documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IBend


bendSnapResultProviderDecoratorin BendDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IBendSnapResultProvider type for IBends this instance has been created for.
clipboardHelperDecoratorin BendDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IClipboardHelper type for IBends this instance has been created for.
focusIndicatorDecoratorin BendDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IFocusIndicatorInstaller type for IBends this instance has been created for.
handleDecoratorin BendDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IHandle type for IBends this instance has been created for.
handleProviderDecoratorin BendDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IHandleProvider type for IBends this instance has been created for.
highlightDecoratorin BendDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IHighlightIndicatorInstaller type for IBends this instance has been created for.
lassoTestableDecoratorin BendDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the ILassoTestable type for IBends this instance has been created for.
marqueeTestableDecoratorin BendDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IMarqueeTestable type for IBends this instance has been created for.
mementoSupportDecoratorin BendDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IMementoSupport type for IBends this instance has been created for.
obstacleProviderDecoratorin BendDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IObstacleProvider type for IBends this instance has been created for.
positionHandlerDecoratorin BendDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IPositionHandler type for IBends this instance has been created for.
selectionDecoratorin BendDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the ISelectionIndicatorInstaller type for IBends this instance has been created for.
bendsin IEdgeGets a collection of bends that describe the geometry of this edge.
bendsin IGraphGets a live view of all bends contained in this IGraph.
bendsin SimpleEdgeGets or sets the collection of bends that describe the geometry of this edge.
bendGridConstraintProviderin GraphSnapContextGets or sets the grid constraint provider for the IBends.
addedBendsin OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextGets the previously registered added bends.
selectedBendsin GraphSelection
selectedBendsin IGraphSelectionGets an ISelectionModel<T> of the selected bends.

Method Return Values

getDecoratorFor (Class, boolean?, boolean?)in BendDecoratorCreates a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> for IBends that can be used to decorate TInterface types of the bends.
addBend (IEdge, Point, number?)in DefaultGraph
asBend ()in FoldingBendStateReturns an IBend instance which represents this bend state.
addBend (IGraph, IGraph, IEdge, IBend, Point, number)in GraphCopierAdds a bend to the targetEdge in the targetGraph as a copy of the source bend.
addBend (IEdge, Point, number?)in GraphWrapperBase
addBend (IEdge, Point, number?)in IGraphAdds a bend at the given index to the given edge using the coordinates provided.
createBend (IEdge, Point)in CreateBendInputModeCreates the bend.
createDummyBend (Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeCreates a dummy bend at the given location and adds it to the dummyEdge that will be displayed by the input mode during the creation.
getBendsInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in IBendSelectionTesterReturns the bends within the given rectangle.
getHitBend (IInputModeContext, Point)in IBendSelectionTesterReturns the bend at the given world coordinate position.
createBendSelectionModel ()in GraphSelectionFactory method that creates the DefaultSelectionModel<T> to use for the bends.

Method Parameters

BendEventArgs (IBend, IEdge, number)in BendEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the BendEventArgs class.
createUndoUnitForBendAddition (IBend, number)in DefaultGraphCreates the bend addition undo unit for the given bend.
createUndoUnitForBendRemoval (IBend)in DefaultGraphCreates the bend removal undo unit for the given bend.
createUndoUnitForBendTagChange (IBend, Object)in DefaultGraphCreates the undo unit for changing the tag of the given bend.
onAddingBend (IEdge, IBend, number)in DefaultGraphCalled before a bend is added to this graph's structure.
onBendAdded (IBend)in DefaultGraphCalled after a bend has been added to this graph's structure.
onBendLocationChanged (IBend, Point)in DefaultGraphCalled after a bend location has changed.
onBendRemoved (IEdge, IBend, number)in DefaultGraphCalled just after a bend has been removed from its edge.
onBendTagChanged (IBend, Object)in DefaultGraphCalled after a bend tag has changed.
onRemovingBend (IBend)in DefaultGraphCalled just before a bend is removed.
setBendLocation (IBend, Point)in DefaultGraphModifies the location of the given bend.
getTargetEdge (IBend)in GraphClipboardProvides an IEdge where the given clipboardBend can be added to.
addBend (IGraph, IGraph, IEdge, IBend, Point, number)in GraphCopierAdds a bend to the targetEdge in the targetGraph as a copy of the source bend.
onBendCopied (IBend, IBend)in GraphCopierCalled after a bend has been copied.
onBendAdded (ItemEventArgs<IBend>)in GraphWrapperBaseRaises the BendAdded event
onBendLocationChanged (IBend, Point)in GraphWrapperBaseRaises the BendLocationChanged event
onBendTagChanged (ItemChangedEventArgs<IBend,Object>)in GraphWrapperBaseRaises the BendTagChanged event
setBendLocation (IBend, Point)in GraphWrapperBase
setBendLocation (IBend, Point)in IGraphModifies the location of the given bend.
SimpleEdge (IPort?, IPort?, )in SimpleEdgeCreates an edge with a default lookup, and the given source and target ports.
dragBend (IBend)in GraphEditorInputModeInitiates the handleInputMode to drag the given bend.
onCreateBendInputModeBendCreated (Object, ItemEventArgs<IBend>)in GraphEditorInputModeCalled as soon as CreateBendInputMode created a new bend.
GraphSnapContext ()in GraphSnapContextCreates a new instance with default settings.
getMovementInfo (IBend)in GraphSnapContextGets the movement info for the given bend.
create ()in IBendGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IBendGridConstraintProvider from the given definition.
collectSnapResults (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Point, IBend)in IBendSnapResultProviderCalled when a node is dragged to add SnapResults for OrthogonalSnapLines to which this bend can potentially snap.
create (function(GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Point, IBend):void)in IBendSnapResultProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IBendSnapResultProvider by using the given function as implementation for its collectSnapResults method.
contains (IInputModeContext, IBend)in IContainsBendTesterDetermines whether the provided bend is deemed to lie within the shape this test is implemented for.
createImplicitlyMovedBendInfo (IBend, MovementInfo, MovementInfo)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextCreates or obtains a previously created MovementInfo for the provided implicitly moved bend.
registerAddedBend (IBend)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextCan be used by subclasses during prepareOrthogonalEdge to register added bends that can later be removed in case the operation is canceled.
removeAddedBends (IGraph, IEnumerable<IBend>)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextRemoves previously registered added bends.
canRemoveBend (IInputModeContext, IBend)in OrthogonalEdgeHelperReturns whether the given bend can be removed.

Extending Types

BendEventArgsA specialized subclass of the ItemEventArgs<T> class that is bound to the IBend type and carries additional owner and index information.

Implementing Types

SimpleBendA mutable implementation of the IBend interface that can be used without an IGraph.
IBendGridConstraintProviderThis is a flagging interface for instances of IGridConstraintProvider<T> that can snap coordinates of IBends to a grid.
IBendHitTesterThis is a flagging interface for instances of IHitTester<T> that enumerate over a collection of IBends.