documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IHitTester


hitTesterin GraphEditorInputModeGets or sets the hitTester property.
hitTesterin GraphModelManagerGets a IHitTester<T> that can be used to enumerate hits on the canvas at a given world coordinate position.

Method Return Values

create (function(IInputModeContext, Point):IEnumerable<T>)in IHitTesterCreates an implementation of the interface IHitTester<T> by using the given function as implementation for its enumerateHits method.
createHitTester (Class)in GraphModelManagerGets a IHitTester<T> that can be used to enumerate hits on the canvas at a given world coordinate position.
createHitTester (Class)in WebGL2GraphModelManager

Method Parameters

GraphEditorInputMode ()in GraphEditorInputModeCreates a new instance that is not bound to an existing graph or selection, initially.

Implementing Types

IBendHitTesterThis is a flagging interface for instances of IHitTester<T> that enumerate over a collection of IBends.
IEdgeHitTesterThis is a flagging interface for instances of IHitTester<T> that enumerate over a collection of IEdges.
ILabelHitTesterThis is a flagging interface for instances of IHitTester<T> that enumerate over a collection of ILabels.
ILabelOwnerHitTesterThis is a flagging interface for instances of IHitTester<T> that enumerate over a collection of ILabelOwner.
INodeHitTesterThis is a flagging interface for instances of IHitTester<T> that enumerate over a collection of INodes.
IPortHitTesterThis is a flagging interface for instances of IHitTester<T> that enumerate over a collection of IPorts.