documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of ICanvasContext


canvasContextin CanvasComponentGets an implementation of ICanvasContext that describes the state of this CanvasComponent.


DEFAULTin ICanvasContextProvides a default immutable context with a hit radius of 3 and a zoom level of 1.

Method Return Values

createCanvasContext (CanvasComponent, number?, number?)in ICanvasContextProvides a default immutable ICanvasContext with the given values.

Method Parameters

isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in ArcEdgeStyleRendererOverridden for performance reasons.
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in ArrowNodeStyleRenderer
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in ArrowNodeStyleRenderer
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in BevelNodeStyleRendererReturns the layout bounds as an upper bound for the painting bound.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in BevelNodeStyleRendererDetermines visibility by checking for an intersection with the layout.
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in BezierEdgeStyleRenderer
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in BezierEdgeStyleRenderer
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in BridgeEdgeStyleRenderer
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererDelegates to the getWrappedStyle and takes the button into account.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererDelegates to the getWrappedStyle.
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in DefaultLabelStyleRenderer
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in DefaultLabelStyleRendererUses the layout to determine whether the clip intersects.
getBounds (ICanvasContext, IEdge)in EdgeStyleBaseGets the bounds of the visual for the edge in the given context.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect, IEdge)in EdgeStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified edge is visible in the context.
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in GeneralPathNodeStyleRenderer
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in GeneralPathNodeStyleRendererDetermines visibility by checking for an intersection with the bounds of the path.
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in GroupNodeStyleRendererReturns the union of the node's layout and area that shows the style's drop shadow.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in GroupNodeStyleRendererDetermines visibility by checking for an intersection with the layout.
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in IconLabelStyleRenderer
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in IconLabelStyleRenderer
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in ImageNodeStyleRendererGets the rendering bounds for this style renderer.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in ImageNodeStyleRendererDetermines visibility by checking for an intersection with the layout.
getBounds (ICanvasContext, ILabel)in LabelStyleBaseGets the bounds of the visual for the label in the given context.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect, ILabel)in LabelStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified label is visible in the context.
getBounds (ICanvasContext, INode)in NodeStyleBaseGets the bounds of the visual for the node in the given context.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect, INode)in NodeStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified node is visible in the context.
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in PanelNodeStyleRenderer
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in PanelNodeStyleRenderer
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRenderer
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererCalls configure and test the edge using the style for a visible intersection with the clip bounds.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in PolylineEdgeStyleRenderer
getBounds (ICanvasContext, IPort)in PortStyleBaseReturns the bounds of the visual for the port in the given context.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect, IPort)in PortStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified port is visible in the context.
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in RectangleNodeStyleRendererReturns the layout bounds as an upper bound for the painting bound.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in RectangleNodeStyleRendererDetermines visibility by checking for an intersection with the layout.
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in ShapeNodeStyleRendererReturns the layout bounds as an upper bound for the painting bound.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in ShapeNodeStyleRendererDetermines visibility by checking for an intersection with the layout.
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in ShinyPlateNodeStyleRenderer
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in ShinyPlateNodeStyleRenderer
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in TableNodeStyleRenderer
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in TableNodeStyleRenderer
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in TemplateLabelStyleRenderer
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in TemplateLabelStyleRendererUses the layout to determine whether the clip intersects.
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererReturns the layout bounds as an upper bound for the painting bound.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererDetermines visibility by checking for an intersection with the layout.
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in TemplatePortStyleRenderer
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in TemplatePortStyleRendererCalls configure and test the port using the style for a visible intersection with the clip bounds.
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in DefaultPortCandidateDescriptor
isDirty (ICanvasContext, ICanvasObject)in DefaultPortCandidateDescriptor
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in DefaultPortCandidateDescriptor
addCanvasObject (ICanvasContext, ICanvasObjectGroup, Object)in EdgeDecorationInstallerInstalls a rendering for the item if it is an IEdge that will use the getBendDrawing and getStroke to render the path and bends.
addCanvasObject (ICanvasContext, ICanvasObjectGroup, Object)in EdgeStyleDecorationInstallerInstalls a rendering for the item if it is an IEdge.
applyTo (SVGElement, ICanvasContext)in FillAssigns the fill defined by this instance to the given SVG element.
setFill (Fill, SVGElement, ICanvasContext)in FillSets the Fill on a given SVG element as the fill.
create (function(ICanvasContext):Rect)in IBoundsProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IBoundsProvider by using the given function as implementation for its getBounds method.
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in IBoundsProviderReturns a tight rectangular area where the whole rendering would fit into.
isDirty (ICanvasContext, ICanvasObject)in ICanvasObjectDescriptorDetermines whether the given canvas object is deemed dirty and needs updating.
addCanvasObject (ICanvasContext, ICanvasObjectGroup, Object)in ICanvasObjectInstallerThis the main method of the interface that performs the installation of an item's visual representation in the canvas by adding ICanvasObjects.
create (function(ICanvasContext, ICanvasObjectGroup, any):ICanvasObject)in ICanvasObjectInstallerCreates an implementation of the interface ICanvasObjectInstaller by using the given function as implementation for its addCanvasObject method.
create (function(ICanvasContext, ICanvasObjectGroup, any):ICanvasObject)in IFocusIndicatorInstallerCreates an implementation of the interface IFocusIndicatorInstaller by using the given function as implementation for its addCanvasObject method.
create (function(ICanvasContext, ICanvasObjectGroup, any):ICanvasObject)in IHighlightIndicatorInstallerCreates an implementation of the interface IHighlightIndicatorInstaller by using the given function as implementation for its addCanvasObject method.
create (function(ICanvasContext, ICanvasObjectGroup, any):ICanvasObject)in ISelectionIndicatorInstallerCreates an implementation of the interface ISelectionIndicatorInstaller by using the given function as implementation for its addCanvasObject method.
accept (ICanvasContext, Node, string)in ISvgDefsCreatorChecks if the specified node references the element represented by this object.
create ()in ISvgDefsCreatorCreates an implementation of the interface ISvgDefsCreator from the given definition.
createDefsElement (ICanvasContext)in ISvgDefsCreatorCreates the element that is put into the defs section of the SVG element.
updateDefsElement (ICanvasContext, SVGElement)in ISvgDefsCreatorUpdates the defs element with the current gradient data.
create (function(ICanvasContext, Rect):boolean)in IVisibilityTestableCreates an implementation of the interface IVisibilityTestable by using the given function as implementation for its isVisible method.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in IVisibilityTestableDetermines whether an element might intersect the visible region for a given context.
addCanvasObject (ICanvasContext, ICanvasObjectGroup, Object)in LabelStyleDecorationInstallerInstalls a rendering for the item if it is an ILabel.
accept (ICanvasContext, Node, string)in LinearGradient
createDefsElement (ICanvasContext)in LinearGradientCreates a new SVG gradient that corresponds to this gradient brush.
updateDefsElement (ICanvasContext, SVGElement)in LinearGradientUpdates the SVG gradient within the defs section of the SVG document if it has changed.
updateSvgGradient (SVGElement, ICanvasContext)in LinearGradientUpdates the SVG gradient within the defs section of the SVG document if it has changed.
addCanvasObject (ICanvasContext, ICanvasObjectGroup, Object)in NodeStyleDecorationInstallerInstalls a rendering for the item if it is an INode.
addCanvasObject (ICanvasContext, ICanvasObjectGroup, Object)in OrientedRectangleIndicatorInstaller
accept (ICanvasContext, Node, string)in PatternFill
createDefsElement (ICanvasContext)in PatternFill
updateDefsElement (ICanvasContext, SVGElement)in PatternFill
addCanvasObject (ICanvasContext, ICanvasObjectGroup, Object)in PointSelectionIndicatorInstaller
addCanvasObject (ICanvasContext, ICanvasObjectGroup, Object)in PortStyleDecorationInstallerInstalls a rendering for the item if it is an IPort.
accept (ICanvasContext, Node, string)in RadialGradient
createDefsElement (ICanvasContext)in RadialGradientCreates a new SVG gradient that corresponds to this gradient brush.
updateDefsElement (ICanvasContext, SVGElement)in RadialGradientUpdates the SVG gradient within the defs section of the SVG document if it has changed.
updateSvgGradient (SVGElement, ICanvasContext)in RadialGradientUpdates the SVG gradient within the defs section of the SVG document if it has changed.
addCanvasObject (ICanvasContext, ICanvasObjectGroup, Object)in RectangleIndicatorInstaller
applyTo (SVGElement, ICanvasContext)in StrokeAssigns the stroke defined by this instance to the given SVG element.
setStroke (Stroke, SVGElement, ICanvasContext)in StrokeSets the Stroke on a given SVG element as the stroke.

Implementing Types

IInputModeContextThe interface for the context object that is passed to IInputMode instances during install and uninstall and IDragHandler implementations like IPositionHandler and IHandle to provide additional context for the implementations.
IRenderContextAn interface that describes the current context for rendering routines.