documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


clipboardContextin GraphClipboardGets the clipboard context for the current clipboard operation.

Method Return Values

createContext (IGraph, IGraph)in GraphClipboardFactory method that creates the context for the upcoming calls to the IClipboardHelper methods.

Method Parameters

copy (IGraphClipboardContext, IModelItem)in IClipboardHelperThis method is called during the copy operation of the given item to retrieve additional state that can be later used during a paste operation.
create ()in IClipboardHelperCreates an implementation of the interface IClipboardHelper from the given definition.
cut (IGraphClipboardContext, IModelItem)in IClipboardHelperThis method is called during the cut operation of the given item to retrieve additional state that can be later used during a paste operation.
paste (IGraphClipboardContext, IModelItem, Object)in IClipboardHelperThis method is called after the item has been pasted from the clipboard.
shouldCopy (IGraphClipboardContext, IModelItem)in IClipboardHelperDetermines whether the given item can or should be copied to the clipboard.
shouldCut (IGraphClipboardContext, IModelItem)in IClipboardHelperDetermines whether the given item can or should be cut to the clipboard.
shouldPaste (IGraphClipboardContext, IModelItem, Object)in IClipboardHelperDetermines whether the given item can or should be pasted from the clipboard to the target graph.
create ()in IClipboardIdProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IClipboardIdProvider from the given definition.
getId (IGraphClipboardContext, IModelItem)in IClipboardIdProviderGets the ID for the given originalItem.
getItem (IGraphClipboardContext, Object)in IClipboardIdProviderGets the item which is represented by the given id.