documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


LABEL_MODEL_DP_KEYin LabelingBaseA data provider key for mapping models to edge/node labels.
IGNORED_LABELS_DP_KEYin LabelLayoutKeysA data provider key for marking labels that should be ignored by the layout algorithm.
LABEL_CROSSING_PENALTY_FACTOR_DP_KEYin EdgeRouterA data provider key for weighting the costs for crossing each label individually.

Method Parameters

createConstantMapper (ILabelLayoutDpKey<V>, V)in IMapperRegistryCreates a simple read-only IMapper<K,V> implementation with key type ILabel and adds it to the registry using the provided tag.
createDelegateMapper (ILabelLayoutDpKey<V>, function(ILabel):V)in IMapperRegistryCreates a delegate-based read-only IMapper<K,V> implementation with key type ILabel and adds it to the registry using the provided tag.
createMapper (ILabelLayoutDpKey<V>)in IMapperRegistryCreates and adds a new Mapper<K,V> with key type ILabel to the registry using the provided tag.
addLabelItemCollection (ILabelLayoutDpKey<boolean>, ItemCollection<ILabel>?)in GenericLayoutDataAdds a set of ILabels in the graph that will be passed to the LayoutGraph
addLabelItemMapping (ILabelLayoutDpKey<TValue>, ItemMapping<ILabel,TValue>?)in GenericLayoutDataAdds data per ILabel in the graph that will be added to the LayoutGraph

Extending Types

IEdgeLabelLayoutDpKeyThis class is used as look-up key for registering IDataProvider for IEdgeLabelLayouts with a Graph.
INodeLabelLayoutDpKeyThis class is used as look-up key for registering IDataProvider for INodeLabelLayouts with a Graph.