documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of HandlePositions


positionin RectangleHandleGets the position of the handle.
handlePositionsin ReshapeHandleProviderBaseGets or sets the bitwise combination of all handle positions this instance provides a handle for.
positionin ReshapeHandlerHandleGets the position of the handle.
reshapePositionin ReshapeRectangleContextGets the position of the reshape handle.

Method Return Values

from (HandlePositions)in HandlePositionsConverts the argument to HandlePositions.
getAvailableHandles (IInputModeContext)in IReshapeHandleProviderReturns a bitwise combination of all of the HandlePositions this interface can provide an implementation for.
getAvailableHandles (IInputModeContext)in ReshapeHandleProviderBaseReturns the handlePositions property.

Method Parameters

from (HandlePositions)in HandlePositionsConverts the argument to HandlePositions.
create ()in IReshapeHandleProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IReshapeHandleProvider from the given definition.
getHandle (IInputModeContext, HandlePositions)in IReshapeHandleProviderReturns an implementation of an IHandle for the given position, that can be used to reshape an object.
NodeReshapeHandleProvider (INode, IReshapeHandler, HandlePositions)in NodeReshapeHandleProviderCreates a default instance that provide handles for each of the handlePositions given for the node.
getHandle (IInputModeContext, HandlePositions)in NodeReshapeHandleProviderProvides a NodeReshapeHandlerHandle that uses the reshapeHandler to perform the actual reshaping.
NodeReshapeHandlerHandle (INode, IReshapeHandler, HandlePositions)in NodeReshapeHandlerHandleDefault constructor that creates a handle for the given position to reshape the node using the given reshapeHandler.
RectangleHandle (HandlePositions, IMutableRectangle)in RectangleHandleCreates a handle for the given rectangle at the given position.
RectangleReshapeHandleProvider (IMutableRectangle, HandlePositions?)in RectangleReshapeHandleProviderCreates a default instance that provide handles for each of the positions given for the rectangle.
getHandle (IInputModeContext, HandlePositions)in RectangleReshapeHandleProviderProvides a IHandle that uses the rectangle instance to perform the actual reshaping.
getHandle (IInputModeContext, HandlePositions)in ReshapeHandleProviderBaseProvides a IHandle that uses the rectangle and reshapeable instance bound to this instance to perform the actual reshaping.
ReshapeHandlerHandle (HandlePositions, IReshapeHandler, ISize?, ISize?)in ReshapeHandlerHandleSubclass constructor that creates a handle for the given position using the location instance as the location for the handle.
ReshapeRectangleContext (Rect, ISize, ISize, IRectangle, IRectangle, HandlePositions, Point, Point, Size, ReshapePolicy, number)in ReshapeRectangleContextInitializes a new instance of the ReshapeRectangleContext class.