documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


cellIdsin PartitionGridDataGets or sets the mapping from nodes to PartitionCellId using the partition grid as context.

Method Return Values

from (ContextItemMapping<TItem,TValue,TContext>)in ContextItemMappingCreates a ContextItemMapping<TItem,TValue,TContext> instance from the given object by performing automatic type conversion.

Method Parameters

from (ContextItemMapping<TItem,TValue,TContext>)in ContextItemMappingCreates a ContextItemMapping<TItem,TValue,TContext> instance from the given object by performing automatic type conversion.
PartitionGridData ()in PartitionGridDataCreates a new instance of PartitionGridData which helps configuring PartitionGrid.

Extending Types

IncrementalHintItemMappingProvides different ways to define a mapping from model items to incremental hints for use with HierarchicLayoutData.