documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of EdgeSides


sideOfEdgein EdgePathLabelModelGets or sets the side placement specifiers for edge labels.
sideOfEdgein EdgeSegmentLabelModelGets or sets the side placement specifiers for edge labels.

Method Return Values

from (EdgeSides)in EdgeSidesConverts the argument to EdgeSides.

Method Parameters

EdgePathLabelModel (number?, number?, number?, boolean?, EdgeSides?)in EdgePathLabelModelInitializes a new instance of the EdgePathLabelModel class.
createRatioParameter (number?, EdgeSides?)in EdgePathLabelModelCreates a parameter at the provided edge path ratio.
EdgeSegmentLabelModel (number?, number?, number?, boolean?, EdgeSides?)in EdgeSegmentLabelModelInitializes a new instance of the EdgeSegmentLabelModel class.
createParameterFromCenter (number?, EdgeSides?)in EdgeSegmentLabelModelCreates a parameter where the label is attached to the edge segment that contains the edge's midpoint.
createParameterFromSource (number, number?, EdgeSides?)in EdgeSegmentLabelModelCreates a parameter that measures the provided segment index from the source side of the edge path.
createParameterFromTarget (number, number?, EdgeSides?)in EdgeSegmentLabelModelCreates a parameter that measures the provided segment index from the target side of the edge path.
from (EdgeSides)in EdgeSidesConverts the argument to EdgeSides.