documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of ClickEventArgs

Method Parameters

onClicked (ClickEventArgs)in ClickInputModeCalled once this mode has recognized a click gesture.
onDoubleClicked (ClickEventArgs)in ClickInputModeCalled once this mode has recognized a double-click gesture.
onLeftClicked (ClickEventArgs)in ClickInputModeCalled once this mode has recognized a left click gesture.
onLeftDoubleClicked (ClickEventArgs)in ClickInputModeCalled once this mode has recognized a left double-click gesture.
onRightClicked (ClickEventArgs)in ClickInputModeCalled once this mode has recognized a right click gesture.
onRightDoubleClicked (ClickEventArgs)in ClickInputModeCalled once this mode has recognized a double-click gesture.
handleClick (ClickEventArgs)in ConstrainedHandleCalls the wrappedHandler's handleClick method.
doubleClick (IModelItem, ClickEventArgs)in GraphEditorInputModeActually performs a double-click on the given item.
click (IModelItem, ClickEventArgs)in GraphInputModeActually performs the click on the given item.
doubleClick (IModelItem, ClickEventArgs)in GraphInputModeActually performs a double-click on the given item.
onCanvasClicked (ClickEventArgs)in GraphInputModeRaises the CanvasClicked event.
handleClick (IInputModeContext, ClickEventArgs, IHandle)in HandleInputModeCalls handleClick of the handle with the evt.
onClicked (ClickEventArgs)in HandleInputModeTriggers the Clicked event.
create ()in IHandleCreates an implementation of the interface IHandle from the given definition.
handleClick (ClickEventArgs)in IHandleCalled to indicate that the handle has been clicked by the user.
handleClick (ClickEventArgs)in PortLocationModelParameterHandleIgnore clicking the handle.
handleClick (ClickEventArgs)in PortRelocationHandle
handleClick (ClickEventArgs)in RectangleHandleIgnore clicking the handle.
handleClick (ClickEventArgs)in ReshapeHandlerHandleIgnore clicks
click (TableHitTestResult, ClickEventArgs)in TableEditorInputModeActually performs the click on the given item.
doubleClick (TableHitTestResult, ClickEventArgs)in TableEditorInputModeActually performs a double-click on the given item.
onClickInputModeClicked (Object, ClickEventArgs)in TableEditorInputModeCalled once clickInputMode triggers the Clicked event.
onClickInputModeDoubleClicked (Object, ClickEventArgs)in TableEditorInputModeCalled once clickInputMode triggers the DoubleClicked event.