documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IHandle


handleDecoratorin BendDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IHandle type for IBends this instance has been created for.
handleDecoratorin PortDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IHandle type for IPorts this instance has been created for.
currentHandlein HandleInputModeGets the handle that is currently being moved or null otherwise.
handlesin HandleInputModeGets or sets the collection of IHandles this mode manages.
handlein QueryClosestHandleEventArgsGets or sets the handle to use.

Method Return Values

addHandle (IMutablePoint, Cursor?, HandleTypes?)in HandleInputModeFactory method that creates and adds a handle to this mode by wrapping a given IMutablePoint instance.
getClosestHandleAt (Point)in HandleInputModeFinds the closest hit handle for the given world coordinate pair.
getClosestHitHandle (Point)in HandleInputModeFinds the closest hit handle for the given world coordinate pair.
getClosestHitHandleTouch (Point)in HandleInputModeFinds the closest hit handle for the given world coordinate pair.
getHandle (IInputModeContext, IEdge, boolean)in IEdgePortHandleProviderGets an IHandle implementation for one end of the provided edge.
create ()in IHandleCreates an implementation of the interface IHandle from the given definition.
getHandles (IInputModeContext)in IHandleProviderReturns a collection of zero or more IHandle implementations that are associated with this instance.
getHandle (IInputModeContext, HandlePositions)in IReshapeHandleProviderReturns an implementation of an IHandle for the given position, that can be used to reshape an object.
getHandle (IInputModeContext, HandlePositions)in NodeReshapeHandleProviderProvides a NodeReshapeHandlerHandle that uses the reshapeHandler to perform the actual reshaping.
createPortRelocationHandle (IGraph, IEdge, boolean)in PortRelocationHandleProviderFactory method that creates the handle for this provider.
getHandle (IInputModeContext, IEdge, boolean)in PortRelocationHandleProvider
getHandles (IInputModeContext)in PortRelocationHandleProvider
getHandle (IPort)in PortsHandleProviderRetrieves the handle implementation from the port's lookup.
getHandles (IInputModeContext)in PortsHandleProviderReturns a collection of zero or more IHandle implementations that are associated with the ports of this context.
getHandle (IInputModeContext, HandlePositions)in RectangleReshapeHandleProviderProvides a IHandle that uses the rectangle instance to perform the actual reshaping.
getHandle (IInputModeContext, HandlePositions)in ReshapeHandleProviderBaseProvides a IHandle that uses the rectangle and reshapeable instance bound to this instance to perform the actual reshaping.

Method Parameters

ConstrainedHandle (IHandle)in ConstrainedHandleInitializes a new instance of the ConstrainedHandle class that delegates to the wrappedHandle.
HandleInputMode ()in HandleInputModeCreates a new mode with no handles initially.
addHandle (IHandle)in HandleInputModeAdds a handle to the collection of handles managed by this instance.
arm (IHandle)in HandleInputModeInvoked when this mode gets "armed".
beginDragging (IHandle)in HandleInputModeMethod that can be used to initialize the dragging of a given handle by hand.
createVisual (IRenderContext, IHandle)in HandleInputModeCreates the Visual for the given handle, if renderMode is set to SVG.
handleClick (IInputModeContext, ClickEventArgs, IHandle)in HandleInputModeCalls handleClick of the handle with the evt.
handleIsHit (IHandle, Point, Point)in HandleInputModeDetermines whether a given handle has been visually hit by the mouse at the given world coordinates.
handleIsHitTouch (IHandle, Point, Point)in HandleInputModeDetermines whether a given handle has been visually hit by the touch device at the given world coordinates.
removeHandle (IHandle)in HandleInputModeRemoves a handle from the collection of handles managed by this instance.

Extending Types

ConstrainedHandleAn implementation of the IHandle interface that can be used to constrain the handle of an item.

Implementing Types

ConstrainedHandleAn implementation of the IHandle interface that can be used to constrain the handle of an item.
PortLocationModelParameterHandleAn implementation of the IHandle that can be used to move an IPort interactively by assigning new IPortLocationModelParameters to the locationParameter
PortRelocationHandleA sophisticated implementation of the IHandle interface that lets the user change an edge's source and target port.
RectangleHandleA more sophisticated IHandle implementation that modifies a rectangle.
ReshapeHandlerHandleA more sophisticated IHandle implementation that delegates to a IReshapeHandler.