documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IAnimation

Method Return Values

createAnimation ()in LayoutExecutorFactory method that creates the IAnimation that will be used by this instance after the layout has been calculated.
createMorphAnimation ()in LayoutExecutorFactory method that creates the animation for the IGraph.
createTableAnimations ()in LayoutExecutorCreates an animation that morphs the layout of all ITables in the graph.
createViewportAnimation (Rect)in LayoutExecutorFactory method that creates the animation for the viewport.
createAnimation ()in LayoutExecutorAsyncFactory method that creates the IAnimation that will be used by this instance after the layout has been calculated.
createMorphAnimation ()in LayoutExecutorAsyncFactory method that creates the animation for the IGraph.
createTableAnimations ()in LayoutExecutorAsyncCreates an animation that morphs the layout of all ITables in the graph.
createViewportAnimation (Rect)in LayoutExecutorAsyncFactory method that creates the animation for the viewport.
createDelay (TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a delay animation that does nothing.
createDelayedAnimation (TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a delayed animation instance from this instance.
createEasedAnimation (number?, number?)in IAnimationCreates an eased animation for the given base animation.
createEdgeSegmentAnimation (IGraph, IEdge, IPoint, Point, Point, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation that animates the given edge's bends from its current shape linearly to the shape given by the endBends and final port locations.
createGraphAnimation (IGraph, IMapper<INode,IRectangle>?, IMapper<IEdge,yfiles.geometry.IPoint[]>?, IMapper<IPort,IPortLocationModelParameter>?, IMapper<ILabel,ILabelModelParameter>?, TimeSpan?)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation that animates the given layout of all types of graph items.
createLabelAnimation (IGraph, ILabel, ILabelModelParameter, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation that animates the given label from its current layout linearly to the layout given by the targetLayoutParameter.
createLayoutAnimation (IGraph, CopiedLayoutGraph, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation instance that animates the current graph to the layout given by a CopiedLayoutGraph instance.
createNodeAnimation (IGraph, INode, IRectangle, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation that animates the given node from its current layout to the new given targetLayout.
createParallelAnimation (IEnumerable<IAnimation>, boolean?)in IAnimationCreates an IAnimation according to the composite design pattern that animates multiple animations in parallel.
createPathAnimation (GeneralPath, IMutablePoint, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a new instance of an IAnimation that animates the given IMutablePoint along a path.
createPortAnimation (IGraph, IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation that animates the given port from its current location to the new location given by the targetLocationParameter.
createSequentialAnimation (IEnumerable<IAnimation>)in IAnimationCreates an IAnimation that animates multiple animations in sequence.
createTableAnimation (ITable, number, number)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation for the given table that animates the table and its stripes.
fromDelegate (function(number):void, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates an animation for the given delegate and preferredDuration.
createStripeAnimation (IStripe, number)in TableAnimationCreate the animation for a single IStripe

Method Parameters

animate (IAnimation)in AnimatorAnimates the given animation.
createParallelAnimation (IEnumerable<IAnimation>, boolean?)in IAnimationCreates an IAnimation according to the composite design pattern that animates multiple animations in parallel.
createSequentialAnimation (IEnumerable<IAnimation>)in IAnimationCreates an IAnimation that animates multiple animations in sequence.

Implementing Types

TableAnimationAn animation for the stripes in an ITable.
ViewportAnimationAnimates changing the viewport bounds and the zoom factor for a CanvasComponent.
WebGL2AnimationAn animation for use with WebGL2GraphModelManager, only.