documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of Cluster


clustersin BiconnectedComponentClusteringResultGets a collection of all clusters in the graph.
nodeClustersin BiconnectedComponentClusteringResultGets a mapping from each node to its cluster.
clustersin EdgeBetweennessClusteringResultGets a collection of all clusters in the graph.
nodeClustersin EdgeBetweennessClusteringResultGets a mapping from each node to its cluster.
clustersin HierarchicalClusteringResultGets a collection of all clusters in the graph.
nodeClustersin HierarchicalClusteringResultGets a mapping from each node to its cluster.
clustersin KMeansClusteringResultGets a collection of all clusters in the graph.
nodeClustersin KMeansClusteringResultGets a mapping from each node to its cluster.
clustersin LabelPropagationClusteringResultGets a collection of all clusters in the graph.
nodeClustersin LabelPropagationClusteringResultGets a mapping from each node to its cluster.
clustersin LouvainModularityClusteringResultGets a collection of all clusters in the graph.
nodeClustersin LouvainModularityClusteringResultGets a mapping from each node to its cluster.

Method Parameters

getCentroid (Cluster)in KMeansClusteringResultGets the centroid of the cluster.