documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


groupBoundsCalculatorin HideGroupsStageGets or sets the ILayoutGroupBoundsCalculator instance for calculating the sizes of group nodes.
groupBoundsCalculatorin RecursiveGroupLayoutGets or sets a ILayoutGroupBoundsCalculator which computes the sizes of all group nodes.
groupBoundsCalculatorin ClassicOrganicLayoutGets or sets the ILayoutGroupBoundsCalculator instance used for calculating the size of group nodes.
groupBoundsCalculatorin OrganicLayoutGets or sets the ILayoutGroupBoundsCalculator instance used for calculating the size of group nodes.
groupBoundsCalculatorin RecursiveShuffleLayoutGets or sets the ILayoutGroupBoundsCalculator instance that computes the sizes of all group nodes.

Method Return Values

create (function(LayoutGraph, YNode, YNodeList):Rectangle2D)in ILayoutGroupBoundsCalculatorCreates an implementation of the interface ILayoutGroupBoundsCalculator by using the given function as implementation for its calculateBounds method.

Method Parameters

HideGroupsStage (ILayoutAlgorithm?, )in HideGroupsStageCreates an instance of HideGroupsStage with an optional core layout algorithm.
RecursiveGroupLayout (ILayoutAlgorithm?, ILayoutGroupBoundsCalculator?, )in RecursiveGroupLayoutCreates a new instance of RecursiveGroupLayout with default settings using the given layout algorithm and ILayoutGroupBoundsCalculator implementation.
ClassicOrganicLayout ()in ClassicOrganicLayoutCreates a new ClassicOrganicLayout with default settings.
OrganicLayout ()in OrganicLayoutCreates a new OrganicLayout instance with default settings.
RecursiveShuffleLayout (ILayoutAlgorithm?, )in RecursiveShuffleLayoutCreates a new RecursiveShuffleLayout instance with an optional core layout algorithm.

Implementing Types

InsetsGroupBoundsCalculatorThis ILayoutGroupBoundsCalculator calculates the bounds of group nodes and allows to specify custom insets for each group node.