documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of Class


declaringTypein DpKeyBaseGets the type that declares this key.
keyTypein MapperMetadataThe type of element the associated mapper accepts as keys for the mapping.
valueTypein MapperMetadataThe type of element the associated mapper accepts as Values for the mapping.
markupExtensionConverterin GraphMLAttributeGets or sets a custom IMarkupExtensionConverter for attribute serialization.
singletonContainersin GraphMLAttributeTypes that should be searched for static field or property members of the annotated type.
valueSerializerin GraphMLAttributeGets or sets the type of the valueSerializer implementation.
targetTypein HandleDeserializationEventArgsGets the type of the resulting instance that is required by the requesting deserializer or null if the target type is not known in advance.
sourceTypein HandleSerializationEventArgsGets the type in the inheritance of the item that should be used for serialization.
deserializerTargetTypein MapperInputHandlerGets or sets the target deserialization type for the targetType property.
sourceTypein MapperOutputHandlerGets or sets the source type of the serialization.
ownerTypein PropertyGets the type of the owner.
typein PropertyGets the type of the property.
typein QueryNameEventArgsGets the type for which the XML name is queried.
resultin QueryTypeEventArgsGets or sets the result of the type query, which is null initially.
declaringTypein PropertyInfoGets the declaring type, i.e., the type where the member was declared.
propertyTypein PropertyInfoGets the type of the property.
typein TypeAttributeGets the type that this attribute references.

Method Return Values

getClassForName (IParseContext, XmlName)in IXamlNameMapperReturns a Class that matches the given fqTagName of an XML element.
forName (string)in ClassReturns the class object for the given name, or null if no such class exists.
getClass ()in YObjectReturns the type of this object.

Method Parameters

DpKeyBase (Class, Class, string)in DpKeyBaseInitializes a new instance of the DpKeyBase<TValue> class.
EdgeDpKey (Class, Class, string)in EdgeDpKeyInitializes a new instance of the EdgeDpKey<TValue> class.
GraphDpKey (Class, Class, string)in GraphDpKeyInitializes a new instance of the GraphDpKey<TValue> class.
GraphObjectDpKey (Class, Class, string)in GraphObjectDpKeyInitializes a new instance of the GraphObjectDpKey<TValue> class.
IEdgeLabelLayoutDpKey (Class, Class, string)in IEdgeLabelLayoutDpKeyInitializes a new instance of the IEdgeLabelLayoutDpKey<TValue> class.
ILabelLayoutDpKey (Class, Class, string)in ILabelLayoutDpKeyInitializes a new instance of the ILabelLayoutDpKey<TValue> class.
INodeLabelLayoutDpKey (Class, Class, string)in INodeLabelLayoutDpKeyInitializes a new instance of the INodeLabelLayoutDpKey<TValue> class.
NodeDpKey (Class, Class, string)in NodeDpKeyInitializes a new instance of the NodeDpKey<TValue> class.
ofType (Class)in IEnumerableConverts this untyped enumerable into an enumerable with the given type.
lookup (Class<T>)in BendAnchoredPortLocationModelThis implementation has nothing in its lookup and will always yield null
getDecoratorFor (Class, boolean?, boolean?)in BendDecoratorCreates a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> for IBends that can be used to decorate TInterface types of the bends.
lookup (Class<T>)in BezierEdgePathLabelModel
lookup (Class<T>)in BezierEdgeSegmentLabelModel
lookup (Class<T>)in CompositeLabelModel
innerLookup (Class)in DefaultGraphThe last element in the lookup chain is implemented by this method.
lookup (Class<T>)in DefaultGraphReturns an instance that provides another aspect of this instance of the given type or null.
lookup (Class<T>)in DescriptorWrapperLabelModel
getDecoratorFor (Class, boolean?, boolean?)in EdgeDecoratorCreates a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> for IEdges that can be used to decorate TInterface types of the edges.
lookup (Class<T>)in EdgePathLabelModel
lookup (Class<T>)in EdgePathPortLocationModel
lookup (Class<T>)in EdgeSegmentLabelModel
lookup (Class<T>)in ExteriorLabelModel
lookup (Class<T>)in FreeEdgeLabelModel
lookup (Class<T>)in FreeLabelModel
lookup (Class<T>)in FreeNodeLabelModelReturns this instance if an instance of ILabelModelParameterFinder is requested and null otherwise.
lookup (Class<T>)in FreeNodePortLocationModel
lookup (Class<T>)in FreePortLabelModelReturns this instance if an instance of ILabelModelParameterFinder is requested and null otherwise.
lookup (Class<T>)in GenericLabelModel
lookup (Class<T>)in GenericPortLocationModel
getCopy (Class, T)in GraphCopierTries to obtain a previously cached copy for the given original.
getOrCreateCopy (Class, T, function(T):T)in GraphCopierEither yields a previously cached copy for the given original or uses the copyDelegate to create the copy of the original.
lookup (Class<T>)in GraphWrapperBase
lookup (Class<T>)in GroupNodeLabelModel
contextLookup (Object, Class)in IContextLookupTries to create or retrieve an implementation of the given type for a given item.
create (function(any, Class):any)in IContextLookupCreates an implementation of the interface IContextLookup by using the given function as implementation for its contextLookup method.
addingLookupChainLink (Class, Object)in IContextLookupChainLinkFactory method for a lookup chain element that simply adds an entry to a lookup chain.
createContextLookupChainLink (function(Object, Class):Object)in IContextLookupChainLinkCreates a lookup chain link that is backed by the given callback.
factoryLookupChainLink (Class, Class, function(TContext):TResult)in IContextLookupChainLinkFactory method for a lookup chain element that uses a function of type function(TContext) to yield a TResult for a specific TContext.
hidingLookupChainLink (Class)in IContextLookupChainLinkFactory method for a lookup chain element that removes the entry from the lookup chain for a given type.
create (function(Class):any)in ILookupCreates an implementation of the interface ILookup by using the given function as implementation for its lookup method.
createMapLookup (HashMap<Class,Object>)in ILookupCreates a mutable ILookup implementation that is backed by an IMap<TKey,TValue>.
createSingleLookup (Object, Class)in ILookupCreates a ILookup implementation that yields subject if type is queried.
lookup (Class<T>)in ILookupReturns an instance that implements the given type or null.
add (Class, Class, function(TContext):TResult, boolean?)in ILookupDecoratorAdds a lookup implementation for a given type using a func.
add (Class, Class, function(TContext, TResult):TResult, boolean?)in ILookupDecoratorAdds a lookup implementation for a given type using a function of type function(TContext, TResult).
addConstant (Class, Class, TResult)in ILookupDecoratorAdd a lookup implementation for a given type that always yields a constant result.
addLookup (Class, IContextLookupChainLink)in ILookupDecoratorAdds a lookup chain element to the chain of lookups for a given type.
canDecorate (Class)in ILookupDecoratorDetermines whether this instance can be used to decorate the lookup for a certain type.
removeLookup (Class, IContextLookupChainLink)in ILookupDecoratorRemoves a previously registered lookup chain element from the chain of lookups for a given type.
addMapper (Class, Class, Object, IMapper<K,V>)in IMapperRegistryRegisters a mapper for the given tag.
createConstantMapper (Class, Class, Object, V)in IMapperRegistryCreates a read-only IMapper<K,V> implementation and adds it to the registry using the provided tag.
createDelegateMapper (Class, Class, Object, function(K):V)in IMapperRegistryCreates a delegate-based read-only IMapper<K,V> implementation and adds it to the registry using the provided tag.
createMapper (Class, Class, Object)in IMapperRegistryCreates and adds a new Mapper<K,V> to the registry using the provided tag.
lookup (Class<T>)in InsideOutsidePortLabelModel
lookup (Class<T>)in InteriorLabelModel
lookup (Class<T>)in InteriorStretchLabelModel
getDecoratorFor (Class, boolean?, boolean?)in LabelDecoratorCreates a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> for ILabels that can be used to decorate TInterface types of the labels.
add (Class, Class, function(TContext):TResult, boolean?)in LookupChainA convenience method that adds a IContextLookupChainLink to the given chain that is based on a function of type function(TContext).
add (Class, Class, function(TContext, TResult):TResult, boolean?)in LookupChainA convenience method that adds a IContextLookupChainLink to the given chain that is based on a function of type function(TContext, TResult).
addConstant (Class, TResult)in LookupChainAdds a lookup implementation that always yields a constant result to the chain.
contextLookup (Object, Class)in LookupChainPerforms the actual lookup operation.
LookupDecorator (Class, Class, ILookupDecorator, boolean, boolean)in LookupDecoratorInitializes a new instance of the LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> class.
MapperMetadata (Class, Class)in MapperMetadataInitializes a new instance of the MapperMetadata class.
create (Class, Class, IMapper<TKey,TValue>)in MapperMetadataCreates an instance for the specified mapper.
addMapper (Class, Class, Object, IMapper<K,V>)in MapperRegistry
lookup (Class<T>)in NinePositionsEdgeLabelModel
getDecoratorFor (Class, boolean?, boolean?)in NodeDecoratorCreates a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> for INodes that can be used to decorate TInterface types of the nodes.
lookup (Class<T>)in NodeLabelModelStripeLabelModelAdapter
getDecoratorFor (Class, boolean?, boolean?)in PortDecoratorCreates a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> for IPorts that can be used to decorate TInterface types of the ports.
lookup (Class<T>)in SandwichLabelModel
lookup (Class<T>)in SegmentRatioPortLocationModel
lookup (Class<T>)in SimpleBend
lookup (Class<T>)in SimpleEdge
lookup (Class<T>)in SimpleLabel
lookup (Class<T>)in SimpleNode
lookup (Class<T>)in SimplePort
lookup (Class<T>)in SmartEdgeLabelModel
lookup (Class<T>)in StretchStripeLabelModel
StripeDecorator (Class, ILookupDecorator)in StripeDecoratorInitializes a new instance of the StripeDecorator<T> class.
getDecoratorFor (Class, boolean?, boolean?)in StripeDecoratorCreates a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> for TStripes that can be used to decorate TInterface types of the labels.
getDecoratorFor (Class, boolean?, boolean?)in StripeLabelDecoratorCreates a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> for ILabels that can be used to decorate TInterface types of the labels.
lookup (Class<T>)in StripeLabelModel
lookup (Class<T>)in Table
deserializeCore (Class, IParseContext, Node)in ChildParseContext
getCurrent (Class)in ChildParseContext
lookup (Class<T>)in ChildParseContext
removeLookup (Class)in ChildParseContextRemoves a local lookup override that has been added using setLookup
setLookup (Class, T)in ChildParseContextAdds another lookup result to the local lookup override.
getCurrent (Class)in ChildWriteContext
lookup (Class<T>)in ChildWriteContext
removeLookup (Class)in ChildWriteContextRemoves a local lookup override that has been added using setLookup
serializeCore (Class, IWriteContext, T)in ChildWriteContext
setLookup (Class, T)in ChildWriteContextAdds another lookup result to the local lookup override.
addGraphInputData (Class, string, function(IGraph, TValue):void, function(Object, HandleDeserializationEventArgs):void?, string?)in GraphMLIOHandlerRegister graphData as an input data target for GraphML data that is present at the graph level.
addGraphInputData (Class, function(Element):boolean, function(IGraph, TValue):void, function(Object, HandleDeserializationEventArgs):void?)in GraphMLIOHandlerRegister graphData as an input data target for GraphML data that is present at the graph level.
addGraphOutputData (Class, string, TValue, function(Object, HandleSerializationEventArgs):void?, KeyType?, string?)in GraphMLIOHandlerRegister graphData as an output data source for data that is written at the graph level.
addGraphOutputData (Class, string, function(IGraph):TValue, function(Object, HandleSerializationEventArgs):void?, KeyType?, string?)in GraphMLIOHandlerRegister graphData as an output data source for data that is written at the graph level.
addInputMapper (Class, Class, string, IMapper<TKey,TData>)in GraphMLIOHandlerRegister a IMapper<K,V> instance for use as an input data target.
addInputMapper (Class, Class, function(Element):boolean, IMapper<TKey,TData>, function(Object, HandleDeserializationEventArgs):void)in GraphMLIOHandlerRegister a IMapper<K,V> instance for use as an input data target.
addInputMapperFuture (Class, Class, string)in GraphMLIOHandlerCreate a Future<T> instance that wraps an IMapper<K,V> for use as an input data target.
addInputMapperFuture (Class, Class, function(Element):boolean, function(Object, HandleDeserializationEventArgs):void)in GraphMLIOHandlerCreate a Future<T> instance that wraps an IMapper<K,V> for use as an input data target.
addOutputMapper (Class, Class, string, IMapper<TModelItem,TValue>)in GraphMLIOHandlerRegister a IMapper<K,V> instance for use as an output data source
addOutputMapper (Class, Class, string, string, IMapper<TModelItem,TValue>, function(Object, HandleSerializationEventArgs):void, KeyType)in GraphMLIOHandlerRegister a IMapper<K,V> instance for use as an output data source.
addRegistryInputMapper (Class, Class, string)in GraphMLIOHandlerCreate a Future<T> instance that wraps an IInputHandler that stores the data in an IMapper<K,V> that will be created in the graph's IMapperRegistry.
addRegistryInputMapper (Class, Class, Object, function(Element):boolean, function(Object, HandleDeserializationEventArgs):void)in GraphMLIOHandlerCreate a Future<T> instance that wraps an IInputHandler that stores the data in an IMapper<K,V> that will be created in the graph's IMapperRegistry.
addRegistryOutputMapper (Class, Class, string, Object)in GraphMLIOHandlerUse a registered IMapper<K,V> instance as source for the given GraphML attribute.
addRegistryOutputMapper (Class, Class, string, string, Object, function(Object, HandleSerializationEventArgs):void, KeyType)in GraphMLIOHandlerUse a registered IMapper<K,V> instance as source for the given GraphML attribute.
addXamlNamespaceMapping (string, string, Class)in GraphMLIOHandlerAdd a namespace mapping between a fully qualified XML name (consisting of xmlNamespace and tagName) and a type.
createMapper (Class, Class, IParseContext, Object)in GraphMLIOHandlerCalled by addRegistryInputMapper and its overloads to creates the mapper instance.
createMapperInputHandler (Class, Class, IMapper<TKey,TData>, function(Object, HandleDeserializationEventArgs):void)in GraphMLIOHandlerCreates an IInputHandler implementations that matches the provided TKey and TData.
createMapperOutputHandler (Class, Class, string, IMapper<TKey,TData>, function(Object, HandleSerializationEventArgs):void)in GraphMLIOHandlerCreates an IOutputHandler implementation that matches the provided TKey and TData.
getValueSerializerFor (Class)in GraphMLParseValueSerializerContext
lookup (Class)in GraphMLParseValueSerializerContextReturns the wrapped IParseContext for this serviceType, otherwise null
deserialize (Class, IParseContext, Node)in GraphMLParserDeserialize the content of element.
lookup (Class)in GraphMLParserDynamically retrieve an instance of type.
removeLookup (Class)in GraphMLParserRemove an implementation of T that has been set with setLookup.
setLookup (Class, T)in GraphMLParserRegister an implementation of T for use with lookup.
getValueSerializerFor (Class)in GraphMLWriteValueSerializerContext
lookup (Class)in GraphMLWriteValueSerializerContextReturns the wrapped IWriteContext for this serviceType, otherwise null
lookup (Class)in GraphMLWriterDynamically retrieve an instance of type.
removeLookup (Class)in GraphMLWriterRemove an implementation of T that has been set with setLookup.
serialize (Class, IWriteContext, T)in GraphMLWriterSerialize item.
setLookup (Class, T)in GraphMLWriterRegister an implementation of T for use with lookup.
HandleDeserializationEventArgs (IParseContext, Node, Class)in HandleDeserializationEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the HandleDeserializationEventArgs class.
HandleSerializationEventArgs (IWriteContext, Object, Class?)in HandleSerializationEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the HandleSerializationEventArgs class using the provided context to write the item using the given type for serialization.
replaceItem (Object, Class)in HandleSerializationEventArgsReplaces the item using a substitute for serialization.
create (function(Class, Class, QueryInputHandlersEventArgs):IInputHandler)in IGenericInputHandlerFactoryCreates an implementation of the interface IGenericInputHandlerFactory by using the given function as implementation for its createInputHandler method.
createInputHandler (Class, Class, QueryInputHandlersEventArgs)in IGenericInputHandlerFactoryCreate an IInputHandler instance based on the given evt.
deserialize (Class, Node)in IParseContextDeserialize the object representation in targetNode.
deserializeCore (Class, IParseContext, Node)in IParseContextDeserialize the object representation in targetNode
getCurrent (Class)in IParseContextReturns the most current (the last element) within the container hierarchy as it is returned by objectStack or default(T) if the most current element is not of the desired target type.
getValueSerializerFor (Class)in IValueSerializerContextGets the value serializer for a specific type.
getCurrent (Class)in IWriteContextReturns the most current (the last element) within the container hierarchy as it is returned by objectStack or default(T) if the most current element is not of the desired target type.
serialize (Class, T)in IWriteContextSerialize the item.
serialize (Object, Class)in IWriteContextSerializes the specified item using the provided type information.
serializeCore (Class, IWriteContext, T)in IWriteContextSerialize item to an XML representation.
serializeReplacement (Class, Object, T)in IWriteContextSerialize an replacement object replacement instead of the original originalItem.
getNameForClass (IWriteContext, Class)in IXamlNameMapperReturns the XML tag name that belongs to type type
InputHandlerBase (Class, Class)in InputHandlerBaseInitializes a new instance of the InputHandlerBase<TKey,TData> class.
InputHandlerBase (Class, Class, ParsePrecedence)in InputHandlerBaseInitializes a new instance of the InputHandlerBase<TKey,TData> class.
MapperInputHandler (Class, Class)in MapperInputHandlerInitializes a new instance of the MapperInputHandler<TKey,TData> class that uses the IParseContext for deserialization.
MapperInputHandler (Class, Class, function(Object, HandleDeserializationEventArgs):void, Class?)in MapperInputHandlerInitializes a new instance of the MapperInputHandler<TKey,TData> class that uses the event handler for deserialization and suggests the provided target type for the deserializer.
MapperOutputHandler (Class, Class, KeyScope, string, KeyType)in MapperOutputHandlerInitializes a new instance of the MapperOutputHandler<TKey,TData> class using the provided key scope, the name, and the key type.
OutputHandlerBase (Class, Class, KeyScope, string, KeyType)in OutputHandlerBaseInitializes a new instance of the OutputHandlerBase<TKey,TData> class using the provided scope, name, and type for the key definition.
QueryNameEventArgs (IWriteContext, Class)in QueryNameEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the QueryNameEventArgs class.
getSerializerFor (Class, IValueSerializerContext)in ValueSerializerGets the ValueSerializer implementation for the given type.
childInputModeContextLookup (Class)in GraphEditorInputMode
childInputModeContextLookup (Class)in GraphInputMode
createInputModeContext (IInputMode, function(Object, Class):Object)in IInputModeContextFactory method that creates an IInputModeContext that uses the provided parent mode and lookup decoration.
createInputModeContext (IInputMode, IInputModeContext, function(Object, Class):Object)in IInputModeContextFactory method that creates an IInputModeContext that uses the provided parent mode, parent context, and lookup decoration.
childInputModeContextLookup (Class)in MultiplexingInputModeCalled by the child context's lookup method.
childInputModeContextLookup (Class)in TableEditorInputMode
getName (Class, number)in EnumReturns the name of an enum constant.
getValueNames (Class)in EnumReturns a list of all names.
getValues (Class)in EnumReturns a list of all numeric values.
parse (Class, string, boolean?)in EnumReturns the numeric value of the enum constant with the given name.
TypeAttribute (Class)in TypeAttributeInitializes a new instance of the TypeAttribute class.
DataMapAdapter (Class, Class, IMapper<K,V>)in DataMapAdapterInitializes a new instance of the DataMapAdapter<K,V> class.
DataProviderAdapter (Class, IMapper<TKey,TValue>)in MapperDataProviderAdapterCreates a new instance that adapts the provided mapper instance.
ItemCollectionMapping (Class, Class)in ItemCollectionMappingCreates a new instance of ItemCollectionMapping<TItem,TValue>.
addDataProvider (Class, Class, Object, IMapper<K,V>)in LayoutGraphAdapterRegisters a data provider with the graph using the given look-up key and wrapping the given mapper.
createDataMap (Class, Class, IMapper<K,V>)in YGraphAdapterCreates an IDataMap that delegates to the provided IMapper<K,V> when queried for items in the yGraph.
createDataProvider (Class, Class, IMapper<K,V>)in YGraphAdapterCreates an IDataProvider that delegates to the provided IMapper<K,V> when queried for items in the yGraph.
createDataProvider (Class, Class, function(K):V)in YGraphAdapterCreates an IDataProvider that delegates to the provided delegate when queried for items in the yGraph.
lookup (Class<T>)in ArcEdgeStyleRenderer
lookup (Class<T>)in ArrowNodeStyleRendererImplements the ILookup interface.
lookup (Class<T>)in BevelNodeStyleRenderer
lookup (Class<T>)in BezierEdgeStyleRenderer
lookup (Class<T>)in BridgeEdgeStyleRenderer
lookup (Class<T>)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRenderer
lookup (Class<T>)in DefaultLabelStyleRendererImplements the ILookup interface.
lookup (IEdge, Class)in EdgeStyleBasePerforms the lookup operation for the getContext that has been queried from the renderer.
lookup (Class<T>)in GeneralPathNodeStyleRendererImplements the ILookup interface.
lookup (Class<T>)in GroupNodeStyleRendererImplements the ILookup interface.
lookup (Class<T>)in IconLabelStyleRendererImplements the ILookup interface.
lookup (Class<T>)in ImageNodeStyleRendererImplements the ILookup interface.
lookup (ILabel, Class)in LabelStyleBasePerforms the lookup operation for the getContext that has been queried from the renderer.
lookup (INode, Class)in NodeStyleBasePerforms the lookup operation for the getContext that has been queried from the renderer.
lookup (Class<T>)in PanelNodeStyleRenderer
PathBasedEdgeStyleRenderer (Class)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererCreates a new instance of PathBasedEdgeStyleRenderer<TStyle>.
lookup (Class<T>)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRenderer
lookup (Class<T>)in PolylineEdgeStyleRenderer
lookup (IPort, Class)in PortStyleBasePerforms the lookup operation for the getContext that has been queried from the renderer.
lookup (Class<T>)in RectangleNodeStyleRendererImplements the ILookup interface.
lookup (Class<T>)in ShapeNodeStyleRendererImplements the ILookup interface.
lookup (Class<T>)in ShinyPlateNodeStyleRenderer
lookup (IStripe, Class)in StripeStyleBasePerforms the lookup operation for the getContext that has been queried from the renderer.
lookup (Class<T>)in TableNodeStyleRenderer
lookup (Class<T>)in TemplateLabelStyleRendererDelegates to the contextLookup of the ILabelStyle.
lookupContext (TemplateLabelStyleBase, ILabel, Class)in TemplateLabelStyleRendererDelegates to the TemplateLabelStyleBase's contextLookup.
lookup (Class<T>)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererImplementation of the lookup method.
lookup (Class<T>)in TemplatePortStyleRendererImplements the ILookup interface.
lookupContext (TemplatePortStyleBase, IPort, Class)in TemplatePortStyleRendererDelegates to the TemplatePortStyleBase's contextLookup.
lookup (Class<T>)in TemplateStripeStyleRendererImplementation of the lookup method.
inputModeContextLookup (Class)in CanvasComponentUsed by the default implementation of inputModeContext to resolve lookup calls.
lookup (Class<T>)in CanvasComponent
CollectionModelManager (Class, IObservableCollection<T>)in CollectionModelManagerCreates a new instance using the given model.
CollectionModelManager (Class)in CollectionModelManagerCreates a new instance.
createHitTester (Class)in GraphModelManagerGets a IHitTester<T> that can be used to enumerate hits on the canvas at a given world coordinate position.
typedHitElementsAt (Class, Point)in GraphModelManagerEnumerates hits on the canvas at a given world coordinate position.
typedHitElementsAt (Class, IInputModeContext, Point, ICanvasObjectGroup)in GraphModelManagerEnumerates hits on the canvas at a given world coordinate position in a given context.
ItemModelManager (Class)in ItemModelManagerCreates a new instance of ItemModelManager<T>.
createHitTester (Class)in WebGL2GraphModelManager
typedHitElementsAt (Class, IInputModeContext, Point, ICanvasObjectGroup)in WebGL2GraphModelManager