documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


bendGridConstraintProviderin GraphSnapContextGets or sets the grid constraint provider for the IBends.
nodeGridConstraintProviderin GraphSnapContextGets or sets the grid constraint provider for the INodes.
portGridConstraintProviderin GraphSnapContextGets or sets the grid constraint provider for the IPorts.

Method Return Values

create ()in IGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IGridConstraintProvider<T> from the given definition.

Method Parameters

GraphSnapContext ()in GraphSnapContextCreates a new instance with default settings.
addGridSnapResult (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, INode, IGridConstraintProvider<INode>, Point, Point)in NodeReshapeSnapResultProviderAdds a snap result for a location that snaps to the grid.

Implementing Types

GridConstraintProviderA simple integer based implementation of IGridConstraintProvider<T>.
IBendGridConstraintProviderThis is a flagging interface for instances of IGridConstraintProvider<T> that can snap coordinates of IBends to a grid.
ILabelGridConstraintProviderThis is a flagging interface for instances of IGridConstraintProvider<T> that can snap coordinates of ILabels to a grid.
ILabelOwnerGridConstraintProviderThis is a flagging interface for instances of IGridConstraintProvider<T> that can snap coordinates of ILabelOwners to a grid.
INodeGridConstraintProviderThis is a flagging interface for instances of IGridConstraintProvider<T> that can snap coordinates of INodes to a grid.
IPortGridConstraintProviderThis is a flagging interface for instances of IGridConstraintProvider<T> that can snap coordinates of IPorts to a grid.