documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of FolderNodeState

Method Return Values

getFolderNodeState (INode)in FoldingManagerProvides access to the folder node state of a node.

Method Parameters

initializeFolderNodeLabels (FolderNodeState, IFoldingView, INode, INode)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterInitializes the initial labels of the collapsed group node.
initializeFolderNodeLayout (FolderNodeState, IFoldingView, INode, INode)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterInitializes the layout of the collapsed group node.
initializeFolderNodePorts (FolderNodeState, IFoldingView, INode, INode)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterCalled by initializeFolderNodeState to initialize the appearance of the representatives of the master ports at the collapsed group node.
initializeFolderNodeState (FolderNodeState, IFoldingView, INode, INode)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterImplements the initializeFolderNodeState method and initializes the appearance of the collapsed group node.
initializeFolderNodeStyle (FolderNodeState, IFoldingView, INode, INode)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterInitializes the style property of the collapsed group node.
synchronizeLabels (FolderNodeState, IFoldingView, INode, INode)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterCalled by updateFolderNodeState to synchronize the first label if copyFirstLabel is enabled.
updateFolderNodeState (FolderNodeState, IFoldingView, INode, INode)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterImplements the updateFolderNodeState method and changes the folder node appearance.
create ()in IFolderNodeConverterCreates an implementation of the interface IFolderNodeConverter from the given definition.
initializeFolderNodeState (FolderNodeState, IFoldingView, INode, INode)in IFolderNodeConverterCalled by view implementations to initially create the appearance of a folder node.
updateFolderNodeState (FolderNodeState, IFoldingView, INode, INode)in IFolderNodeConverterCalled by view implementations to change the appearance of a folder node.