documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of ICommand


availableCommandsin GraphInputModeGets a collection of commands that this input mode will handle.
commandin KeyboardInputModeBindingGets the ICommand that is associated with this binding.
availableCommandsin NavigationInputModeGets the list of commands that are available in this instance.
availableCommandsin OverviewInputModeGets the list of commands that are available in this instance.


ADD_LABELin ICommandA ICommand that can be executed from within the GraphComponent to add another label to the ILabelOwner that is specified by the command parameter.
ADJUST_GROUP_NODE_SIZEin ICommandA ICommand that can be executed from within the GraphComponent to adjust the size of group nodes.
BEGIN_EDGE_CREATIONin ICommandA ICommand that CreateEdgeInputMode instances can execute if they have been installed in a CanvasComponent.
CLOSEin ICommandAn ICommand to close a document.
COLLAPSE_GROUPin ICommandAn ICommand that can be executed from within the GraphComponent to collapse group nodes.
COPYin ICommandAn ICommand to copy to the clipboard.
CUTin ICommandAn ICommand to cut an item and place it in the clipboard.
DECREASE_ZOOMin ICommandAn ICommand to decrease the zoom level.
DELETEin ICommandAn ICommand to delete an item.
DESELECT_ALLin ICommandAn ICommand that can be executed from within the GraphComponent to clear the selection.
DESELECT_ITEMin ICommandA ICommand that can be executed from within the GraphComponent to deselect an item.
DUPLICATEin ICommandAn ICommand that can be executed from within the GraphComponent to duplicate items of the current IGraph.
EDIT_LABELin ICommandA ICommand that can be executed from within the GraphComponent to edit an label.
ENTER_GROUPin ICommandAn ICommand that can be executed from within the GraphComponent to switch the local root of the current IFoldingView view to the given group node.
EXIT_GROUPin ICommandAn ICommand that can be executed from within the GraphComponent to exit the current local root of the current IFoldingView view to the given parent view.
EXPAND_GROUPin ICommandAn ICommand that can be executed from within the GraphComponent to expand group nodes.
EXTEND_SELECTION_DOWNin ICommandAn ICommand to extend the selection downwards.
EXTEND_SELECTION_LEFTin ICommandAn ICommand to extend the selection to the left.
EXTEND_SELECTION_RIGHTin ICommandAn ICommand to extend the selection to the right.
EXTEND_SELECTION_UPin ICommandAn ICommand to extend the selection upwards.
FIT_CONTENTin ICommandAn ICommand that invokes fitContent if executed.
FIT_GRAPH_BOUNDSin ICommandThe ICommand that performs the fitGraphBounds action.
GROUP_SELECTIONin ICommandAn ICommand that can be executed from within the GraphComponent to group the currently selected items.
HELPin ICommandAn ICommand to open help.
INCREASE_ZOOMin ICommandAn ICommand to increase the zoom level.
LOWERin ICommandA ICommand that lowers the visual representations of IModelItems one step to back.
MOVE_DOWNin ICommandAn ICommand to move the selection down.
MOVE_FOCUS_BACKin ICommandAn ICommand to move the focus backwards.
MOVE_FOCUS_DOWNin ICommandAn ICommand to move the focus downwards.
MOVE_FOCUS_FORWARDin ICommandAn ICommand to move the focus forwards.
MOVE_FOCUS_PAGE_DOWNin ICommandAn ICommand to move the focus up a page.
MOVE_FOCUS_PAGE_UPin ICommandAn ICommand to move the focus up a page.
MOVE_FOCUS_UPin ICommandAn ICommand to move the focus upwards.
MOVE_LEFTin ICommandAn ICommand to move the selection left.
MOVE_RIGHTin ICommandAn ICommand to move the selection right.
MOVE_TO_PAGE_DOWNin ICommandAn ICommand to move the selection down a page.
MOVE_TO_PAGE_UPin ICommandAn ICommand to move the selection up a page.
MOVE_UPin ICommandAn ICommand to move the selection up.
NEWin ICommandAn ICommand to create a new document.
OPENin ICommandAn ICommand to open a document.
PASTEin ICommandAn ICommand to paste from the clipboard.
PRINTin ICommandAn ICommand to print.
PRINT_PREVIEWin ICommandAn ICommand that indicates the intention to print and show a preview of what to print beforehand.
PROPERTIESin ICommandAn ICommand to show properties of an item.
RAISEin ICommandA ICommand that raises the visual representations of IModelItems one step to the front.
REDOin ICommandAn ICommand to redo a previously undone operation.
REVERSE_EDGEin ICommandAn ICommand that reverses the direction of edges.
SAVEin ICommandAn ICommand to save an item.
SCROLL_PAGE_DOWNin ICommandAn ICommand to scroll down.
SCROLL_PAGE_LEFTin ICommandAn ICommand to scroll left.
SCROLL_PAGE_RIGHTin ICommandAn ICommand to scroll right.
SCROLL_PAGE_UPin ICommandAn ICommand to scroll up.
SELECT_ALLin ICommandAn ICommand to select all items.
SELECT_ITEMin ICommandA ICommand that can be executed from within the GraphComponent to select an item.
SELECT_TO_PAGE_DOWNin ICommandAn ICommand to extend the selection a page downwards.
SELECT_TO_PAGE_UPin ICommandAn ICommand to extend the selection a page upwards.
SET_CURRENT_ITEMin ICommandAn ICommand that invokes currentItem if executed.
TO_BACKin ICommandA ICommand that brings the visual representations of IModelItems to back.
TO_FRONTin ICommandA ICommand that brings the visual representations of IModelItems to the front.
TOGGLE_EXPANSION_STATEin ICommandAn ICommand that can be executed from within the GraphComponent to toggle the collapsed/expanded state of currently selected group nodes.
TOGGLE_ITEM_SELECTIONin ICommandA ICommand that can be executed from within the GraphComponent to toggle the selection state of an item.
UNDOin ICommandAn ICommand to undo the previous operation.
UNGROUP_SELECTIONin ICommandAn ICommand that can be executed from within the GraphComponent to ungroup the currently selected items.
UPDATE_CONTENT_RECTin ICommandAn ICommand that invokes updateContentRect if executed.
ZOOMin ICommandAn ICommand to set the zoom level.
ZOOM_TO_CURRENT_ITEMin ICommandAn ICommand that changes the zoom and the viewPoint in an animated fashion such that the currentItem becomes fully visible.

Method Return Values

createCommand (string?)in ICommandCreates a new ICommand instance that does nothing.

Method Parameters

shouldInstallCommand (ICommand)in GraphInputModeCUsed to determine which of the built-in ICommands to install.
addCommandBinding (ICommand, function(ICommand, Object, Object):boolean?, function(ICommand, Object, Object):boolean?)in KeyboardInputModeAdds a command and associated execution handlers to this instance.
addKeyBinding (Key, ModifierKeys, ICommand, Object?)in KeyboardInputModeAdds an event handler for a specific key press gesture to this mode.
addKeyBinding (Key, ModifierKeys?, function(ICommand, Object, Object):boolean?, function(ICommand, Object, Object):boolean?)in KeyboardInputModeAdds an event handler for a specific key press gesture to this mode.
addRecognizerBinding (function(Object, EventArgs):boolean, ICommand, Object?)in KeyboardInputModeAdds a given handler to this instance that will be triggered if the event recognizer recognizes a key event that has been triggered by the CanvasComponent.
addRecognizerBinding (function(Object, EventArgs):boolean, function(ICommand, Object, Object):boolean?, function(ICommand, Object, Object):boolean?)in KeyboardInputModeAdds a given handler to this instance that will be triggered if the event recognizer recognizes a key event that has been triggered by the CanvasComponent.
removeCommand (ICommand)in KeyboardInputModeRemoves all previously registered commands from this instance.
shouldInstallCommand (ICommand)in OverviewInputModeCalled by createKeyboardInputMode to determine which of the built-in ICommands to install.
shouldInstallCommand (ICommand)in TableEditorInputModeCalled by onKeyboardInputModeChanged to determine which of the built-in ICommands to install.