documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IComparable


nodeComparablesin LayerConstraintDataGets or set the mapping from nodes to an IComparable (for example a number or string) defining their layer constraints.
itemComparablesin SequenceConstraintDataGets or set the mapping from nodes or edges to an IComparable (for example a number or string) defining their sequence sort order.
componentIdsin ComponentLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping from nodes to their component comparable that is used to sort the components.
nodeComparablesin RadialLayoutDataGets or set the mapping from nodes to an IComparable (for example number or string) defining their sequence sort order.


COMPONENT_ID_DP_KEYin ComponentLayoutA data provider key for specifying custom graph components.
EDGE_COMPARABLE_DP_KEYin NormalizeGraphElementOrderStageA data provider key for defining a (global) order for edges.
NODE_COMPARABLE_DP_KEYin NormalizeGraphElementOrderStageA data provider key for defining a (global) order for nodes.
NODE_ORDER_COMPARABLE_DP_KEYin NodeOrderComparerA data provider key for registering an order for each node in the graph.

Method Parameters

LayerConstraintData ()in LayerConstraintDataCreates a new instance of LayerConstraintData which helps configuring ILayerConstraints for HierarchicLayout.
SequenceConstraintData ()in SequenceConstraintDataCreates a new instance of SequenceConstraintData which helps configuring sequence constraints for HierarchicLayout.
ComponentLayoutData ()in ComponentLayoutDataCreates a new instance of ComponentLayoutData which helps configuring ComponentLayout.
RadialLayoutData ()in RadialLayoutDataCreates a new instance of RadialLayoutData which helps configuring RadialLayout.

Implementing Types

YDimensionThis class represents the size of an object.
YPointThis class represents a point in the plane with double coordinates.
SwimlaneDescriptorThis class is used by HierarchicLayoutCore during the various phases and models a swimlane structure.
SnapResultThis is the abstract base class used by the implementers of SnapContext to model the result of the mouse being snapped to a certain location.
YBooleanWrapper class for the JavaScript boolean primitive type.
YNumberWrapper class for the JavaScript number primitive type.
YStringWrapper class for the JavaScript string primitive type.
TimeSpanA structure which represents a time span.
ColumnDescriptorThis class represents a column of a partition grid structure.
PartitionCellIdEntryThis class represents a single partition cell, i.e., a pair consisting of a row and a column.
RowDescriptorThis class represents a row of a partition grid structure.