documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IInputMode


mutexOwnerin ConcurrencyControllerGets the current owner of the input mutex or null if no mode currently owns the mutex.
parentInputModein IInputModeContextGets the IInputMode which issued the context object.
mutexOwnerin MultiplexingInputModeGets the IInputMode that currently owns the mutex.
inputModein CanvasComponentGets or sets the single IInputMode instance that shall be installed for this canvas.

Method Return Values

getSortedModes ()in MultiplexingInputModeReturns a list of all modes managed by this instance in sorted order.

Method Parameters

ConcurrencyController (IInputMode)in ConcurrencyControllerCreates an instance that can be used to install the given mode.
createInputModeContext (IInputMode, ILookup?)in IInputModeContextFactory method that creates an IInputModeContext that uses the provided parent mode and lookup decoration.
createInputModeContext (IInputMode, function(Object, Class):Object)in IInputModeContextFactory method that creates an IInputModeContext that uses the provided parent mode and lookup decoration.
createInputModeContext (IInputMode, IInputModeContext, ILookup)in IInputModeContextFactory method that creates an IInputModeContext that uses the provided parent mode, parent context, and lookup decoration.
createInputModeContext (IInputMode, IInputModeContext, function(Object, Class):Object)in IInputModeContextFactory method that creates an IInputModeContext that uses the provided parent mode, parent context, and lookup decoration.
createInputModeContext (CanvasComponent, IInputMode?, ILookup?)in IInputModeContextFactory method that creates an IInputModeContext that uses the provided values.
add (IInputMode)in MultiplexingInputModeAdds the given mode.
remove (IInputMode)in MultiplexingInputModeRemoves the given mode from this compound mode.
GraphComponent (HTMLDivElement, )in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of the GraphComponent in the given div element.
GraphComponent ()in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of the GraphComponent.
GraphComponent (string, )in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of GraphComponent using the div element that is specified by the selector.

Implementing Types

ClickInputModeAn input mode that recognizes simple mouse clicks.
ContextMenuInputModeAn implementation of the IInputMode interface that handles the display of a custom context menu when the user right clicks on the CanvasComponent.
CreateBendInputModeAn IInputMode used for recognizing the gesture of creating IBends in an IGraph.
CreateEdgeInputModeAn IInputMode for interactively creating edges between nodes and edges in an IGraph displayed in a CanvasComponent or GraphComponent.
DropInputModeAn input mode which handles drag and drop related events on a CanvasComponent.
FocusGuardInputModeAn IInputMode that can be added to a MultiplexingInputMode to suppress other modes from doing unwanted things if the control has just become focused.
HandleInputModeAn IInputMode implementation that can handle a collection of IHandles.
InputModeBaseAbstract base class implementation of an IInputMode that can be used concurrently with other IInputMode implementations if its exclusive property is true.
ItemHoverInputModeAn input mode for use in a GraphComponent that fires events when the mouse enters or leaves the visualization of a graph item.
KeyboardInputModeAn IInputMode that recognizes simple key events and invokes a registered handler.
LassoSelectionInputModeAn IInputMode implementation that can handle lasso selections performed by the user with a mouse or via touch.
MarqueeSelectionInputModeAn IInputMode implementation that can handle marquee selections performed by the user with a mouse.
MouseHoverInputModeAn IInputMode that detects when the mouse hovers over the CanvasComponent.
MoveInputModeGeneric IInputMode implementation that can be used to move something in the canvas using the mouse.
MoveViewportInputModeAn IInputMode implementation that can be used to grab and move and to zoom the viewport of a CanvasComponent.
MultiplexingInputModeA composite IInputMode implementation that additionally can deal with exclusive instances.
NavigationInputModeAn IInputMode that can navigate an IGraph displayed in a graphComponent.
ResizeStripeInputModeSpecialized input mode that is used to resize a stripe by dragging one of its borders.
TapInputModeAn input mode that recognizes simple touch taps.
TextEditorInputModeAn IInputMode implementation that displays a textarea in the CanvasComponent to let the user edit a text.
WaitInputModeAn IInputMode implementation that can be used to block user interaction.