documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of ILabelLayout


ownerin LabelCandidateGets the ILabelLayout for which this candidate was created.

Method Parameters

LabelCandidate (YPoint, YDimension, Object, ILabelLayout, boolean?)in LabelCandidateCreates a new instance of LabelCandidate described by location, size, model parameter and internal flag.
LabelCandidate (YOrientedRectangle, Object, ILabelLayout, boolean?)in LabelCandidateCreates a new instance of LabelCandidate described by its box, model parameter and internal flag.

Implementing Types

IEdgeLabelLayoutIEdgeLabelLayout defines the properties of one edge label from the perspective of a labeling algorithm.
INodeLabelLayoutINodeLabelLayout defines the properties of one node label from the perspective of a labeling algorithm.
LabelLayoutBaseLabelLayoutBase is the default implementation of the ILabelLayout interface.