documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of ILabel


labelsin DefaultGraph
labelsin FilteredGraphWrapper
labelsin GraphWrapperBase
edgeLabelsin IGraphGets a live view of all edge labels contained in this IGraph.
labelsin IGraphGets a view of the labels contained in this graph.
nodeLabelsin IGraphGets a live view of all node labels contained in this IGraph.
portLabelsin IGraphGets a live view of all port labels contained in this IGraph.
labelsin ILabelOwnerGets a collection of labels that are owned by this instance.
clipboardHelperDecoratorin LabelDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IClipboardHelper type for ILabels this instance has been created for.
editLabelHelperDecoratorin LabelDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IEditLabelHelper type for ILabels this instance has been created for.
focusIndicatorDecoratorin LabelDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IFocusIndicatorInstaller type for ILabels this instance has been created for.
handleProviderDecoratorin LabelDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IHandleProvider type for ILabels this instance has been created for.
highlightDecoratorin LabelDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IHighlightIndicatorInstaller type for ILabels this instance has been created for.
labelModelParameterFinderDecoratorin LabelDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the ILabelModelParameterFinder type for ILabels this instance has been created for.
labelModelParameterProviderDecoratorin LabelDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the ILabelModelParameterProvider type for ILabels this instance has been created for.
labelSnapContextHelperDecoratorin LabelDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the ILabelSnapContextHelper type for ILabels this instance has been created for.
lassoTestableDecoratorin LabelDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the ILassoTestable type for ILabels this instance has been created for.
marqueeTestableDecoratorin LabelDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IMarqueeTestable type for ILabels this instance has been created for.
mementoSupportDecoratorin LabelDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IMementoSupport type for ILabels this instance has been created for.
obstacleProviderDecoratorin LabelDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IObstacleProvider type for ILabels this instance has been created for.
positionHandlerDecoratorin LabelDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IPositionHandler type for the ILabels this instance has been created for.
selectionDecoratorin LabelDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the ISelectionIndicatorInstaller type for ILabels this instance has been created for.
labelsin SimpleEdgeGets or sets the collection of labels that are owned by this instance.
labelsin SimpleNodeGets or sets the collection of labels that are owned by this instance.
labelsin SimplePortGets or sets the collection of labels that are owned by this instance.
editLabelHelperDecoratorin StripeLabelDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IEditLabelHelper type for the ILabels this instance has been created for.
focusIndicatorDecoratorin StripeLabelDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IFocusIndicatorInstaller type for the type of items this instance has been created for.
highlightDecoratorin StripeLabelDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IHighlightIndicatorInstaller type for the type of items this instance has been created for.
labelModelParameterFinderDecoratorin StripeLabelDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the ILabelModelParameterFinder type for the ILabels this instance has been created for.
labelModelParameterProviderDecoratorin StripeLabelDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the ILabelModelParameterProvider type for the ILabels this instance has been created for.
selectionDecoratorin StripeLabelDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the ISelectionIndicatorInstaller type for the type of items this instance has been created for.
edgeLabelPreferredPlacementin HierarchicLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping that provides a PreferredPlacementDescriptor instance for edge ILabels.
textEditorInputModeConfiguratorin GraphEditorInputModeGets or sets a handler which allows for configuring the textEditorInputMode during adding or editing labels.
draggedItemin LabelDropInputModeGets the currently dragged IModelItem instance.
isValidLabelOwnerPredicatein LabelDropInputModeGets or sets the predicate for testing whether an existing label owner in the graph can be used as owner for the currently dragged label.
labelin LabelEditingEventArgsGets or sets the label to edit.
textEditorInputModeConfiguratorin LabelEditingEventArgsGets or sets the configurator for the TextEditorInputMode for editing the provided label instance.
labelin LabelPositionHandlerGets the label instance.
labelin LabelTextValidatingEventArgsGets the label that is being edited.
movedLabelin MoveLabelInputModeGets the label that is currently moved or null if there is no such label.
affectedLabelsin LabelingDataGets or sets the collection of labels that shall be placed by the algorithm.
edgeLabelModelsin LabelingDataGets or sets the mapping from edge labels to an IEdgeLabelLayoutModel used by the labeling algorithm instead of the original label model.
edgeLabelPreferredPlacementin LabelingDataGets or sets the mapping that provides a PreferredPlacementDescriptor instance for edge ILabels.
nodeLabelModelsin LabelingDataGets or sets the mapping from node labels to an INodeLabelLayoutModel used by the labeling algorithm instead of the original label model.
portLabelPoliciesin LayoutExecutorGets or sets how ILabels at IPorts should be treated by the layout algorithm.
labelEndBoundsin LayoutExecutorAsyncGets a mapping from labels in the graph to their new layout, after the results are in.
labelEndParameterin LayoutExecutorAsyncGets a mapping from labels in the graph to their new layout parameters, after the results are in.
portLabelPoliciesin LayoutExecutorAsyncGets or sets how ILabels at IPorts should be treated by the layout algorithm.
portLabelPoliciesin LayoutGraphAdapterGets or sets how ILabels at IPorts should be treated by the layout algorithm.
edgeLabelIdsin MultiPageLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping from edge labels to their unique IDs.
nodeLabelIdsin MultiPageLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping from node labels to their unique IDs.
edgeLabelPreferredPlacementin OrganicLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping that provides a PreferredPlacementDescriptor instance for edge ILabels.
edgeLabelPreferredPlacementin OrthogonalLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping that provides a PreferredPlacementDescriptor instance for edge ILabels.
edgeLabelPreferredPlacementin CurveRoutingStageDataGets or sets the mapping that provides a PreferredPlacementDescriptor instance for edge ILabels.
edgeLabelPreferredPlacementin EdgeRouterDataGets or sets the mapping that provides a PreferredPlacementDescriptor instance for edge ILabels.
ignoredLabelsin EdgeRouterDataGets or sets the collection of labels of nodes or fixed edges that are ignored by the router.
labelCrossingPenaltyFactorsin EdgeRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from labels to a crossing penalty factor.
edgeLabelPreferredPlacementin SeriesParallelLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping that provides a PreferredPlacementDescriptor instance for edge ILabels.
labelin DefaultLabelStyleRendererGets or sets the currently configured label.
labelin IconLabelStyleRendererGets or sets the currently configured label.
labelin TemplateLabelStyleRendererGets or sets the currently configured label.
edgeLabelPreferredPlacementin BalloonLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping that provides a PreferredPlacementDescriptor instance for edge ILabels.
edgeLabelPreferredPlacementin TreeLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping that provides a PreferredPlacementDescriptor instance for edge ILabels.
edgeLabelManagerin GraphModelManagerProvides access to the ItemModelManager<T> which handles the ILabels at edges.
nodeLabelManagerin GraphModelManagerProvides access to the ItemModelManager<T> which handles the ILabels at nodes.
portLabelManagerin GraphModelManagerProvides access to the ItemModelManager<T> which handles the ILabels at ports.
selectedLabelsin GraphSelection
selectedLabelsin IGraphSelectionGets an ISelectionModel<T> of the selected labels.


ORIGINAL_EDGE_LABEL_DP_KEYin LayoutGraphAdapterA data provider key that can be used to look up the original ILabel of an IEdgeLabelLayout.
ORIGINAL_NODE_LABEL_DP_KEYin LayoutGraphAdapterA data provider key that can be used to look up the original ILabel of an INodeLabelLayout.

Method Return Values

addLabel (IGraph, ILabelOwner, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorAdds a label on the given ILabelOwner with the values of the bindings resolved against the dataItem.
addLabelCore (IGraph, ILabelOwner, string, ILabelModelParameter, ILabelStyle, Size, Object)in LabelCreatorCalled from addLabel and performs the actual label creation in the graph.
addLabel (ILabelOwner, string, ILabelModelParameter?, ILabelStyle?, Size?, Object?)in DefaultGraph
asLabel ()in FoldingLabelStateReturns an ILabel instance which represents this label state.
addLabel (IGraph, IGraph, ILabelOwner, ILabel)in GraphCopierAdds a label to the target item in the targetGraph as a copy of the source label.
addLabel (ILabelOwner, string, ILabelModelParameter?, ILabelStyle?, Size?, Object?)in GraphWrapperBase
addLabel (ILabelOwner, string, ILabelModelParameter?, ILabelStyle?, Size?, Object?)in IGraphAdd a label to the given node or edge using the text as the initial label text and label model parameter, style and tag.
createConstantMapper (ILabelLayoutDpKey<V>, V)in IMapperRegistryCreates a simple read-only IMapper<K,V> implementation with key type ILabel and adds it to the registry using the provided tag.
createDelegateMapper (ILabelLayoutDpKey<V>, function(ILabel):V)in IMapperRegistryCreates a delegate-based read-only IMapper<K,V> implementation with key type ILabel and adds it to the registry using the provided tag.
createMapper (ILabelLayoutDpKey<V>)in IMapperRegistryCreates and adds a new Mapper<K,V> with key type ILabel to the registry using the provided tag.
addLabel (IStripe, string, ILabelModelParameter?, ILabelStyle?, Size?, Object?)in ITableAdd a label to the given owner using the text as the initial label text and label model parameter and style.
getDecoratorFor (Class, boolean?, boolean?)in LabelDecoratorCreates a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> for ILabels that can be used to decorate TInterface types of the labels.
getDecoratorFor (Class, boolean?, boolean?)in StripeLabelDecoratorCreates a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> for ILabels that can be used to decorate TInterface types of the labels.
addLabel (IStripe, string, ILabelModelParameter?, ILabelStyle?, Size?, Object?)in Table
addLabel (ILabelOwner, string, ILabelModelParameter?, ILabelStyle?, Size?, Object?)in GraphEditorInputModeAdds a label to the given labelOwner after the textEditorInputMode has successfully finished editing after addLabel.
createLabel (IInputModeContext, IGraph, ILabel, ILabelOwner, ILabelModelParameter)in LabelDropInputModeCreates the label in the graph after it's been dropped.
getHitLabel (IInputModeContext, Point)in MoveLabelInputModeLooks for a label that has been hit at the specified position.
createLabel (IStripe)in TableEditorInputModeInteractively creates a new label for the provided stripe.
editLabel (ILabel)in TableEditorInputModeStarts editing of the given label.
addLabelItemCollection (string, ItemCollection<ILabel>?)in GenericLayoutDataAdds a set of ILabels in the graph that will be passed to the LayoutGraph
addLabelItemCollection (ILabelLayoutDpKey<boolean>, ItemCollection<ILabel>?)in GenericLayoutDataAdds a set of ILabels in the graph that will be passed to the LayoutGraph
addLabelItemMapping (ILabelLayoutDpKey<TValue>, ItemMapping<ILabel,TValue>?)in GenericLayoutDataAdds data per ILabel in the graph that will be added to the LayoutGraph
addLabelItemMapping (string, ItemMapping<ILabel,TValue>?)in GenericLayoutDataAdds data per label in the graph that will be added to the LayoutGraph
createEdgeLabelModelManager (ICanvasObjectDescriptor, function(ILabel):ICanvasObjectGroup)in GraphModelManagerFactory method for creating the ItemModelManager<T> that handles the visual representation of edge labels.
createNodeLabelModelManager (ICanvasObjectDescriptor, function(ILabel):ICanvasObjectGroup)in GraphModelManagerFactory method for creating the ItemModelManager<T> that handles the visual representation of node labels.
createPortLabelModelManager (ICanvasObjectDescriptor, function(ILabel):ICanvasObjectGroup)in GraphModelManagerFactory method for creating the ItemModelManager<T> that handles the visual representation of port labels.
createLabelSelectionModel ()in GraphSelectionFactory method that creates the DefaultSelectionModel<T> to use for the labels.

Method Parameters

onLabelAdded (ILabel, Object)in AdjacencyGraphBuilderTriggers the LabelAdded event.
onLabelRemoved (ILabel, Object)in AdjacencyGraphBuilderTriggers the LabelRemoved event.
onLabelUpdated (ILabel, Object)in AdjacencyGraphBuilderTriggers the LabelUpdated event.
onLabelAdded (ILabel, Object)in GraphBuilderTriggers the LabelAdded event.
onLabelRemoved (ILabel, Object)in GraphBuilderTriggers the LabelRemoved event.
onLabelUpdated (ILabel, Object)in GraphBuilderTriggers the LabelUpdated event.
applyPreferredSizeBindings (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorResolves the preferredSizeBindings against the given dataItem and applies them to the given label preferredSize.
applyStyleBindings (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorResolves the styleBindings against the given dataItem and applies them to the given label style.
getUpdatedLayoutParameter (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorResolves the layoutParameterProvider on the given data item.
getUpdatedPreferredSize (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorResolves the preferredSizeProvider and then applies the preferred size bindings.
getUpdatedStyle (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorResolves the styleProvider and then applies the style bindings.
getUpdatedTag (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorResolves the tagProvider on the given data item.
getUpdatedText (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorResolves the textProvider on the given data item.
onLabelAdded (IGraph, TDataItem, ILabel)in LabelCreatorTriggers the LabelAdded event.
onLabelUpdated (IGraph, TDataItem, ILabel)in LabelCreatorTriggers the LabelUpdated event.
updateLabel (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorUpdates the label.
updateLayoutParameter (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorUpdates the layoutParameter of the label with the given dataItem by calling getUpdatedLayoutParameter and setting the new parameter on the label.
updatePreferredSize (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorUpdates the preferredSize of the label with the given dataItem by calling getUpdatedPreferredSize and setting the new size on the label.
updateStyle (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorUpdates the style of the label with the given dataItem by calling getUpdatedStyle and applying the style to the node in the graph.
updateTag (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorUpdates the tag of the label with the given dataItem by calling getUpdatedTag and setting the new tag on the label.
updateText (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorUpdates the text of the label with the given dataItem by calling getUpdatedText and setting the new text on the label.
onLabelAdded (ILabel, Object)in TreeBuilderTriggers the LabelAdded event.
onLabelRemoved (ILabel, Object)in TreeBuilderTriggers the LabelRemoved event.
onLabelUpdated (ILabel, Object)in TreeBuilderTriggers the LabelUpdated event.
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in BezierEdgePathLabelModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in BezierEdgePathLabelModelReturns an empty context.
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in BezierEdgePathLabelModel
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in BezierEdgeSegmentLabelModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in BezierEdgeSegmentLabelModelReturns an empty context.
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in BezierEdgeSegmentLabelModel
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in CompositeLabelModelTries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance.
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in CompositeLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in CompositeLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in CompositeLabelModelReturns an enumerator over a set of possible ILabelModelParameter instances that can be used for the given label and model.
getDescriptor (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in ConstantLabelCandidateDescriptorProviderAlways yields the parameter that has been passed to the constructor.
createLabelLayoutParameter (IFoldingView, ILabel, ILabel)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterCreates the ILabelModelParameter for use in initializeFolderNodeLabels.
createLabelStyle (IFoldingView, ILabel, ILabel)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterCreates the ILabelStyle for use in initializeFolderNodeLabels.
createPreferredLabelSize (ILabel)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterGets the preferred size for use in initializeFolderNodeLabels and synchronizeLabels.
createUndoUnitForLabelAddition (ILabel)in DefaultGraphCreates the label addition undo unit for the given label.
createUndoUnitForLabelModelParameterChange (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in DefaultGraphCreates the undo unit for changing the layout parameter of the given label.
createUndoUnitForLabelRemoval (ILabel)in DefaultGraphCreates the label removal undo unit for the given label.
createUndoUnitForLabelStyleChange (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in DefaultGraphCreates the undo unit for changing the style of the given label.
createUndoUnitForLabelTagChange (ILabel, Object)in DefaultGraphCreates the undo unit for changing the tag of the given label.
createUndoUnitForLabelTextChange (ILabel, string)in DefaultGraphCreates the undo unit for changing the text of the given label.
createUndoUnitForPreferredSizeChange (ILabel, Size)in DefaultGraphCreates the undo unit for changing the preferred size of the given label.
onAddingEdgeLabel (IEdge, ILabel)in DefaultGraphCalled just before an edge label is added to an edge.
onAddingNodeLabel (INode, ILabel)in DefaultGraphCalled just before a node label is added to a node.
onAddingPortLabel (IPort, ILabel)in DefaultGraphCalled just before a port label is added to a port.
onChangingLabelLayoutParameter (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in DefaultGraphCalled before the layoutParameter of a label is being changed.
onChangingLabelPreferredSize (ILabel, Size)in DefaultGraphCalled before the preferred size of a label is being changed.
onChangingLabelStyle (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in DefaultGraphCalled before a label style is being changed.
onChangingLabelText (ILabel, string)in DefaultGraphCalled before the text of a label is being changed.
onEdgeLabelAdded (ILabel)in DefaultGraphCalled after a label has been added to an edge.
onEdgeLabelRemoved (ILabelOwner, ILabel)in DefaultGraphCalled after an edge label has been removed from its edge.
onLabelLayoutParameterChanged (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in DefaultGraphCalled after a label model parameter has changed.
onLabelPreferredSizeChanged (ILabel, Size)in DefaultGraphCalled after the preferred size of a label has changed.
onLabelStyleChanged (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in DefaultGraphCalled after a label style has changed.
onLabelTagChanged (ILabel, Object)in DefaultGraphCalled after a label tag has changed.
onLabelTextChanged (ILabel, string)in DefaultGraphCalled after a label text has changed.
onNodeLabelAdded (ILabel)in DefaultGraphCalled after a label has been added to a node.
onNodeLabelRemoved (ILabelOwner, ILabel)in DefaultGraphCalled after a label has been removed from its node.
onPortLabelAdded (ILabel)in DefaultGraphCalled after a label has been added to a port.
onPortLabelRemoved (ILabelOwner, ILabel)in DefaultGraphCalled after a port label has been removed from its port.
onRemovingEdgeLabel (ILabel)in DefaultGraphCalled just before an edge label is removed from its edge.
onRemovingNodeLabel (ILabel)in DefaultGraphCalled just before a node label is removed from its node.
onRemovingPortLabel (ILabel)in DefaultGraphCalled just before a port label is removed from its port.
setLabelLayoutParameter (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in DefaultGraph
setLabelPreferredSize (ILabel, Size)in DefaultGraph
setLabelText (ILabel, string)in DefaultGraphSets the label text of the given label.
setStyle (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in DefaultGraphAssigns the given style instance by reference to the label.
calculateMetric (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter, IOrientedRectangle)in DefaultLabelModelParameterFinderCalculates a metric for the given label/parameter pair and the target label layout.
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in DefaultLabelModelParameterFinderTries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance.
getCandidateParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in DefaultLabelModelParameterFinderRetrieves an enumerator over all candidates for a given label and model.
selectBestParameter (ILabel, IOrientedRectangle, IEnumerable<ILabelModelParameter>)in DefaultLabelModelParameterFinderTries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance among the set of given parameters.
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in DescriptorWrapperLabelModel
getDescriptor (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in DescriptorWrapperLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in DescriptorWrapperLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in DescriptorWrapperLabelModel
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in EdgePathLabelModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in EdgePathLabelModelReturns an empty context.
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in EdgePathLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in EdgePathLabelModel
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in EdgeSegmentLabelModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in EdgeSegmentLabelModelReturns an empty context.
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in EdgeSegmentLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in EdgeSegmentLabelModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in ExteriorLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in ExteriorLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in ExteriorLabelModel
createLabelLayoutParameter (IFoldingView, ILabel, ILabel)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseCreates the ILabelModelParameter for use in initializeFoldingEdgeLabels.
createLabelStyle (IFoldingView, ILabel, ILabel)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseCreates the ILabelStyle for use in initializeFoldingEdgeLabels.
createPreferredLabelSize (ILabel)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseGets the preferred size for use in initializeFoldingEdgeLabels and synchronizeLabels.
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in FreeEdgeLabelModelTries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance.
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in FreeEdgeLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in FreeEdgeLabelModel
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in FreeLabelModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in FreeLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in FreeLabelModel
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in FreeNodeLabelModelTries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance.
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in FreeNodeLabelModelReturns an empty context.
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in FreeNodeLabelModel
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in FreePortLabelModelTries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance.
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in FreePortLabelModelReturns an empty context.
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in FreePortLabelModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in GenericLabelModel
getDescriptor (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in GenericLabelModelYields the ILabelCandidateDescriptor that has been associated with the instance during addParameter.
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in GenericLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in GenericLabelModel
getLabelLayoutParameter (GraphCopier, IGraph, ILabel, ILabelOwner)in GraphClipboardGets a ILabelModelParameter for the given label to be placed at the given newOwner.
getTargetLabeledItem (ILabel)in GraphClipboardProvides an ILabelOwner where the given clipboardLabel can be added to.
addLabel (IGraph, IGraph, ILabelOwner, ILabel)in GraphCopierAdds a label to the target item in the targetGraph as a copy of the source label.
copyLabelLayoutParameter (IGraph, ILabel)in GraphCopierCopies a ILabelModelParameter for a given label.
copyLabelStyle (IGraph, ILabel)in GraphCopierCopies an ILabelStyle instance.
copyLabelTag (ILabel, Object)in GraphCopierCopies the tag of a ILabel.
onLabelCopied (ILabel, ILabel)in GraphCopierCalled after a label has been copied.
onLabelAdded (ItemEventArgs<ILabel>)in GraphWrapperBaseRaises the LabelAdded event
onLabelLayoutParameterChanged (ItemChangedEventArgs<ILabel,ILabelModelParameter>)in GraphWrapperBaseRaises the LabelLayoutParameterChanged event
onLabelPreferredSizeChanged (ItemChangedEventArgs<ILabel,Size>)in GraphWrapperBaseRaises the LabelPreferredSizeChanged event
onLabelStyleChanged (ItemChangedEventArgs<ILabel,ILabelStyle>)in GraphWrapperBaseRaises the LabelStyleChanged event
onLabelTagChanged (ItemChangedEventArgs<ILabel,Object>)in GraphWrapperBaseRaises the LabelTagChanged event
onLabelTextChanged (ItemChangedEventArgs<ILabel,string>)in GraphWrapperBaseRaises the LabelTextChanged event
setLabelLayoutParameter (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in GraphWrapperBase
setLabelPreferredSize (ILabel, Size)in GraphWrapperBase
setLabelText (ILabel, string)in GraphWrapperBase
setStyle (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in GraphWrapperBase
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in GroupNodeLabelModelReturns an empty context.
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in GroupNodeLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in GroupNodeLabelModel
adjustLabelPreferredSize (ILabel)in IGraphAdjusts the preferredSize property of a label to fit the suggested size of its ILabelStyleRenderer.
applyLayout (ILayoutAlgorithm, LayoutData?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, PortAdjustmentPolicy?, ItemMapping<ILabel,PortLabelPolicy>?, Insets?, LabelPreferredPlacementPolicy?)in IGraphRuns an ILayoutAlgorithm synchronously on the given graph.
setLabelLayoutParameter (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in IGraphSets the label model parameter for the given label.
setLabelPreferredSize (ILabel, Size)in IGraphSets the preferred size of the label.
setLabelText (ILabel, string)in IGraphSets the label text of the given label.
setStyle (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in IGraphAssigns the given style instance by reference to the label.
getDescriptor (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in ILabelCandidateDescriptorProviderGets the descriptor for a given pair of a label and a ILabelModelParameter.
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in ILabelModelProvides a lookup context for the given combination of label and parameter.
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in ILabelModelCalculates the geometry of the given label using the given model parameter.
supports (ILabel)in ILabelModelParameterDetermines whether this parameter can be used for a given label instance.
create (function(ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle):ILabelModelParameter)in ILabelModelParameterFinderCreates an implementation of the interface ILabelModelParameterFinder by using the given function as implementation for its findBestParameter method.
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in ILabelModelParameterFinderTries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance.
create (function(ILabel, ILabelModel):IEnumerable<ILabelModelParameter>)in ILabelModelParameterProviderCreates an implementation of the interface ILabelModelParameterProvider by using the given function as implementation for its getParameters method.
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in ILabelModelParameterProviderReturns an enumerator over a set of possible ILabelModelParameter instances that can be used for the given label and model.
createDelegateMapper (ILabelLayoutDpKey<V>, function(ILabel):V)in IMapperRegistryCreates a delegate-based read-only IMapper<K,V> implementation with key type ILabel and adds it to the registry using the provided tag.
adjustLabelPreferredSize (ILabel)in ITableAdjusts the preferredSize property of a label to fit the suggested size of its ILabelStyleRenderer.
remove (ILabel)in ITableRemoves the given label from its owner.
setLabelLayoutParameter (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in ITableSets the label model parameter for the given label.
setLabelPreferredSize (ILabel, Size)in ITableSets the preferred size of the label.
setLabelText (ILabel, string)in ITableSets the label text of the given label.
setStyle (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in ITableAssigns the given style instance by reference to the label.
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in InsideOutsidePortLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in InsideOutsidePortLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in InsideOutsidePortLabelModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in InteriorLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in InteriorLabelModel
getMinimumNodeSize (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in InteriorLabelModelReturns the minimum size this model would require for the node owner of the label if the given label was used with the provided parameter.
getNodeInsets (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in InteriorLabelModelReturns the insets this model would require for the node owner of the label if the given label was used with the provided parameter.
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in InteriorLabelModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in InteriorStretchLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in InteriorStretchLabelModel
getMinimumNodeSize (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in InteriorStretchLabelModelReturns the minimum size this model would require for the node owner of the label if the the given label was used with the provided parameter.
getNodeInsets (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in InteriorStretchLabelModelReturns the insets this model would require for the node owner of the label if the the given label was used with the provided parameter.
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in InteriorStretchLabelModel
LabelEventArgs (ILabel, ILabelOwner)in LabelEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the LabelEventArgs class.
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in NinePositionsEdgeLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in NinePositionsEdgeLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in NinePositionsEdgeLabelModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in NodeLabelModelStripeLabelModelAdapter
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in NodeLabelModelStripeLabelModelAdapter
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in SandwichLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in SandwichLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in SandwichLabelModel
SimpleEdge (IPort?, IPort?, )in SimpleEdgeCreates an edge with a default lookup, and the given source and target ports.
SimpleNode ()in SimpleNodeCreates a default node with default lookup, an instance of VoidNodeStyle, empty layout and no labels or ports.
SimplePort (IPortOwner?, IPortLocationModelParameter?, )in SimplePortCreates a port with a default lookup using the given location and owner.
findBestParameter (ILabel, ILabelModel, IOrientedRectangle)in SmartEdgeLabelModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in SmartEdgeLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in SmartEdgeLabelModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in StretchStripeLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in StretchStripeLabelModelCalculates the geometry in form of an IOrientedRectangle for a given label using the given model parameter.
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in StretchStripeLabelModel
getContext (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in StripeLabelModel
getGeometry (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in StripeLabelModelCalculates the geometry in form of an IOrientedRectangle for a given label using the given model parameter.
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in StripeLabelModel
onLabelAdded (ILabel)in TableCalled after a label has been added to a stripe.
onLabelChanged (ILabel)in TableCalled after a label has changed.
onLabelRemoved (ILabelOwner, ILabel)in TableCalled after a label has been removed from its stripe.
remove (ILabel)in TableRemoves the given label from its owner.
setLabelLayoutParameter (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in TableSets the label model parameter for the given label.
setLabelPreferredSize (ILabel, Size)in TableSets the preferred size of the label.
setLabelText (ILabel, string)in TableSets the label text of the given label.
setStyle (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in TableAssigns the given style instance by reference to the label.
HierarchicLayoutData ()in HierarchicLayoutDataCreates a new instance of HierarchicLayoutData which helps configuring HierarchicLayout.
getPreferredSize (IInputModeContext, ILabel)in EditLabelHelperGets the preferred size for the label.
GraphEditorInputMode ()in GraphEditorInputModeCreates a new instance that is not bound to an existing graph or selection, initially.
editLabel (ILabel)in GraphEditorInputModeStarts editing the given label.
editLabelCore (ILabel, function(IInputModeContext, TextEditorInputMode, ILabel):void)in GraphEditorInputModeCore label edit method - opens a new textEditorInputMode input field.
onLabelDropInputModeLabelCreated (Object, ItemEventArgs<ILabel>)in GraphEditorInputModeCalled when the labelDropInputMode's ItemCreated event is triggered.
onLabelTextEdited (ILabel, string)in GraphEditorInputModeCalled when the text of a label has been edited.
setLabelText (ILabel, string)in GraphEditorInputModeSets the label's text after it has been edited.
create ()in ILabelGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface ILabelGridConstraintProvider from the given definition.
addSnapLines (LabelSnapContext, IInputModeContext, ILabel)in ILabelSnapContextHelperCalled during initialization of a label dragging to add snap lines to which the label can potentially snap to the snapContext.
collectSnapResults (LabelSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, IOrientedRectangle, ILabel)in ILabelSnapContextHelperCalled while the given label is dragged to add snap results for the snap lines provided by the context.
create ()in ILabelSnapContextHelperCreates an implementation of the interface ILabelSnapContextHelper from the given definition.
LabelDropInputMode (string, )in LabelDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class DropInputMode for the expected data type.
LabelDropInputMode (string, )in LabelDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class DropInputMode for the expected data type.
LabelDropInputMode ()in LabelDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class LabelDropInputMode for the type ILabel.
createLabel (IInputModeContext, IGraph, ILabel, ILabelOwner, ILabelModelParameter)in LabelDropInputModeCreates the label in the graph after it's been dropped.
getLabelLayout (Point, ILabel)in LabelDropInputModeGet the layout the dragged label currently has.
getNewLabelModelParameter (ILabelOwner, ILabel, Point)in LabelDropInputModeDetermine the ILabelModelParameter the label should have if it were dropped at draggedLocation over owner.
isValidLabelOwner (ILabelOwner, ILabel)in LabelDropInputModeDefault backing method for isValidLabelOwnerPredicate
onItemCreated (ItemEventArgs<ILabel>)in LabelDropInputMode
startDrag (HTMLElement | SVGElement, ILabel, DragDropEffects?, boolean?, HTMLElement | SVGElement?)in LabelDropInputModeStarts a drag and drop operation for a ILabel.
LabelEditingEventArgs (IInputModeContext, ILabelOwner, ILabel)in LabelEditingEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the LabelEditingEventArgs class with the given context, owner, and label.
LabelPositionHandler (ILabel)in LabelPositionHandlerInitializes a new instance of the LabelPositionHandler class.
getParameterCandidates (ILabel)in LabelPositionHandlerGets the candidates for the given label.
setLayoutParameter (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in LabelPositionHandlerActually applies the given parameter at the end of the gesture.
addEdgePathSnapLines (LabelSnapContext, IInputModeContext, ILabel)in LabelSnapContextHelperAdds snap lines to the snapContext that are parallel to the path segments of the owner edge at particular distances.
addEdgePathSnapLines (LabelSnapContext, IInputModeContext, ILabel, number)in LabelSnapContextHelperAdds snap lines to the snapContext that are parallel to the path segments of the owner edge at the given distance.
addInitialLocationSnapLines (LabelSnapContext, IInputModeContext, ILabel)in LabelSnapContextHelperAdds two snap line for the initial center location of the label, one in the direction of the up vector, the other orthogonal to that direction.
addNodeShapeSnapLines (LabelSnapContext, IInputModeContext, ILabel)in LabelSnapContextHelperAdds snap lines to the snapContext that are parallel to the owner node's border at particular distances.
addPortSnapLines (LabelSnapContext, IInputModeContext, ILabel)in LabelSnapContextHelperAdds horizontal and vertical snap lines to the snapContext that are originating from the label's owner port if the label's owner is a port.
addSnapLines (LabelSnapContext, IInputModeContext, ILabel)in LabelSnapContextHelperCalled during initialization of a label dragging to add snap lines to which the label can potentially snap to the snapContext.
collectSnapResults (LabelSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, IOrientedRectangle, ILabel)in LabelSnapContextHelper
LabelTextValidatingEventArgs (IInputModeContext, ILabel, string)in LabelTextValidatingEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the LabelTextValidatingEventArgs class.
createLabelPositionHandler (ILabel)in MoveLabelInputModeCreates the position handler for the given label used in isValidLabelHit.
shouldMove (IInputModeContext, ILabel)in MoveLabelInputModeDetermines whether or not a label is allowed to be moved.
editLabel (ILabel)in TableEditorInputModeStarts editing of the given label.
onLabelTextChanged (ItemEventArgs<ILabel>)in TableEditorInputModeRaises the LabelTextChanged event.
onLabelTextEdited (ILabel, string)in TableEditorInputModeCalled when the text of a label has been edited.
LabelingData ()in LabelingDataCreates a new instance of LabelingData which helps configuring GenericLabeling.
addLabelItemCollection (string, ItemCollection<ILabel>?)in GenericLayoutDataAdds a set of ILabels in the graph that will be passed to the LayoutGraph
addLabelItemCollection (ILabelLayoutDpKey<boolean>, ItemCollection<ILabel>?)in GenericLayoutDataAdds a set of ILabels in the graph that will be passed to the LayoutGraph
addLabelItemMapping (ILabelLayoutDpKey<TValue>, ItemMapping<ILabel,TValue>?)in GenericLayoutDataAdds data per ILabel in the graph that will be added to the LayoutGraph
addLabelItemMapping (string, ItemMapping<ILabel,TValue>?)in GenericLayoutDataAdds data per label in the graph that will be added to the LayoutGraph
LayoutExecutor (GraphComponent, ILayoutAlgorithm, )in LayoutExecutorInitializes a new instance of the LayoutExecutor class.
LayoutExecutor (GraphComponent, IGraph, ILayoutAlgorithm, )in LayoutExecutorInitializes a new instance of the LayoutExecutor class.
LayoutExecutorAsync (function(Object):Promise<Object>, GraphComponent, LayoutDescriptor?, LayoutData?, )in LayoutExecutorAsyncCreates a new instance of a layout execution helper that will asynchronously perform the calculations and optionally animate the layout on the given graphComponent.
LayoutExecutorAsync (function(Object):Promise<Object>, IGraph, LayoutDescriptor?, LayoutData?, )in LayoutExecutorAsyncCreates a new instance of a layout execution helper that will asynchronously perform the calculations and apply the results on the provided graph.
LayoutGraphAdapter (IGraph?, ISelectionModel<IModelItem>?, )in LayoutGraphAdapterCreates the adapter using a given IGraph and ISelectionModel<T>.
createEdgeLabelCandidate (ILabel, ILabel, ILabelModelParameter, IEdgeLabelLayout)in LayoutGraphAdapterCreates the EdgeLabelCandidate for a given label and ILabelModelParameter combination.
createNodeLabelCandidate (ILabel, ILabel, ILabelModelParameter, INodeLabelLayout)in LayoutGraphAdapterCreates a NodeLabelCandidate for a given label and ILabelModelParameter combination.
getLabelCandidateDescriptor (ILabel, ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in LayoutGraphAdapterCallback that retrieves the label candidate descriptor for the given label and parameter.
MultiPageLayoutData ()in MultiPageLayoutDataCreates a new instance of MultiPageLayoutData which helps configuring MultiPageLayout.
OrganicLayoutData ()in OrganicLayoutDataCreates a new instance of OrganicLayoutData which helps configuring OrganicLayout.
OrthogonalLayoutData ()in OrthogonalLayoutDataCreates a new instance of OrthogonalLayoutData which helps configuring OrthogonalLayout.
CurveRoutingStageData ()in CurveRoutingStageDataCreates a new instance of CurveRoutingStageData which helps configuring the CurveRoutingStage.
EdgeRouterData ()in EdgeRouterDataCreates a new instance of EdgeRouterData which helps configuring EdgeRouter.
SeriesParallelLayoutData ()in SeriesParallelLayoutDataCreates a new instance of SeriesParallelLayoutData which helps configuring SeriesParallelLayout.
getBoundsProvider (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in DefaultLabelStyleRendererConfigures the style and label parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getContext (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in DefaultLabelStyleRendererConfigures the style and label parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getHitTestable (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in DefaultLabelStyleRendererConfigures the style and label parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getMarqueeTestable (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in DefaultLabelStyleRendererConfigures the style and label parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getPreferredSize (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in DefaultLabelStyleRenderer
getVisibilityTestable (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in DefaultLabelStyleRendererConfigures the style and label parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getVisualCreator (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in DefaultLabelStyleRendererConfigures the style and label parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getBoundsProvider (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in ILabelStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IBoundsProvider interface that can handle the provided label and its associated style.
getContext (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in ILabelStyleRendererGets a temporary context instance that can be used to query additional information for the label's style.
getHitTestable (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in ILabelStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IHitTestable interface that can handle the provided label and its associated style.
getMarqueeTestable (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in ILabelStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IMarqueeTestable interface that can handle the provided label and its associated style.
getPreferredSize (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in ILabelStyleRendererCalculates the preferred size of a given label using the associated style.
getVisibilityTestable (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in ILabelStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IVisibilityTestable interface that can handle the provided label and its associated style.
getVisualCreator (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in ILabelStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IVisualCreator interface that can handle the provided label and its associated style.
getBoundsProvider (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in IconLabelStyleRendererConfigures the style and label parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getContext (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in IconLabelStyleRendererConfigures the style and label parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getHitTestable (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in IconLabelStyleRendererConfigures the style and label parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getMarqueeTestable (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in IconLabelStyleRendererConfigures the style and label parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getPreferredSize (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in IconLabelStyleRenderer
getVisibilityTestable (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in IconLabelStyleRendererConfigures the style and label parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getVisualCreator (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in IconLabelStyleRendererConfigures the style and label parameters, calls configure and returns this.
createVisual (IRenderContext, ILabel)in LabelStyleBaseCreates the visual.
getBounds (ICanvasContext, ILabel)in LabelStyleBaseGets the bounds of the visual for the label in the given context.
getPreferredSize (ILabel)in LabelStyleBaseReturns the preferred size of the label.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point, ILabel)in LabelStyleBaseDetermines whether the visual representation of the label has been hit at the given location.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect, ILabel)in LabelStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified label is included in the marquee selection.
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath, ILabel)in LabelStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified label is included in the lasso selection.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect, ILabel)in LabelStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified label is visible in the context.
lookup (ILabel, Class)in LabelStyleBasePerforms the lookup operation for the getContext that has been queried from the renderer.
updateVisual (IRenderContext, TVisual, ILabel)in LabelStyleBaseUpdates the visual previously created by createVisual.
createTemplate (IRenderContext, ILabel)in TemplateLabelStyleBaseFactory method that is called by the TemplateLabelStyleRenderer to create the visual that will be used for the display of the label.
getPreferredSize (IRenderContext, ILabel)in TemplateLabelStyleBaseDetermines the preferred size of the label if this style was applied.
getBoundsProvider (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in TemplateLabelStyleRendererConfigures the style and label properties, calls configure and returns this.
getContext (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in TemplateLabelStyleRendererConfigures the style and label properties, does not call configure and returns this.
getHitTestable (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in TemplateLabelStyleRendererConfigures the style and label properties, calls configure and returns this.
getMarqueeTestable (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in TemplateLabelStyleRendererConfigures the style and label properties, calls configure and returns this.
getPreferredSize (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in TemplateLabelStyleRendererCalculates the preferred size for the given label and style.
getPreferredSizeWithContext (IRenderContext, ILabel, ILabelStyle)in TemplateLabelStyleRendererCalculates the preferred size for the given label and style.
getVisibilityTestable (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in TemplateLabelStyleRendererConfigures the style and label properties, does not call configure and returns this.
getVisualCreator (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in TemplateLabelStyleRendererConfigures the style and label properties, calls configure and returns this.
lookupContext (TemplateLabelStyleBase, ILabel, Class)in TemplateLabelStyleRendererDelegates to the TemplateLabelStyleBase's contextLookup.
getBoundsProvider (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in VoidLabelStyleRendererYields the EMPTY that will return empty bounds.
getContext (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in VoidLabelStyleRendererYields a lookup that will only return NEVER if an ILassoTestable is queried.
getHitTestable (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in VoidLabelStyleRendererYields the NEVER that will always report misses.
getMarqueeTestable (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in VoidLabelStyleRendererYields the NEVER that will always report misses.
getPreferredSize (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in VoidLabelStyleRendererYields EMPTY.
getVisibilityTestable (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in VoidLabelStyleRendererYields the NEVER that will always claim invisibility.
getVisualCreator (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in VoidLabelStyleRendererYields the INSTANCE that will do nothing.
BalloonLayoutData ()in BalloonLayoutDataCreates a new instance of BalloonLayoutData which helps configuring BalloonLayout.
TreeLayoutData ()in TreeLayoutDataCreates a new instance of TreeLayoutData which helps configuring TreeLayout.
morphLayout (ILayoutAlgorithm, TimeSpan?, LayoutData?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, PortAdjustmentPolicy?, ItemMapping<ILabel,PortLabelPolicy>?, Insets?, LabelPreferredPlacementPolicy?)in GraphComponentRuns a layout on the graph of the GraphComponent and animates the transition.
createEdgeLabelModelManager (ICanvasObjectDescriptor, function(ILabel):ICanvasObjectGroup)in GraphModelManagerFactory method for creating the ItemModelManager<T> that handles the visual representation of edge labels.
createNodeLabelModelManager (ICanvasObjectDescriptor, function(ILabel):ICanvasObjectGroup)in GraphModelManagerFactory method for creating the ItemModelManager<T> that handles the visual representation of node labels.
createPortLabelModelManager (ICanvasObjectDescriptor, function(ILabel):ICanvasObjectGroup)in GraphModelManagerFactory method for creating the ItemModelManager<T> that handles the visual representation of port labels.
getLabelCanvasObjectGroup (ILabel)in GraphModelManagerRetrieves the ICanvasObjectGroup containing the canvas object of a given label.
createGraphAnimation (IGraph, IMapper<INode,IRectangle>?, IMapper<IEdge,yfiles.geometry.IPoint[]>?, IMapper<IPort,IPortLocationModelParameter>?, IMapper<ILabel,ILabelModelParameter>?, TimeSpan?)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation that animates the given layout of all types of graph items.
createLabelAnimation (IGraph, ILabel, ILabelModelParameter, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation that animates the given label from its current layout linearly to the layout given by the targetLayoutParameter.
getStyle (ILabel)in WebGL2GraphModelManagerReturns the currently associated style to use for the label when rendered in WebGL mode.
getWebGL2LabelStyle (ILabel)in WebGL2GraphModelManagerGets a WebGL2 label style that is similar to the ILabelStyle of the given label.
setAnimations (ILabel, WebGL2Animation)in WebGL2GraphModelManagerSets the animations to apply to the label.
setStyle (ILabel, WebGL2DefaultLabelStyle | WebGL2IconLabelStyle)in WebGL2GraphModelManagerSets the style to use for the label when rendered in WebGL2 mode.
updateLabelPosition (ILabel)in WebGL2GraphModelManagerUpdates the location of the WebGL2 visualization of the given label.
updateStyle (ILabel)in WebGL2GraphModelManagerExplicitly updates the WebGL2 style of a label

Extending Types

LabelEventArgsA specialized subclass of the ItemEventArgs<T> class that is bound to the ILabel type and carries additional owner information.
LabelDropInputModeAn ItemDropInputMode<T> specialized to the drag and drop of ILabels.

Implementing Types

SimpleLabelA mutable implementation of the ILabel interface that can be used without an IGraph.
ILabelGridConstraintProviderThis is a flagging interface for instances of IGridConstraintProvider<T> that can snap coordinates of ILabels to a grid.
ILabelHitTesterThis is a flagging interface for instances of IHitTester<T> that enumerate over a collection of ILabels.