documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of DragDropEffects


dragDropEffectin DropInputModeGets or sets the DragDropEffects that will be used for drags on the canvas.
dropEffectin DragEventArgsGets or sets the effects that the current handler can realize.
effectAllowedin DragEventArgsGets the allowed effects for the current drag operation as specified by the DragSource.
effectAllowedin DragSourceGets or sets the DragDropEffects that will be used for the automatic drag operation.

Method Return Values

from (DragDropEffects)in DragDropEffectsConverts the argument to DragDropEffects.

Method Parameters

DropInputMode (string, )in DropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the DropInputMode class for the expected data type.
DropInputMode (string, )in DropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the DropInputMode class for the expected data type.
ItemDropInputMode (string, )in ItemDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the ItemDropInputMode<T> class for the expected data type.
ItemDropInputMode (string, )in ItemDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the ItemDropInputMode<T> class for the expected data type.
LabelDropInputMode (string, )in LabelDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class DropInputMode for the expected data type.
LabelDropInputMode (string, )in LabelDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class DropInputMode for the expected data type.
LabelDropInputMode ()in LabelDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class LabelDropInputMode for the type ILabel.
startDrag (HTMLElement | SVGElement, ILabel, DragDropEffects?, boolean?, HTMLElement | SVGElement?)in LabelDropInputModeStarts a drag and drop operation for a ILabel.
NodeDropInputMode ()in NodeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the NodeDropInputMode class for INodes.
NodeDropInputMode (string, )in NodeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the NodeDropInputMode class for the expected data type.
NodeDropInputMode (string, )in NodeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the NodeDropInputMode class for the expected data type.
startDrag (HTMLElement | SVGElement, INode, DragDropEffects?, boolean?, HTMLElement | SVGElement?)in NodeDropInputModeStarts a drag and drop operation for a INode.
PortDropInputMode (string, )in PortDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class DropInputMode for the expected data type.
PortDropInputMode (string, )in PortDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class DropInputMode for the expected data type.
PortDropInputMode ()in PortDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class PortDropInputMode for the type IPort.
startDrag (HTMLElement | SVGElement, IPort, DragDropEffects?, boolean?, HTMLElement | SVGElement?)in PortDropInputModeStarts a drag and drop operation for a IPort.
StripeDropInputMode ()in StripeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the NodeDropInputMode class for INodes.
StripeDropInputMode (string, )in StripeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the StripeDropInputMode class for the expected data type.
StripeDropInputMode (string, )in StripeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the StripeDropInputMode class for the expected data type.
startDrag (HTMLElement | SVGElement, IStripe, DragDropEffects?, boolean?, HTMLElement | SVGElement?)in StripeDropInputModeStarts a drag and drop operation for an IStripe.
from (DragDropEffects)in DragDropEffectsConverts the argument to DragDropEffects.
startDrag (DragDropItem, DragDropEffects?, boolean?, HTMLElement | SVGElement?)in DragSourceInitiates a new drag operation using the provided drag data and effects.