documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of ChildPlacement


childPlacementin DefaultNodePlacerGets or sets the direction in which the child nodes are placed with respect to their parent node.

Method Return Values

from (ChildPlacement)in ChildPlacementConverts the argument to ChildPlacement.

Method Parameters

from (ChildPlacement)in ChildPlacementConverts the argument to ChildPlacement.
DefaultNodePlacer ()in DefaultNodePlacerCreates a new DefaultNodePlacer instance with default settings.
DefaultNodePlacer (ChildPlacement, number, number)in DefaultNodePlacerCreates a new DefaultNodePlacer instance with customized child placement, vertical and horizontal distance.
DefaultNodePlacer (ChildPlacement, RootAlignment, number, number)in DefaultNodePlacerCreates a new DefaultNodePlacer instance with customized child placement, root alignment, vertical and horizontal distance.
DefaultNodePlacer (ChildPlacement, RootAlignment, TreeLayoutEdgeRoutingStyle, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?)in DefaultNodePlacerCreates a new DefaultNodePlacer instance with custom settings.