documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


nodePlacerin HierarchicLayoutGets or sets the IHierarchicLayoutNodePlacer instance that will calculate the final node placement of the layout.
nodePlacerin HierarchicLayoutCoreGets or sets the IHierarchicLayoutNodePlacer instance responsible for the assignment of the x-(sequence) and preliminary y-coordinates of the nodes.

Method Return Values

createNodePlacer ()in HierarchicLayoutCoreFactory method that is called lazily upon first usage by nodePlacer if the given IHierarchicLayoutNodePlacer instance is null.

Method Parameters

HierarchicLayout ()in HierarchicLayoutCreates a new HierarchicLayout instance with the default settings.
HierarchicLayoutCore ()in HierarchicLayoutCoreCreates a new HierarchicLayoutCore instance with the default settings.

Implementing Types

SimplexNodePlacerThis class is a IHierarchicLayoutNodePlacer implementation based on rank assignment.