documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


candidateDescriptorin CreateEdgeInputModeGets or sets the ICanvasObjectDescriptor that is used for visualizing the IPortCandidates in the canvas during the edit.
closestCandidateDescriptorin CreateEdgeInputModeGets or sets the ICanvasObjectDescriptor that is used for visualizing the closest IPortCandidate in the canvas during the edit.
edgeDescriptorin GraphModelManagerGets or sets the ICanvasObjectDescriptor instance used for installing an IEdge into the canvas.
edgeLabelDescriptorin GraphModelManagerGets or sets the ICanvasObjectDescriptor instance used for installing an ILabel of an IEdge into the canvas.
nodeDescriptorin GraphModelManagerGets or sets the ICanvasObjectDescriptor instance used for installing an INode into the canvas.
nodeLabelDescriptorin GraphModelManagerGets or sets the ICanvasObjectDescriptor instance used for installing an ILabel of an INode into the canvas.
portDescriptorin GraphModelManagerGets or sets the ICanvasObjectDescriptor instance used for installing an IPort into the canvas.
portLabelDescriptorin GraphModelManagerGets or sets the ICanvasObjectDescriptor instance used for installing an ILabel of an IPort into the canvas.
descriptorin ICanvasObjectGets or sets the descriptor instance that interprets the userObject during rendering, hit testing, and bounds calculation.
descriptorin ItemModelManagerGets or sets the canvas object descriptor used by install when an item is added to an canvas object group.


DEFAULT_EDGE_DESCRIPTORin GraphModelManagerThe immutable instance of the default ICanvasObjectDescriptor for IEdges which simply defers to the edge's IEdgeStyle.
DEFAULT_LABEL_DESCRIPTORin GraphModelManagerThe immutable instance of the default ICanvasObjectDescriptor for ILabels which simply defers to the label's ILabelStyle.
DEFAULT_NODE_DESCRIPTORin GraphModelManagerThe immutable instance of the default ICanvasObjectDescriptor for INodes which simply defers to the node's INodeStyle.
DEFAULT_PORT_DESCRIPTORin GraphModelManagerThe immutable instance of the default ICanvasObjectDescriptor for IPorts which simply defers to the port's IPortStyle.
ALWAYS_DIRTY_INSTANCEin ICanvasObjectDescriptorA descriptor that treats userObject as an instance of IVisualCreator and ignores the dirty flag.
ALWAYS_DIRTY_LOOKUPin ICanvasObjectDescriptorA descriptor that treats userObject as an instance of ILookup to obtain suitable interface implementations and ignores the dirty flag.
ALWAYS_DIRTY_VISUALin ICanvasObjectDescriptorA descriptor that treats userObject as Visual to use directly.
DYNAMIC_DIRTY_INSTANCEin ICanvasObjectDescriptorAn implementation that treats userObject as an instance of IVisualCreator and considers the dirty flag.
DYNAMIC_DIRTY_LOOKUPin ICanvasObjectDescriptorA descriptor that treats userObject as an instance of ILookup to obtain suitable interface implementations and considers the dirty flag.
VISUALin ICanvasObjectDescriptorA descriptor that treats userObject as Visual to use directly.
VOIDin ICanvasObjectDescriptorAn implementation that returns an ICanvasObjectDescriptor that does nothing.

Method Return Values

createCandidateDescriptor (IInputModeContext, boolean)in LabelPositionHandlerCreates an ICanvasObjectDescriptor to display the given candidate position.
createCurrentPortCandidateDescriptor ()in PortRelocationHandleFactory method that creates the ICanvasObjectDescriptor that will be used to paint the "current" IPortCandidate.
createPortCandidateDescriptor ()in PortRelocationHandleFactory method that creates the ICanvasObjectDescriptor that will be used to paint the IPortCandidates.
createSnapResultCanvasObjectDescriptor ()in SnapContextHelper method used by createSnapResultsModelManager to create the ICanvasObjectDescriptor for the SnapResult type.
getDescriptor (T)in ItemModelManagerReturns the ICanvasObjectDescriptor used to install the item in the canvas.

Method Parameters

CreateEdgeInputMode ()in CreateEdgeInputModeCreates a new instance that will use the IGraph from the inputModeContext to create edges in.
createEdgeLabelModelManager (ICanvasObjectDescriptor, function(ILabel):ICanvasObjectGroup)in GraphModelManagerFactory method for creating the ItemModelManager<T> that handles the visual representation of edge labels.
createEdgeModelManager (ICanvasObjectDescriptor, function(IEdge):ICanvasObjectGroup)in GraphModelManagerFactory method for creating the ItemModelManager<T> that handles the visual representation of edges.
createNodeLabelModelManager (ICanvasObjectDescriptor, function(ILabel):ICanvasObjectGroup)in GraphModelManagerFactory method for creating the ItemModelManager<T> that handles the visual representation of node labels.
createNodeModelManager (ICanvasObjectDescriptor, function(INode):ICanvasObjectGroup)in GraphModelManagerFactory method for creating the ItemModelManager<T> that handles the visual representation of nodes.
createPortLabelModelManager (ICanvasObjectDescriptor, function(ILabel):ICanvasObjectGroup)in GraphModelManagerFactory method for creating the ItemModelManager<T> that handles the visual representation of port labels.
createPortModelManager (ICanvasObjectDescriptor, function(IPort):ICanvasObjectGroup)in GraphModelManagerFactory method for creating the ItemModelManager<T> that handles the visual representation of ports.
addChild (Object, ICanvasObjectDescriptor?)in ICanvasObjectGroupAdds a child element to the scene graph as a child of this group.

Implementing Types

DefaultPortCandidateDescriptorAn ICanvasObjectDescriptor implementation that can be used to draw IPortCandidate instances in a CanvasComponent.