documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of GraphCopier


duplicateCopierin GraphClipboardGets or sets the GraphCopier instance that will be used to duplicate elements inside the graph.
fromClipboardCopierin GraphClipboardGets or sets the GraphCopier instance that will be used to copy the graph from the clipboard to the target graph.
toClipboardCopierin GraphClipboardGets or sets the GraphCopier instance that will be used to copy the graph to the clipboard.

Method Return Values

createDuplicateCopier ()in GraphClipboardFactory method that creates the duplicateCopier.
createFromClipboardCopier ()in GraphClipboardFactory method that creates the fromClipboardCopier.
createToClipboardCopier ()in GraphClipboardFactory method that creates the toClipboardCopier.

Method Parameters

GraphClipboard ()in GraphClipboardCreates a new initially empty clipboard.
getLabelLayoutParameter (GraphCopier, IGraph, ILabel, ILabelOwner)in GraphClipboardGets a ILabelModelParameter for the given label to be placed at the given newOwner.
getPortLocationParameter (GraphCopier, IGraph, IPort, IPortOwner)in GraphClipboardGets a IPortLocationModelParameter for the given originalPort to be placed at the given newOwner.