documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IEdgeDefaults


defaultsin EdgeCreatorGets or sets a set of IEdgeDefaults that will be used for the edges and edge labels.
edgeDefaultsin DefaultGraph
edgeDefaultsin GraphWrapperBase
edgeDefaultsin IGraphGets or sets the defaults for edges.
edgeDefaultsin CreateEdgeInputModeGets or sets the appearance of newly created edges.

Method Parameters

EdgeCreator ()in EdgeCreatorCreates a new creator for edges.
createEdgesSource (TDataItem[] | Iterable<TDataItem> | Map<any,TDataItem> | { [id: string]: TDataItem; } | (() => GeneratorLike<TDataItem>, function(TDataItem):Object, function(TDataItem):Object, function(TDataItem, Object):Object?, )in GraphBuilderCreates a new EdgesSource<TDataItem> and binds a collection of edge data items to it.
DefaultGraph ()in DefaultGraphCreates a new instance of a graph that provides an ILookupDecorator for all of its entities.
CreateEdgeInputMode ()in CreateEdgeInputModeCreates a new instance that will use the IGraph from the inputModeContext to create edges in.

Implementing Types

EdgeDefaultsA canonical implementation of the IEdgeDefaults interface