documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of ILabelModel


labelModelsin CompositeLabelModelGets a list of ILabelModel implementations that are wrapped by this instance.
innerModelin DescriptorWrapperLabelModelGets or sets the inner label model
modelin ILabelModelParameterGets the model that can be used to determine the geometry of a label given this parameter and a label instance.

Method Parameters

findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in BezierEdgePathLabelModel
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in BezierEdgeSegmentLabelModel
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in CompositeLabelModelTries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance.
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in CompositeLabelModelReturns an enumerator over a set of possible ILabelModelParameter instances that can be used for the given label and model.
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in DefaultLabelModelParameterFinderTries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance.
getCandidateParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in DefaultLabelModelParameterFinderRetrieves an enumerator over all candidates for a given label and model.
DescriptorWrapperLabelModel (ILabelModel?, )in DescriptorWrapperLabelModelInitializes a new instance of the DescriptorWrapperLabelModel class.
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in DescriptorWrapperLabelModel
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in EdgePathLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in EdgePathLabelModel
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in EdgeSegmentLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in EdgeSegmentLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in ExteriorLabelModel
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in FreeEdgeLabelModelTries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance.
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in FreeLabelModel
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in FreeNodeLabelModelTries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance.
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in FreePortLabelModelTries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance.
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in GenericLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in GroupNodeLabelModel
create (function(ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle):ILabelModelParameter)in ILabelModelParameterFinderCreates an implementation of the interface ILabelModelParameterFinder by using the given function as implementation for its findBestParameter method.
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in ILabelModelParameterFinderTries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance.
create (function(ILabel, ILabelModel):IEnumerable<ILabelModelParameter>)in ILabelModelParameterProviderCreates an implementation of the interface ILabelModelParameterProvider by using the given function as implementation for its getParameters method.
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in ILabelModelParameterProviderReturns an enumerator over a set of possible ILabelModelParameter instances that can be used for the given label and model.
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in InsideOutsidePortLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in InteriorLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in InteriorStretchLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in NinePositionsEdgeLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in SandwichLabelModel
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in SmartEdgeLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in StretchStripeLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in StripeLabelModel
fromModel (ILabelModel)in PreferredPlacementDescriptorReturns a PreferredPlacementDescriptor which matches positions supported by the given labelModel.

Implementing Types

BezierEdgePathLabelModelAn edge label model that allows placement of labels along the edge path for bezier edges.
BezierEdgeSegmentLabelModelAn edge label model that allows placement of labels relative to an edge segment for bezier edges.
CompositeLabelModelAn implementation of ILabelModel that can be used to create custom label models out of existing ILabelModel instances.
DescriptorWrapperLabelModelA label model that wraps an existing label model and decorates it with a descriptor.
EdgePathLabelModelAn edge label model that allows placement of labels along the edge path at a set of continuous positions at specified sides of the edge path.
EdgeSegmentLabelModelAn edge label model that allows placement of labels relative to an edge segment at a set of continuous positions at specified sides of the edge path.
ExteriorLabelModelA label model for node labels that lie outside of the node's layout bounds.
FreeEdgeLabelModelAn edge label model that can be used to describe any position and orientation of a label.
FreeLabelModelA label model that can be used to describe any position and orientation of a label.
FreeNodeLabelModelThis node label model can be used to specify any position and orientation of a label.
FreePortLabelModelThis port label model can be used to specify any position and orientation of a label.
GenericLabelModelAn implementation of ILabelModel that can be used to create custom label models out of existing ILabelModelParameter instances.
GroupNodeLabelModelA label model for group node labels that are placed inside the tab or tab background area of a GroupNodeStyle instance.
InsideOutsidePortLabelModelA label model for labels at node ports which places the label either inside or outside of the owner node of the port, according to the node border which is closest to the port position.
InteriorLabelModelA label model for node labels that lie inside of the node's layout bounds.
InteriorStretchLabelModelA label model for node labels that lie inside of the node's layout bounds and have been stretched to fit the node's size.
NinePositionsEdgeLabelModelAn edge label model that places labels at positions near the source port, target port, or the center of the edge.
NodeLabelModelStripeLabelModelAdapterAllows parameters from ILabelModels for nodes to be used for IStripes in a ITable.
SandwichLabelModelA node label model that places the label either above or below the node.
SmartEdgeLabelModelAn edge label model that allows the placement at any position.
StretchStripeLabelModelA label model for stripe labels which supports the possible header positions of IRows and IColumns.
StripeLabelModelA label model for stripe labels which supports the possible header positions of IRows and IColumns.