documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of GraphMLParser

Method Return Values

createGraphMLParser (IGraph)in GraphMLIOHandlerCreate a suitable instance of GraphMLParser that can handle the given graph.

Method Parameters

configureDeserializationHandlers (IGraph, GraphMLParser)in GraphMLIOHandlerConfigure the predefined handlers for the HandleDeserialization event.
configureDeserializationPropertyOverrides (GraphMLParser)in GraphMLIOHandlerConfigures the deserialization property overrides for the given parser.
configureGraphMLParser (GraphMLParser, IGraph)in GraphMLIOHandlerConfigures a given instance of GraphMLParser that can handle the given graph.
configureInputHandlers (GraphMLParser)in GraphMLIOHandlerConfigures default event handlers for the QueryInputHandlers event.
configureParserLookup (GraphMLParser)in GraphMLIOHandlerConfigures the lookup of the given parser.
createGraphElementFactory (GraphMLParser, IGraph)in GraphMLIOHandlerCreate an IGraphElementFactory instance that creates the graph elements for the graph instance.