documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


backgroundGroupin CanvasComponentGets or sets the BackgroundGroup property.
contentGroupin CanvasComponentGets or sets the ICanvasObjectGroup that should be used by the application code to put actual content in.
focusGroupin CanvasComponentGets or sets the ICanvasObjectGroup which is used for visual markers of the currentItem.
highlightGroupin CanvasComponentGets or sets the ICanvasObjectGroup which is used for visual markers to highlight IModelItems.
inputModeGroupin CanvasComponentGets or sets the ICanvasObjectGroup where the IInputModes should add their temporary content to.
rootGroupin CanvasComponentGets the root of the scene graph.
selectionGroupin CanvasComponentGets or sets the ICanvasObjectGroup that should be used by the application code to put the selection indicators in.
contentGroupin GraphModelManagerGets or sets the content group this manager instance uses to add visual representation of the graph to.
edgeGroupin GraphModelManagerGets the ICanvasObjectGroup instance that will be used for installing edge styles.
edgeLabelGroupin GraphModelManagerGets the ICanvasObjectGroup instance that will be used for installing edge label styles.
groupNodeGroupin GraphModelManagerGets the ICanvasObjectGroup instance that will be used for installing node styles of group nodes.
nodeGroupin GraphModelManagerGets the ICanvasObjectGroup instance that will be used for installing node styles.
nodeLabelGroupin GraphModelManagerGets the ICanvasObjectGroup instance that will be used for installing node label styles.
portGroupin GraphModelManagerGets the ICanvasObjectGroup instance that will be used for installing port styles.
portLabelGroupin GraphModelManagerGets the ICanvasObjectGroup instance that will be used for installing port label styles.
groupin ICanvasObjectGets or sets the parent group of this instance.
canvasObjectGroupin ItemModelManagerGets or sets the canvas object group used by install.

Method Return Values

createBackgroundGroup ()in CanvasComponentFactory method for the BackgroundGroup property.
createContentGroup ()in CanvasComponentFactory method for the contentGroup property.
createFocusGroup ()in CanvasComponentFactory method for the focusGroup property.
createHighlightGroup ()in CanvasComponentFactory method for the highlightGroup property.
createInputModeGroup ()in CanvasComponentFactory method for the inputModeGroup property.
createSelectionGroup ()in CanvasComponentFactory method for the selectionGroup property.
getCanvasObjectGroup (T)in FocusIndicatorManagerCalled by installItem to retrieve the installer for a given item.
createContentGroup ()in GraphModelManagerFactory method that creates the contentGroup
createEdgeGroup ()in GraphModelManagerFactory method for the edgeGroup property.
createEdgeLabelGroup ()in GraphModelManagerFactory method for the edgeLabelGroup property.
createGroupNodeGroup ()in GraphModelManagerFactory method for the groupNodeGroup property.
createNodeGroup ()in GraphModelManagerFactory method for the nodeGroup property.
createNodeLabelGroup ()in GraphModelManagerFactory method for the nodeLabelGroup property.
createPortGroup ()in GraphModelManagerFactory method for the portGroup property.
createPortLabelGroup ()in GraphModelManagerFactory method for the portLabelGroup property.
getEdgeCanvasObjectGroup (IEdge)in GraphModelManagerRetrieves the ICanvasObjectGroup containing the canvas object of a given edge.
getLabelCanvasObjectGroup (ILabel)in GraphModelManagerRetrieves the ICanvasObjectGroup containing the canvas object of a given label.
getNodeCanvasObjectGroup (INode)in GraphModelManagerRetrieves the ICanvasObjectGroup containing the canvas object of a given node.
getPortCanvasObjectGroup (IPort)in GraphModelManagerRetrieves the ICanvasObjectGroup containing the canvas object of a given port.
getCanvasObjectGroup (T)in HighlightIndicatorManagerCalled by installItem to retrieve the installer for a given item.
addGroup ()in ICanvasObjectGroupAdds a new ICanvasObjectGroup to this group in the current scene graph.
getCanvasObjectGroup (T)in ItemModelManagerGets the ICanvasObjectGroup used to install the item in the canvas.
getCanvasObjectGroup (T)in ModelManagerCalled by installItem to retrieve the canvas object group for a given item.
getCanvasObjectGroup (T)in SelectionIndicatorManagerCalled by installItem to retrieve the installer for a given item.
createContentGroup ()in WebGL2GraphModelManagerGets the contentGroup when the canvasComponent property is set.

Method Parameters

getCanvasObjects (ICanvasObjectGroup?)in CanvasComponentEnumerates over all possible ICanvasObject instances in the tree below the given group.
hitElementsAt (Point, ICanvasObjectGroup?, function(ICanvasObject):boolean?)in CanvasComponentEnumerates all hit elements in the canvas below the given group that are accepted by a given filter.
hitElementsAt (IInputModeContext, Point, ICanvasObjectGroup?, function(ICanvasObject):boolean?)in CanvasComponentEnumerates all hit elements in the canvas below the given group that are accepted by a given filter using a specific ICanvasContext as the argument to the isHit method.
updateContentRect (Insets?, ICanvasObjectGroup?)in CanvasComponentUpdates the contentRect to encompass the bounds by all elements in the current scene graph plus the given margins.
addCanvasObject (ICanvasContext, ICanvasObjectGroup, Object)in EdgeDecorationInstallerInstalls a rendering for the item if it is an IEdge that will use the getBendDrawing and getStroke to render the path and bends.
addCanvasObject (ICanvasContext, ICanvasObjectGroup, Object)in EdgeStyleDecorationInstallerInstalls a rendering for the item if it is an IEdge.
GraphComponent (HTMLDivElement, )in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of the GraphComponent in the given div element.
GraphComponent ()in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of the GraphComponent.
GraphComponent (string, )in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of GraphComponent using the div element that is specified by the selector.
GraphModelManager (CanvasComponent?, ICanvasObjectGroup?)in GraphModelManagerCreates a new manager instance.
hitElementsAt (IInputModeContext, Point, ICanvasObjectGroup)in GraphModelManagerEnumerates hits on the canvas at a given world coordinate position for a given context.
typedHitElementsAt (Class, IInputModeContext, Point, ICanvasObjectGroup)in GraphModelManagerEnumerates hits on the canvas at a given world coordinate position in a given context.
addCanvasObject (ICanvasContext, ICanvasObjectGroup, Object)in ICanvasObjectInstallerThis the main method of the interface that performs the installation of an item's visual representation in the canvas by adding ICanvasObjects.
create (function(ICanvasContext, ICanvasObjectGroup, any):ICanvasObject)in ICanvasObjectInstallerCreates an implementation of the interface ICanvasObjectInstaller by using the given function as implementation for its addCanvasObject method.
create (function(ICanvasContext, ICanvasObjectGroup, any):ICanvasObject)in IFocusIndicatorInstallerCreates an implementation of the interface IFocusIndicatorInstaller by using the given function as implementation for its addCanvasObject method.
create (function(ICanvasContext, ICanvasObjectGroup, any):ICanvasObject)in IHighlightIndicatorInstallerCreates an implementation of the interface IHighlightIndicatorInstaller by using the given function as implementation for its addCanvasObject method.
create (function(ICanvasContext, ICanvasObjectGroup, any):ICanvasObject)in ISelectionIndicatorInstallerCreates an implementation of the interface ISelectionIndicatorInstaller by using the given function as implementation for its addCanvasObject method.
addCanvasObject (ICanvasContext, ICanvasObjectGroup, Object)in LabelStyleDecorationInstallerInstalls a rendering for the item if it is an ILabel.
addCanvasObject (ICanvasContext, ICanvasObjectGroup, Object)in NodeStyleDecorationInstallerInstalls a rendering for the item if it is an INode.
addCanvasObject (ICanvasContext, ICanvasObjectGroup, Object)in OrientedRectangleIndicatorInstaller
addCanvasObject (ICanvasContext, ICanvasObjectGroup, Object)in PointSelectionIndicatorInstaller
addCanvasObject (ICanvasContext, ICanvasObjectGroup, Object)in PortStyleDecorationInstallerInstalls a rendering for the item if it is an IPort.
addCanvasObject (ICanvasContext, ICanvasObjectGroup, Object)in RectangleIndicatorInstaller
hitElementsAt (IInputModeContext, Point, ICanvasObjectGroup)in WebGL2GraphModelManager
typedHitElementsAt (Class, IInputModeContext, Point, ICanvasObjectGroup)in WebGL2GraphModelManager