getContext (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in ILabelStyleRendererGets a temporary context instance that can be used to query additional information for the label's style.
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in INodeStyleRendererGets a temporary context instance that can be used to query additional information for the node's style.
getContext (IPort, IPortStyle)in IPortStyleRendererGets a temporary context instance that can be used to query additional information for the port's style.
getContext (IStripe, IStripeStyle)in IStripeStyleRendererGets a temporary context instance that can be used to query additional information for the stripe's style.
getContext (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in IconLabelStyleRendererConfigures the style and label parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in ImageNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in PanelNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getContext (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererConfigures the style and edge parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in RectangleNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in ShapeNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in ShinyPlateNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in TableNodeStyleRenderer
getContext (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in TemplateLabelStyleRendererConfigures the style and label properties, does not call configure and returns this.
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getContext (IPort, IPortStyle)in TemplatePortStyleRendererConfigures the style and port parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getContext (IStripe, IStripeStyle)in TemplateStripeStyleRendererConfigures the style and stripe parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getContext (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in VoidEdgeStyleRendererYields a lookup that will only return NEVER if an ILassoTestable is queried.
getContext (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in VoidLabelStyleRendererYields a lookup that will only return NEVER if an ILassoTestable is queried.
getContext (INode, INodeStyle)in VoidNodeStyleRendererYields a lookup that will only return NEVER if an ILassoTestable is queried.
getContext (IPort, IPortStyle)in VoidPortStyleRendererYields a lookup that will only return NEVER if an ILassoTestable is queried.
getContext (IStripe, IStripeStyle)in VoidStripeStyleRendererYields the EMPTY that will not yield anything.

Method Parameters

setLookupImplementation (ILookup)in DefaultGraphSets the lookup implementation that will be used for lookup calls.
setLookup (ILookup)in GraphWrapperBaseSets the lookup instance to use in lookup
addingLookupChainLink (ILookup)in IContextLookupChainLinkFactory method for a lookup chain element that adds an ILookup layer to a lookup chain.
createCascadingLookup (ILookup, ILookup)in ILookupCreates an ILookup implementation that wraps an existing ILookup instance using an additional lookup implementations.
provideValue (ILookup)in MarkupExtensionReturns an object that is set as the value of the target property for this markup extension.
createInputModeContext (IInputMode, ILookup?)in IInputModeContextFactory method that creates an IInputModeContext that uses the provided parent mode and lookup decoration.
createInputModeContext (IInputMode, IInputModeContext, ILookup)in IInputModeContextFactory method that creates an IInputModeContext that uses the provided parent mode, parent context, and lookup decoration.
createInputModeContext (CanvasComponent, IInputMode?, ILookup?)in IInputModeContextFactory method that creates an IInputModeContext that uses the provided values.
provideValue (ILookup)in ColorExtension

Implementing Types

IFoldingViewInterface that is used for manipulating a managed view of an IGraph that supports folding operations like expanding and collapsing of nodes.
IGraphCentral interface that models a graph which can be displayed in a canvas or GraphComponent.
IGraphClipboardContextThe interface for the context that is passed by the GraphClipboard implementation to the IClipboardHelper methods and IClipboardIdProvider.
ILabelModelDefines the geometry of ILabel instances with respect to specific ILabelModelParameters.
IModelItemBase interface for items that can be used in a CanvasComponent.
IPortLocationModelDefines the geometry of IPort instances with respect to specific IPortLocationModelParameters.
ITableCentral interface which provides support for tabular data presentation.
IParseContextInterface that defines the context of a GraphML parsing context.
IValueSerializerContextSupport interface used by ValueSerializer.
IWriteContextInterface that provides the context of a GraphML write process.
ArrowNodeStyleRendererDefault renderer implementation that can be used for ArrowNodeStyle instances.
BevelNodeStyleRendererA INodeStyle renderer implementation that draws a rounded rectangle with a bevel border in a 'shiny plate' fashion.
CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererINodeStyleRenderer implementation that can be used in conjunction with CollapsibleNodeStyleDecorator instances.
DefaultLabelStyleRendererAn ILabelStyleRenderer implementation that can handle DefaultLabelStyle instances.
GeneralPathNodeStyleRendererAn INodeStyleRenderer implementation that can handle GeneralPathNodeStyle instances.
GroupNodeStyleRendererDefault renderer implementation for GroupNodeStyle instances.
IconLabelStyleRendererAn ILabelStyleRenderer that can handle IconLabelStyle instances.
ImageNodeStyleRendererA style renderer implementation that can be used together with ImageNodeStyle instances.
PanelNodeStyleRendererA INodeStyle renderer implementation that draws a floating panel with a slight gradient, a thin border and a drop shadow.
PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererAn abstract base class for IEdgeStyleRenderer implementations that are based on the calculation of a GeneralPath.
RectangleNodeStyleRendererDefault renderer implementation that can be used for RectangleNodeStyle instances.
ShapeNodeStyleRendererDefault renderer implementation that can be used for ShapeNodeStyle instances.
ShinyPlateNodeStyleRendererA INodeStyle renderer implementation that draws a floating shiny plate with a slight gradient, a thin border and a simple drop shadow.
TableNodeStyleRendererDefault renderer implementation that can be used for TableNodeStyle instances.
TemplateLabelStyleRendererAn implementation of the ILabelStyleRenderer interface that can render TemplateLabelStyleBase instances.
TemplateNodeStyleRendererAn implementation of the INodeStyleRenderer interface that can render TemplateNodeStyleBase instances.
TemplatePortStyleRendererAn implementation of the IPortStyleRenderer interface that can render TemplatePortStyleBase instances.
TemplateStripeStyleRendererAn implementation of the IStripeStyleRenderer interface that can render TemplateStripeStyle instances.
CanvasComponentThe CanvasComponent can be used to efficiently display all kinds of data.
ICanvasContextThis interface describes the context for many operations performed on items in a canvasComponent.