documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of DragSource

Method Return Values

startDrag (HTMLElement | SVGElement, ILabel, DragDropEffects?, boolean?, HTMLElement | SVGElement?)in LabelDropInputModeStarts a drag and drop operation for a ILabel.
startDrag (HTMLElement | SVGElement, INode, DragDropEffects?, boolean?, HTMLElement | SVGElement?)in NodeDropInputModeStarts a drag and drop operation for a INode.
startDrag (HTMLElement | SVGElement, IPort, DragDropEffects?, boolean?, HTMLElement | SVGElement?)in PortDropInputModeStarts a drag and drop operation for a IPort.
startDrag (HTMLElement | SVGElement, IStripe, DragDropEffects?, boolean?, HTMLElement | SVGElement?)in StripeDropInputModeStarts a drag and drop operation for an IStripe.