documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of DashStyle


DASHin DashStyleGets the dash style with a single dash.
DASH_DOTin DashStyleGets the dash style with a single dash and dot.
DASH_DOT_DOTin DashStyleGets the dash style with a single dash and two dots.
DOTin DashStyleGets the dash style with a single dot.
SOLIDin DashStyleGets the solid dash style with no dashes.
dashStylein StrokeGets or sets the dash style for the Stroke.

Method Return Values

freeze ()in DashStyleFreezes and returns this instance.
from (DashStyle)in DashStyleCreates a DashStyle instance from the given dash-like object by performing automatic type conversion.

Method Parameters

from (DashStyle)in DashStyleCreates a DashStyle instance from the given dash-like object by performing automatic type conversion.
Stroke (Fill?, number?, )in StrokeInitializes a new instance of the Stroke class using the given fill and thickness.
Stroke (number, number, number, number?, number?, )in StrokeInitializes a new instance of the Stroke class using the given rgba values and thickness.