documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of CanvasComponent


canvasComponentin OverviewInputModeGets or sets the canvas this canvas should use to navigate.
canvasComponentin ITemplateStyleBindingContextGets or sets the CanvasComponent instance this instance is used in.
canvasComponentin AnimatorGets the control the animations are run on.
canvasComponentin BridgeManagerGets or sets the canvasComponent that should be managed by this instance.
canvasComponentin GraphModelManagerGets the currently installed in CanvasComponent.
canvasComponentin ICanvasContextGets the Canvas that is associated with this context.
canvasComponentin ModelManagerGets the canvas instance this instance is managing.

Method Return Values

getComponent (Element)in CanvasComponentGets the CanvasComponent instance that is associated with the given element, or null.

Method Parameters

findStripe (Point, StripeTypes, StripeSubregionTypes, CanvasComponent, function(StripeSubregion):boolean?)in ITableFinds a stripe underneath a certain point.
findStripes (Point, StripeTypes, StripeSubregionTypes, CanvasComponent, function(StripeSubregion):boolean?)in ITableUsed as a callback to find the items underneath a certain point.
createInputModeContext (CanvasComponent, IInputMode?, ILookup?)in IInputModeContextFactory method that creates an IInputModeContext that uses the provided values.
OverviewInputMode ()in OverviewInputModeCreates a new instance.
unhideOriginalEdge (IEdge, CanvasComponent)in PortRelocationHandleUnhides the original edge that was hidden during the drag operation.
createSnapResultsModelManager (CanvasComponent)in SnapContextHelper method that creates the a CollectionModelManager<T> that can be used to present the current SnapResults in the provided CanvasComponent.
Animator (CanvasComponent, )in AnimatorInitializes a new instance of the Animator class for the given CanvasComponent.
invalidateComponent (CanvasComponent)in AnimatorInvalidates the control if autoInvalidation is set to true.
BridgeManager ()in BridgeManagerInitializes a new instance of the BridgeManager class.
install (CanvasComponent)in BridgeManagerInstalls this manager for the specified canvasComponent.
uninstall (CanvasComponent)in BridgeManagerReverts the install method.
getBendDrawing (CanvasComponent, IEdge)in EdgeDecorationInstallerRetrieves the drawing of the bend for the context.
getStroke (CanvasComponent, IEdge)in EdgeDecorationInstallerRetrieves the Stroke for the context.
getBendDrawing (CanvasComponent, IEdge)in EdgeFocusIndicatorInstallerRetrieves the drawing of the bend for the context.
getStroke (CanvasComponent, IEdge)in EdgeFocusIndicatorInstallerRetrieves the Stroke for the context.
getBendDrawing (CanvasComponent, IEdge)in EdgeHighlightIndicatorInstallerRetrieves the drawing of the bend for the context.
getStroke (CanvasComponent, IEdge)in EdgeHighlightIndicatorInstallerRetrieves the Stroke for the context.
getBendDrawing (CanvasComponent, IEdge)in EdgeSelectionIndicatorInstallerRetrieves the drawing of the bend for the context.
getStroke (CanvasComponent, IEdge)in EdgeSelectionIndicatorInstallerRetrieves the Stroke for the context.
GraphFocusIndicatorManager ()in GraphFocusIndicatorManagerCreates a new instance.
GraphHighlightIndicatorManager ()in GraphHighlightIndicatorManagerCreates a new instance.
install (CanvasComponent)in GraphHighlightIndicatorManager
uninstall (CanvasComponent)in GraphHighlightIndicatorManager
GraphModelManager (CanvasComponent?, ICanvasObjectGroup?)in GraphModelManagerCreates a new manager instance.
install (CanvasComponent, IGraph)in GraphModelManagerInstalls this manager for the specified CanvasComponent.
uninstall (CanvasComponent)in GraphModelManagerReverts the install method.
GraphSelectionIndicatorManager ()in GraphSelectionIndicatorManagerCreates a new instance that for all selected items in the model dynamically installs a selection indicator visualization.
install (CanvasComponent)in HighlightIndicatorManager
uninstall (CanvasComponent)in HighlightIndicatorManager
createCanvasContext (CanvasComponent, number?, number?)in ICanvasContextProvides a default immutable ICanvasContext with the given values.
install (CanvasComponent)in ModelManagerInstalls this instance in the given CanvasComponent instance.
uninstall (CanvasComponent)in ModelManagerUninstalls this instance from the given CanvasComponent instance.
cleanUpDefs (CanvasComponent)in SvgDefsManagerTriggers the clean up for svg defs on the provided control.
createRenderContext (CanvasComponent)in SvgExportReturns an initialized IRenderContext and changes the given transform and the clip bounds such that a part of the given CanvasComponent instance can be exported to an image.
exportSvg (CanvasComponent)in SvgExportExports the contents of the CanvasComponent to a single, standalone SVG element.
exportSvgAsync (CanvasComponent)in SvgExportExports the contents of the CanvasComponent to a single, standalone SVG element.
ViewportAnimation (CanvasComponent, Rect, TimeSpan?, )in ViewportAnimationCreates a new instance of ViewportAnimation.
getCurrentBounds (CanvasComponent, Rect)in ViewportLimiterGets the to bounds that should be honored for the upcoming call.
limitViewport (CanvasComponent, Rect, boolean?)in ViewportLimiterInspects the desired or suggested new viewport for the given control and returns a valid viewport to use.
install (CanvasComponent)in WebGL2FocusIndicatorManager
uninstall (CanvasComponent)in WebGL2FocusIndicatorManager
install (CanvasComponent, IGraph)in WebGL2GraphModelManager
uninstall (CanvasComponent)in WebGL2GraphModelManager
install (CanvasComponent)in WebGL2HighlightIndicatorManager
uninstall (CanvasComponent)in WebGL2HighlightIndicatorManager
install (CanvasComponent)in WebGL2SelectionIndicatorManager
uninstall (CanvasComponent)in WebGL2SelectionIndicatorManager

Extending Types

GraphComponentA component for displaying and editing an IGraph.
GraphOverviewComponentA specialized CanvasComponent that shows an overview of an IGraph contained in another graphComponent.