documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IListEnumerable


childrenin DendrogramNodeGets the children of this node.
clusterNodesin DendrogramNodeGets the INodes in the graph which belong to the cluster which is represented by this DendrogramNode.
childrenin NodeAggregateThe child aggregates of this aggregate.
edgesin DefaultGraph
labelsin DefaultGraph
nodesin DefaultGraph
portsin DefaultGraph
edgesin FilteredGraphWrapper
labelsin FilteredGraphWrapper
nodesin FilteredGraphWrapper
portsin FilteredGraphWrapper
portsin FolderNodeStateGets the FoldingPortStates owned by this state.
bendsin FoldingEdgeStateGets the FoldingBendStates of this state.
labelsin FoldingLabelOwnerStateGets the FoldingLabelStates owned by this state.
edgesin GraphWrapperBase
labelsin GraphWrapperBase
nodesin GraphWrapperBase
portsin GraphWrapperBase
bendsin IEdgeGets a collection of bends that describe the geometry of this edge.
edgesin IGraphGets a view of the edges contained in this graph.
labelsin IGraphGets a view of the labels contained in this graph.
nodesin IGraphGets a view of the nodes contained in this graph.
portsin IGraphGets a view of the ports contained in this graph.
labelsin ILabelOwnerGets a collection of labels that are owned by this instance.
portsin IPortOwnerGets a collection of ports that are owned by this instance.
bendsin SimpleEdgeGets or sets the collection of bends that describe the geometry of this edge.
labelsin SimpleEdgeGets or sets the collection of labels that are owned by this instance.
portsin SimpleEdgeGets or sets the collection of ports that are owned by this instance.
labelsin SimpleNodeGets or sets the collection of labels that are owned by this instance.
portsin SimpleNodeGets or sets the collection of ports that are owned by this instance.
labelsin SimplePortGets or sets the collection of labels that are owned by this instance.
objectStackin ChildParseContext
objectStackin ChildWriteContext
objectStackin IParseContextGets the current nesting of created graphs and graph elements.
objectStackin IWriteContextGets the current nesting of graphs and graph elements.
currentTouchDevicesin CanvasComponentGets a list of the active TouchDevices at the time of invocation.


EMPTYin IListEnumerableAn empty, immutable instance of IListEnumerable<T>.

Method Return Values

getChildren (INode)in TreeAnalyzerGets the child nodes of the given node in the tree.
getLeafNodes ()in TreeAnalyzerGets all leaf nodes of the tree.
getSubtree (INode)in TreeAnalyzerGets all nodes of the sub-tree that has subtreeRoot as root.
from (IListEnumerable<T>)in IListEnumerableCreates a IListEnumerable<T> instance from the given object by performing automatic type conversion.
edgesAt (IPort, AdjacencyTypes?)in DefaultGraph
edgesAt (IPortOwner, AdjacencyTypes?)in DefaultGraph
getChildren (INode)in DefaultGraph
edgesAt (IPort, AdjacencyTypes?)in FilteredGraphWrapper
edgesAt (IPortOwner, AdjacencyTypes?)in FilteredGraphWrapper
getChildren (INode)in FilteredGraphWrapper
edgesAt (IPort, AdjacencyTypes?)in GraphWrapperBase
edgesAt (IPortOwner, AdjacencyTypes?)in GraphWrapperBase
getChildren (INode)in GraphWrapperBase
getPathPoints (IEdge)in IEdgeGets a snapshot of the points describing the path of an edge.
edgesAt (IPort, AdjacencyTypes?)in IGraphReturns an IEnumerable<T> for all edges that are adjacent to the given port as a sourcePort or targetPort.
edgesAt (IPortOwner, AdjacencyTypes?)in IGraphReturns an IListEnumerable<T> for all edges that have the given port owner as their target port's or source port's owner depending on the AdjacencyTypes
getChildren (INode)in IGraphReturns an enumerable over the children of the provided node.
inEdgesAt (IPortOwner)in IGraphConvenience method that yields the incoming edges at the given owner.
inEdgesAt (IPort)in IGraphConvenience method that yields the incoming edges at the given port.
outEdgesAt (IPortOwner)in IGraphConvenience method that yields the outgoing edges at the given owner.
outEdgesAt (IPort)in IGraphConvenience method that yields the outgoing edges at the given port.
findSameHeightEntries (number, number, number)in GraphSnapContextFinds the entries (Rects) that have been registered using the addSameHeightEntry previously that best match the given constraints.
findSameWidthEntries (number, number, number)in GraphSnapContextFinds the entries (Rects) that have been registered using the addSameWidthEntry previously that best match the given constraints.
getMovementInfos (IEdge)in GraphSnapContextGets the movement information for the provided edge.
getMovementInfos (IEdge)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextGets the movement infos that describe the orthogonal path of the edge.
createEdgeEnumerable (EdgeList)in YGraphAdapterCreates an enumerable of edges that maps the edges from the EdgeList to their original ones.
createNodeEnumerable (YNodeList)in YGraphAdapterCreates an enumerable of nodes that maps the nodes from the YNodeList to their original ones.

Method Parameters

from (IListEnumerable<T>)in IListEnumerableCreates a IListEnumerable<T> instance from the given object by performing automatic type conversion.
SimpleEdge (IPort?, IPort?, )in SimpleEdgeCreates an edge with a default lookup, and the given source and target ports.
SimpleNode ()in SimpleNodeCreates a default node with default lookup, an instance of VoidNodeStyle, empty layout and no labels or ports.
SimplePort (IPortOwner?, IPortLocationModelParameter?, )in SimplePortCreates a port with a default lookup using the given location and owner.
collectSnapResults (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, IListEnumerable<MovementInfo>, IEdge)in IEdgeSnapResultProviderCalled to during the snapping operation whenever snap results are collected.
create (function(GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, IListEnumerable<MovementInfo>, IEdge):void)in IEdgeSnapResultProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IEdgeSnapResultProvider by using the given function as implementation for its collectSnapResults method.
prepareOrthogonalEdge (IGraph, IEdge, IListEnumerable<SegmentOrientation>, IListEnumerable<MovementInfo>)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextHelper method that inspects and prepares an orthogonal edge for the upcoming edit process.

Implementing Types

ResultItemCollectionRepresents an ordered or unordered collection of IModelItems that is part of a result of running a graph analysis algorithm.
ListDefault implementation of IList<T>.
ListEnumerableWraps a simple IEnumerable<T> into a IListEnumerable<T>.
ICanvasObjectGroupThis is the interface implemented by the composite building blocks of a scene graph in a CanvasComponent.