documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


labelModelParameterFinderDecoratorin LabelDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the ILabelModelParameterFinder type for ILabels this instance has been created for.
labelModelParameterFinderDecoratorin StripeLabelDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the ILabelModelParameterFinder type for the ILabels this instance has been created for.

Method Return Values

create (function(ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle):ILabelModelParameter)in ILabelModelParameterFinderCreates an implementation of the interface ILabelModelParameterFinder by using the given function as implementation for its findBestParameter method.

Implementing Types

BezierEdgePathLabelModelAn edge label model that allows placement of labels along the edge path for bezier edges.
BezierEdgeSegmentLabelModelAn edge label model that allows placement of labels relative to an edge segment for bezier edges.
CompositeLabelModelAn implementation of ILabelModel that can be used to create custom label models out of existing ILabelModel instances.
DefaultLabelModelParameterFinderImplementation of the ILabelModelParameterFinder interface that uses the ILabelModel's own ILabelModelParameterProvider instance to find the closest match.
EdgePathLabelModelAn edge label model that allows placement of labels along the edge path at a set of continuous positions at specified sides of the edge path.
EdgeSegmentLabelModelAn edge label model that allows placement of labels relative to an edge segment at a set of continuous positions at specified sides of the edge path.
FreeEdgeLabelModelAn edge label model that can be used to describe any position and orientation of a label.
FreeLabelModelA label model that can be used to describe any position and orientation of a label.
FreeNodeLabelModelThis node label model can be used to specify any position and orientation of a label.
FreePortLabelModelThis port label model can be used to specify any position and orientation of a label.
SmartEdgeLabelModelAn edge label model that allows the placement at any position.