documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Method Parameters

getDummyEdgeSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, ISnapLineProvider)in CreateEdgeInputModeGets the snap lines lines that are induced by the current dummy edge.
addHorizontalSegmentSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs, IEdge, Point, Point)in EdgeSnapLineProviderAdds horizontal snap lines for a horizontally oriented fixed segment snap lines.
addSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs, IModelItem)in EdgeSnapLineProviderAdds the snap lines for the given model item to the evt.
addVerticalSegmentSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs, IEdge, Point, Point)in EdgeSnapLineProviderAdds vertical snap lines for a vertically oriented fixed segment snap lines.
collectSnapResults (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Point, IBend)in IBendSnapResultProviderCalled when a node is dragged to add SnapResults for OrthogonalSnapLines to which this bend can potentially snap.
create (function(GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Point, IBend):void)in IBendSnapResultProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IBendSnapResultProvider by using the given function as implementation for its collectSnapResults method.
collectSnapResults (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, IListEnumerable<MovementInfo>, IEdge)in IEdgeSnapResultProviderCalled to during the snapping operation whenever snap results are collected.
create (function(GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, IListEnumerable<MovementInfo>, IEdge):void)in IEdgeSnapResultProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IEdgeSnapResultProvider by using the given function as implementation for its collectSnapResults method.
collectSnapResults (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, INode, ReshapeRectangleContext)in INodeReshapeSnapResultProviderCalled when a node's handle is dragged to add SnapResults for OrthogonalSnapLines or sizes to which this node can potentially snap during resizing.
create (function(GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, INode, ReshapeRectangleContext):void)in INodeReshapeSnapResultProviderCreates an implementation of the interface INodeReshapeSnapResultProvider by using the given function as implementation for its collectSnapResults method.
collectSnapResults (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Rect, INode)in INodeSnapResultProviderCalled when a node is dragged to add SnapResults for OrthogonalSnapLines to which this node can potentially snap.
create (function(GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Rect, INode):void)in INodeSnapResultProviderCreates an implementation of the interface INodeSnapResultProvider by using the given function as implementation for its collectSnapResults method.
collectSnapResults (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Point, IPort)in IPortSnapResultProviderCalled when a node is dragged to add SnapResults for OrthogonalSnapLines to which this bend can potentially snap.
create (function(GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Point, IPort):void)in IPortSnapResultProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IPortSnapResultProvider by using the given function as implementation for its collectSnapResults method.
addSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs, IModelItem)in ISnapLineProviderCalled by the GraphSnapContext when a drag is about to start.
create (function(GraphSnapContext, CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs, IModelItem):void)in ISnapLineProviderCreates an implementation of the interface ISnapLineProvider by using the given function as implementation for its addSnapLines method.
addGridLineSnapResult (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, INode, SnapLineSnapTypes, IPoint, Point, Point, number, number, Point, SnapTypes)in NodeReshapeSnapResultProviderAdds a snap result for a location that snaps to a grid line.
addGridSnapResult (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, INode, IGridConstraintProvider<INode>, Point, Point)in NodeReshapeSnapResultProviderAdds a snap result for a location that snaps to the grid.
addSameSizeSnapResult (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, INode, SnapLineOrientation, IEnumerable<Rect>, number, Point)in NodeReshapeSnapResultProviderAdds a snap result for "same size" to the collect event argument.
addSnaplineSnapResult (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, INode, OrthogonalSnapLine, Point, Point, SnapTypes)in NodeReshapeSnapResultProviderAdds a snap result for a location that snaps the node's bounds to a snap line.
collectGridSnapResults (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, INode, ReshapeRectangleContext, Rect)in NodeReshapeSnapResultProviderCollects the snap results for the grid.
collectSameSizeSnapResults (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, INode, ReshapeRectangleContext, Rect)in NodeReshapeSnapResultProviderCollects the snap results that make the node the same size as other elements.
collectSnapLineResults (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, INode, ReshapeRectangleContext, Rect)in NodeReshapeSnapResultProviderCollects the snap results that makes the node's bounds snap to the fixed node snap lines.
collectSnapResults (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, INode, ReshapeRectangleContext)in NodeReshapeSnapResultProviderCalled when a node is dragged to add SnapResults for OrthogonalSnapLines or sizes to which this node can potentially snap during resizing.
getSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, INode, ReshapeRectangleContext, Rect)in NodeReshapeSnapResultProviderHelper method for method collectSnapLineResults that gets all the SnapLine that should be checked for the currently moved node.
addCenterSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs, INode, Rect)in NodeSnapLineProviderCalled by addSnapLines the collect snap lines for the centers of the node.
addFixedNodeBorderSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs, INode, Rect)in NodeSnapLineProviderAdds the fixed snap lines around the border of the nodes' layout.
addNodeToNodeSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs, INode, Rect)in NodeSnapLineProviderAdds the fixed snap lines around the node for other nodes to snap to using the nodeToNodeDistance.
addNodeToSegmentSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs, INode, Rect)in NodeSnapLineProviderAdds the fixed snap lines around the node for edge segments to snap to.
addPortSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs, INode, Rect)in NodeSnapLineProviderCalled by addSnapLines the collect snap lines to snap ports to at the provided node.
addSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs, IModelItem)in NodeSnapLineProviderCalled by the GraphSnapContext when a drag is about to start.
createCenterSnapLine (GraphSnapContext, INode, SnapLineOrientation, Point)in NodeSnapLineProviderCreates a snap line for the center of nodes.
addGridSnapResult (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Point, INode)in NodeSnapResultProviderCalculates a SnapResult and adds it to the argument.
addGridSnapResultCore (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Point, INode, GridSnapTypes, SnapPolicy, SnapPolicy)in NodeSnapResultProviderCalculates a SnapResult and adds it to the argument.
collectGridSnapResults (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Rect, INode)in NodeSnapResultProviderCollects snap results that snap the node to a grid and adds them to the argument.
collectSnapLineSnapResults (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Rect, INode)in NodeSnapResultProviderCollects the results for the given layout for all snap lines in question.
collectSnapResults (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Rect, INode)in NodeSnapResultProvider