documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of BorderLine


areaOutlinein ClearAreaLayoutGets or sets the outline describing the shape of the area that must be cleared.

Method Return Values

createCopy (boolean, boolean)in BorderLineCreates a copy of this borderline.
createMax (BorderLine)in BorderLineMerges this borderline with the given borderline using the "maximum" policy.
createMin (BorderLine)in BorderLineMerges this borderline with the given borderline using the "minimum" policy.
createBorderLine (number, INodeLayout)in INodeDataCreates, stores and returns a BorderLine for the given side or returns the current BorderLine instance if it already exists.
getNormalizedBorderLine (number)in INodeDataReturns a BorderLine for the given side which is treated as if the position of the node is at (0,0).
createAreaOutline (LayoutGraph, YNodeList, EdgeList)in ClearAreaLayoutCreates the outline that describes the shape of the given nodes and edges.
getBorderLine (number)in SubtreeShapeReturns the BorderLine instance that describes the SubtreeShape at the given side.

Method Parameters

adoptValues (BorderLine)in BorderLineConvenience method that copies the actual data from the given argument to this instance.
createMax (BorderLine)in BorderLineMerges this borderline with the given borderline using the "maximum" policy.
createMin (BorderLine)in BorderLineMerges this borderline with the given borderline using the "minimum" policy.
getDistanceTo (BorderLine)in BorderLineCalculates the minimal distance between this borderline and the other one.
mergeWithMax (BorderLine)in BorderLineMerges this borderline with the given borderline using the "maximum" policy.
mergeWithMin (BorderLine)in BorderLineMerges this borderline with the given borderline using the "minimum" policy.
ClearAreaLayout ()in ClearAreaLayoutCreates a new instance of ClearAreaLayout with default settings.